Showing posts with label Lorraine Carey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lorraine Carey. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Monday, February 17, 2025

Campfire Stories 7 #OurAuthorGang

 A campfire story by Lorraine Carey

Bound by the Board

Amelia Petrillo’s twenty-first birthday was supposed to be a cozy night with her best friends—Mia, Emily, and Grace—celebrating over homemade pizza and decadent chocolate cake. But as they gathered around the backyard firepit, the flames crackling against the cold March air, an unease settled between them.

The night felt… off.

After Amelia’s father left for his night shift, the girls swapped eerie tales, their breath misting in the cold. Linda, Amelia’s mother, joined them, as she had joined in on numerous celebratory occasions with her daughter’s friends.

“Amelia, tell that story,” Mia prodded. “You know the one.”

Amelia hesitated, then smirked. “Oh, you mean the Ouija night?” She cast a glance at her mother, whose lips tightened, displaying her disapproval. “It was two days before Halloween, remember? We sat in my kitchen, fingers on the planchette—”

“It moved on its own!” Emily interrupted, eyes wide.

Grace whispered, “It spelled out John.”

“And he said he was dead,” Amelia finished. “He said he died in a car crash. Hit a tree.”

The fire popped, sending a swirl of embers skyward. Linda’s knuckles whitened around her coffee mug. She vividly recalled that night when she was a part of that Quiji session, herself being no stranger to using divination tools. A breeze slithered through the trees, carrying whispers. Just the wind, Linda told herself.

Mia’s voice wavered. “The candles flickered wildly, like something… breathed on them.”

“I thought they were cool. Your mother lit them to add to the ambiance,” Emily said.

“Yes, we had made contact,” Grace murmured.

“And then it started to use cuss words,” Emily added, pulling her sweater tighter around her.

Linda set down her mug. “That’s why I burned and buried that board.” Her voice was tight, urgent. “That thing was evil. Do you know where I buried it? No grass has ever grown there. Not once.” She pointed to the bare patch of dirt in the yard, blackened even under moonlight.

Amelia shivered. “I know you did what you thought was right, Mom, but I wish we had asked more questions.”

Linda’s eyes darkened. “You shouldn’t wish for that. You never know who or what you are summoning.”

The subject changed to gifts, but tension lingered like unseen hands pressing on their shoulders.

Cheers were heard as Amelia pulled out a sparkling pair of faux emerald earrings from Grace.

Emily’s white sweater with pearl buttons also won praise as Amelia held it up against herself, and everyone commented on how beautiful she’d look in it.

As Amelia unwrapped Mia’s gift, the fire seemed to hush itself. The crackling dulled. Shadows deepened.

She lifted the lid of the large white box.

A new Ouija board!

Linda’s breath hitched. “Not in this house.”

“I thought… maybe we should finish what we started,” Mia whispered “I mean, maybe what happened that night was just a fluke?”

Linda’s gaze was sharp. “A fluke? I think not! Too many people end up having bad luck or even possessions after fooling around innocently with these things. Those boards are not to be messed with. ”

The party dwindled. The fire dimmed. Linda knew what she had to do—she would destroy the board in the morning.

The night air grew colder, and the girls knew it was time to leave.

But at 2 a.m., Amelia sat awake. The board had beckoned her.

She crept downstairs, heart pounding,  as she sat at the kitchen table staring at the board.

Her fingers shook as they rested on the planchette. Just one question, she thought-just one.

“Who am I speaking to?”

The planchette jerked.


Amelia’s blood ran cold.

“You again! What do you want?”

The planchette dragged her fingers.


A sharp inhale. “Is David here?”

D-A-V-I-D. J-O-H-N.

Two of them?

She couldn’t believe she had contacted two spirits.

Her fingers tingled. The board hummed beneath her touch.

“Who are you, David? What do you want?”

The planchette raced across the board:

Need to be with my friend. I forgive him. John still blames himself. It wasn’t his fault.

The air thickened, heavy as drowning.

“Where did this happen?”

O-L-D O-A-K. N-E-L-S-O-N-S M-A-R-K-E-T.

Amelia’s heart stopped. She knew that tree; she knew that market. She’d shopped there with her mother when she was a little girl. The old market had been closed for years now, but the huge tree was still there. She knew what she needed to do.

Shaking, she grabbed a trowel, dug up the old burnt board, and drove into the darkness of the night with both boards set on the passenger side of the car.

At the gnarled oak, she buried both boards beneath its roots. A sudden wind kicked up stirring the leaves.

And in the hush of the night—

She heard a faint whisper.

“Thank you.”

Lorraine Carey

Lorraine Carey is a reading specialist and an Award-Winning Author. She was living in California until fate whisked her off to Grand Cayman. She currently lives in Florida. Her love for paranormal stories began at a young age, and is no stranger to the paranormal, having encountered unexplainable events that are woven into her stories.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Got That Special Formula for Writing Magic?

Beg, borrow, steal, or create your own?

Any way you look at it, it’s a tough decision if your use magic in your writing. As writers, we do our research searching for that perfect incantation, spell or ritual to use in our story, but one size does not fit all. With that we need to think which is the best kind of magic for our characters, and is this a good fit?

Magic is unique to the creator and usually is specifically designed to work for that person with which their intention has been set for such purpose. So why not make it unique to your character?Now grant you, ancient spells have been published, along with numerous books on spells from healing simple ailments to love spells. Many of these are hundreds of years old and still being used by many. New spell books have emerged with the ever-growing Wiccan popularity.

As writers, we are indeed creators of our own fictional world and so many are opting to use a hybrid form of traditional magic or create their own. You hold the power, so why not come up with your own form?

I have a few friends who are Wiccan and traditional Witches and have been told to be careful when altering or borrowing a spell for a story. The best practices are to write it in the fictional sense— or if you do borrow a real spell, change the wording so that you are not intentionally practicing real magic if you have not had a background in this area. 

Let’s face it—magic is magic and can be unpredictable. I can tell you that I learned this the hard way—I will save that for another post. (You’ve been warned).

As for my writing, I have incorporated goddess magic, high Egyptian and Greek priestess magic, Italian Strega magic and a bit of old witchcraft. 

I have borrowed from old texts, various forms of research and modified old ones. I’ve found that the best forms of magic and spells are the ones I create. I thought it would be difficult at first, but it actually has turned out to be fun! Just imagine the possibilities!

So get that pen or athame ready and have fun with it, but make sure to practice safe magic.

Here is a link to 8 rules for safe spell casting~

Check out Lorraine's magical stories on AMAZON
Book 1 & 2 are available and book 3 of the trilogy is coming soon

Saturday, March 9, 2019

In The Spotlight

Today Lorraine Carey is in the spotlight
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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Last Vestal Virgin by Lorraine Carey

The Last Vestal Virgin~ Lorraine Carey

Alicia Keys sings, ‘This Girl is on Fire’, and I can honestly say that Christina Ciccone, my lead character in The Last Vestal Virgin is on fire—and literally!
I got a chance to visit Rome a few years ago and was so taken with the Temple of the Vestal Virgins and their history. I had to learn more and was intrigued enough to write this story when I returned home.
Imagine you are a normal teenage girl and all of a sudden you begin to see and feel things that are not of this world. Visions of an ancient goddess appear telling you that you belong to the ancient cult of the Roman Vestal Virgins that formed back in 717 BC by King Numa Pompilius.
Young Miss Ciccone is troubled and her family and doctors shrug it off as just teenage angst and nerves. Seems her friends also sense something is amiss when they witness strange things happening around their friend.
The Vestal Virgins were chosen to keep the sacred fire burning in the temple, which many believed kept Rome safe.  They were said to possess magical powers as well and worshiped the goddess Vesta. Their duties were to tend to the fire and keep wills and testaments of higher dignitaries safe—including that of Caesar and Mark Antony. They also prepared food for rituals and cared for sacred objects in the temple sanctuary.

Once a girl was chosen to be a Vestal, she would be led away from her parents at the tender age of 6 to 10 years old. It was an honor and one she’d keep for thirty years.
The vestals were ordered to be disbanded in 394, by the Christian emperor, Theodosius. The last Vestal Virgin was said to be Coelia Concordia and the fire was extinguished forever.
Christina Ciccone’s life was simple up until high school and her class trip to Rome would be a life changer, for she would have to choose to let Rome fall into chaos or leave this earthly plane and her family and walk through the fire that would lead her to a place she never knew existed.
The Last Vestal Virgin is a paranormal YA thriller where history meets mystery! Real facts on Rome’s ancient cult of the Vestal Virgins are woven throughout the story.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

I Am a Woman

Power Play in a Woman’s World

The Alpha, Omega and the Beta

In a world of what we’d call ‘Power Women’ today, one may be quick to identify herself with one of these labels and understanding what role she has in society. Many believe we cannot move out of that trait but as we grow and develop we do indeed change, physically and emotionally. It is possible to identify with another trait.

So with that, let’s explore some of the common traits of each type:

The Alpha Woman~

Yes, the Alpha woman loves the spotlight—and she has earned it.  She’s the born leader and women gravitate toward her.  She never settles, be it work, love or play. She’s always up for the game—and most of the time she is the game. She is very selective when choosing a mate and even friendships. She gets a high from accomplishments and winning. It feeds her core only enticing her to power up.

It’s not easy being an Alpha. The goals one set are so high that sometimes they are impossible to reach. When an Alpha falls—she falls big time, but she picks herself up and gets right back in the game.

Some famous Alphas are: Angelina Jolie, Rhianna, Beyoncé, Oprah, and Hillary Clinton.

The Omega Woman~

If you find yourself to be more sensitive to other’s feelings, you may be an Omega. Most empaths and sensitives fall into this category. The Omega woman will be much happier to spend a night at home reading or thinking up brilliant ideas than out at a crowded social gathering. She is a constant giver and will put others first, sacrificing her own needs. Energy Vampires will seek her out—they sense the vulnerability. It is a known fact that the Alpha Male is drawn to this very type of woman. Giving off so much of her energy she often is left emotionally weak and physically drained. You will find teachers, nurses and those in caretaker roles fall into this category.
With that being said—I myself fall into this category.

The Beta Woman~

Beta women long to be Alphas but simply can’t see themselves filling that role. She talks herself out of Alpha women roles and playing up the defense.  Trying to keep up and afloat seems to be the routine. She may be high strung and stressed. Some do not see what she sees in herself and at times others assume she appears on the aggressive side. The Beta woman has all the traits of an Alpha but lacks the confidence to reach and maintain the high level an Alpha functions at. She knows how to play rough and doesn’t take the bullshit others dish out. She is possessive of the things she’s worked so hard to achieve.

No matter which type you identify with, there is power in each trait. I don’t think we need to let labels define us and we are capable of attaining what we want at different times of our lives.

~ I do tend to mix these traits with most of my female lead characters. I have also taken a Beta and transformed her into an Omega in my Women of the Willow Wood Series. That’s how we create a round character versus a flat one.

You can find my books here on Amazon~

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Take Three Meatballs By Lorraine Carey at #OurAuthorGang

 Take Three Meatballs and See Me in the Morning
 by Lorraine Carey

This may have been good advice if you are a great Italian cook, but is not considered the standard remedy for the Malocchio, or the Maloik— the old ‘evil eye’. Just ask your local Strega—that is if you can find one.

In Italy the Strega is the village witch, medicine woman and all around ‘Seer’. Old traditional Italians had deep-seated roots in Stregheria, which refers to witchcraft as a religion. Stregoneria is linked to a magical system or a form of sorcery, which is carried out by the Strega or practitioner of such magic. And you will find this practice differs depending on what region you or your ancestors hailed from in Italy just as their recipes are.

Now you won’t have to travel to Italy to find a Strega—they have been passed down into generations within many Italian-American families. There are lots of Stregas located throughout the country.

The Terrible Evil Eye~

Italians believe the evil eye is caused by another person being envious our jealous of you—so watch out! Better take extra precautions if you are too good-looking or too rich. It’s another way of someone putting a curse on you that usually causes a severe headache that can last for days and other physical pain such as stomach distress and bad luck.

Grandma Was Always Right~
Yes, I do hail from an Italian background and my grandmother was trained in Italy from the village Strega how to remove the evil eye. I remember many times seeking her treatment after a bad headache as well as other members of my family. She was supposed to teach me how to perform this ritual but I never got around to learning. All I have to say is that it worked every time I had one of those terrible headaches. I always felt so silly sitting in her kitchen with a bowl on my head but it was well worth it.

The Treatment~
The victim should sit in a chair with a bowl of water on their head as the practitioner places three drops of olive oil into the bowl and watches to see if the oil forms into the shape of any eye as it separates.  An intention is said by saying, “Father, this prayer is being said for (person’s name). The practitioner dips his or her fingers in the water then makes a sign of the cross on the victim’s head. The two individuals say specific prayers at the same time, such as an Our Father, Hail Mary, and prayers to the Holy Spirit. This is to be repeated three times.

The Horn~

Many believed wearing a horn, or cornetto, which resembles a chili pepper, made of gold or other precious metals would ward off evil spirits. This tradition dates back to Old Europe with reference to the moon goddess.

I received a very small gold one when I was a baby from my godfather. I still have it to this day. Maybe it’s time to upgrade to a larger one. I’m sure you’ve seen the large red ones hanging from car rearview mirrors. The horn has actually become a symbol of Italian pride.
No horn or chili pepper on hand? Not to worry. Using your hand extending your index and pinkie finger with the thumb over the middle fingers folded into a fist is a quick fix.

The Strega is mentioned in Tomie de Paola’s famous Strega Nona, which is a classic and favorite children’s book. The village Strega and her magic cooking pot overflow and pasta fills the entire village.

The Malocchio was also mentioned in one of the episodes of All in the Family, the famous 70s sitcom when actor Vincent Gardenia gives Archie Bunker the curse. You will find many references to this malady in Italian literature and several films.

The village Strega takes center stage in Beloved Sacrifice, one of my paranormal thrillers, which takes place in the actual village, my mother’s family is from. This tale is based partly on a real family curse. Not all Stregas have good intentions.

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Erika M Szabo

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
The title sounded like a weird medical advice like "take 3 aspirins and call me in the morning" but reading the post gave me chills and made me think of grandma's ritual of removing the evil eye curse. She dropped a small piece of burning tree branch into a glass of water and made us drink it while she was saying a prayer. Worked or not? It always made me feel better :)

Erika M Szabo via Google+

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
Take Three Meatballs and See Me in the Morning? Now that should be interesting :) Read Lorraine's post #OurAuthorGang

Chris Weigand

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
Interesting info. I was happy to see the prayers listed to aid the situation. When it comes to witches you don't often find prayers to go with them.

Varun Shah

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
I loved to read all your post

Ruth de Jauregui via Google+

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
Oh my goodness, Lorraine Carey shares some Italian lore about the evil eye and stregas! Fascinating!! Stop by #OurAuthorGang and check it out!

Ruth de Jauregui

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
I had no clue of any of this and thank you sooooo much because my next Bitter book will be set in Las Vegas with hints of the mafia, Italy and bridge trolls.... More information to percolate through my subconscious!! Thank you!!

P. J. Mann via Google+

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
a very interesting read!

Rick Haynes

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
I've always wondered what the golden horn meant. Nice to learn about your heritage, Lorraine.

Joe Bonadonna

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
Excellent post, Lorraine! You know I can relate to this one. Brings back a lot of fond memories, too. I still use the Malocchio on people I don't like.

Joe Bonadonna via Google+

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
Today on #OurAuthorGang, Lorraine Kolmacic Carey​ talks about her Italian heritage and in particular the Malocchio, or the Maloik— the old ‘evil eye’. Just ask your local Strega—aka, witch.

Chris Weigand shared this via Google+

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly

Toi Thomas via Google+

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
Today, Lorraine Carey offers insights into the ways and wonders of the Strega. #OurAuthorGang

Cindy Smith

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly

Cindy Smith shared this via Google+

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly

Eva Pasco

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
A second-generation Italian-American, I related to everything you wrote.  I can also attest to the effectiveness of these methods--don't ask.

Lorraine Carey

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
Since I wrote this post I have dug out my precious horn from childhood and started wearing it again.

Stephanie Collins via Google+

1 week ago  -  Shared publicly
Erika M Szabo originally shared this
The title sounded like a weird medical advice like "take 3 aspirins and call me in the morning" but reading the post gave me chills and made me think of grandma's ritual of removing the evil eye curse. She dropped a small piece of burning tree branch into a glass of water and made us drink it while she was saying a prayer. Worked or not? It always made me feel better :)