Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Song of #OurAuthorGang

 What is #OurAuthorGang?

#OurAuthorGang is a diverse group of writers from around the world, united by their love of literature and support for each other's creative endeavors, and each member brings their unique style and voice to the group.

#OurAuthorGang is not just a name or hashtag - it represents a community built on mutual respect, creativity, and passion for storytelling. The members may come from different backgrounds and cultures, but they are connected by their shared love for literature and their determination to make an impact through their writing.

This diverse group showcases the power of collaboration and the potential it has to elevate individuals and create something truly special.

Click to watch the video and listen to our song

Enjoy our stories:

The song and video created by:

Erika M Szabo

Erika loves to dance to her own tunes and follow her dreams, introducing her story-writing skills and her books that are based on creative imagination with themes such as magical realism, alternate history, urban fantasy, cozy mystery, sweet romance, and supernatural stories. Her children’s stories are informative and educational and deliver moral values in a non-preachy way.


  1. Being a part of this group has given me confidence in my writing abilities as well as many more benefits. I'm proud to be a part of Our Author Gang.

  2. That song and video is beautiful! I'm a children's book author. Can you make me a song and video like that?

    1. I'll be glad to make you a song and video :) Send me a message on my website or find me on Facebook

    2. Okay, thank you!
