Friday, February 28, 2025

Fate and Nostalgia #OurAuthorGang

 The Mysterious Knick-Knack

Mystery has always been a part of my life, and many of those mysterious events have found their way into my paranormal novels. Today, I want to take you back to a pivotal moment from my childhood—a moment that hinted at the incredible and unexpected journey my life would take. Join me as I share this story with you—one that shaped the path I never saw coming. Enjoy!

A Tale of Fate and Nostalgia

It was 1961, and at the ripe age of eight, I had already earned a reputation as a shopaholic. I adored my trips to the local dime store—just a stone's throw from home—where my mother and I would explore aisles brimming with everything from candy to curious little treasures. For me, it was nothing short of a treasure hunt.

One day, my mother sent me and a few friends to the market to pick up a few dinner items. Now, I know what you’re thinking—why would a parent let an eight-year-old wander off to a store alone? But in our small town, everyone knew everyone else, and back then, it was a different time. It wasn’t unusual for kids to run errands without an adult.

I don’t remember exactly what prompted me to veer off the path that day, but something—some inexplicable pull—led me into the Ben Franklin dime store. As I roamed the familiar aisles, my eyes landed on something that would spark a mystery spanning decades: a tiny ceramic figurine of a brown lady. She stood about two and a half inches tall, dressed in a brown polka-dotted dress, with a tiny pot in hand, featuring a hole for a candle. She was placed on a lower glass shelf among other knick-knacks, and for some reason, I felt an undeniable connection to her.

I don’t recall exactly how I ended up buying her, but I paid $9.00—a hefty sum for the time. When I returned home, my mother was less than thrilled about my impulse purchase. She was especially upset by the price. After all, $9.00 seemed like an outrageous amount for such a small item. She suspected the store had made an error or that it belonged to a set, so we made our way back to the store to get some answers.

The manager examined the little figurine carefully, rolling it between his fingers, and inspecting every inch of it. After looking through the store’s inventory, he was baffled. He couldn’t understand how it ended up on the shelf. His skeptical gaze made it clear he thought I might have brought it in myself.

Despite the mystery, my mother decided we’d keep the little brown lady as a memento of that unusual shopping trip. I placed her on my bedroom dresser, still puzzled as to why I had been so drawn to her.

What I didn’t realize at the time was that this tiny knick-knack would hold the key to a journey that would unfold forty years later.


Fast forward to 2008, a year that brought unimaginable sorrow. Within just three months, I lost both of my parents to cancer. As if that wasn’t enough, my husband and I both lost our jobs, and it felt like we had fallen into a dark abyss.

But fate had other plans. In the spring of the following year, my husband received a job offer in the Cayman Islands. He accepted, and just like that, we were off to Grand Cayman—a fresh start that lasted nine years.

Our first week there was blissful. We explored the stunning beaches, visited local tourist spots, and reveled in the beauty of the island. But when my husband started work the following week, I found myself with some free time. I ventured into Georgetown, the island’s main town, to check out the shops.

One shop in particular caught my eye. It was filled with vibrant Caymanian and Jamaican gifts and collectibles—souvenirs from the island’s Jamaican community. As I wandered the aisles, something familiar caught my attention: a collection of small, colorful dolls. They resembled my little brown lady from all those years ago.

I asked the shop clerk about them, and she explained they were called Jamaican Colonial Dolls. I couldn’t help but smile and share the story of my little ceramic treasure. He nodded knowingly and said, “Guess you were meant to be here.”

At that moment, it dawned on me—this was no coincidence. That small, mysterious knick-knack I’d bought so long ago had led me to this island for a deeper understanding of the strange and beautiful connections life sometimes offers.

Sometimes, the smallest things are the most profound, and we can never truly know their impact on our lives.

Lorraine Carey

Lorraine Carey is a reading specialist and an Award-Winning Author. She was living in California until fate whisked her off to Grand Cayman. She currently lives in Florida. Her love for paranormal stories began at a young age, and is no stranger to the paranormal, having encountered unexplainable events that are woven into her stories.


  1. What a great little story, Lorraine! Yes, we can never truly know how and why the smallest events can make a great impact on our lives.

    1. Thank you, Erika. Yes, it's so strange how we can find out years later what smaller objects represent.

  2. Wow! What a great adventure that little figure took you on, Lorraine. A sweet story!

    1. Thank you, Eva. Yes, it surely did foretell an adventure for me and my husband.

  3. I remember that day so well and I'm sure my mother is smiling up in Heaven as this memory is relived with this post.

  4. That is truly amazing- more so being true! Do you believe in coincidences?

  5. I love this story! I believe some things are meant to be. Thank you so much for sharing - comment by Dawn

  6. R. A. “Doc” CorreaFebruary 28, 2025 at 1:40 PM

    That’s quite true Lorraine, sometimes the smallest, most trivial seeming thing can lead to the adventure you never expected.
