Non-fiction Books

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My grandmother was born in 1892, and she suffered with asthma all her life. She, of course, didn’t have the luxuries afforded us by modern medicine, but she managed her symptoms well with herbs, dietary, environmental changes, and her home remedies. Grandma often took me on trips to the fields, meadows, and into the woods or along the riverside to collect herbs. Now I regret that I did not continue learning from her, after I was twelve or so. Back then—just like any teenager—I thought I was smarter and the “old medicine” was just that, old.
In nursing school and later when I studied Alternative Medicine, I learned what I could have learned from Grandma, how to ease the constriction and tightening of the muscles surrounding the airways, inflammation, soreness, swelling, and irritation of the airways in the lungs. Although there is no cure for asthma, the symptoms can be managed with medications, dietary changes, and prevention with alternative methods and the elimination of environmental triggers.

The symptoms, our body’s signals of diseases and conditions, are fascinating. This book contains unusual symptoms, strange food cravings, vitamin deficiency and overdose symptoms. Also a list of foods that keeps your body healthy as well as easy, whole body detoxification methods. The main purpose of this book is to urge you to pay attention to the signals that your body is sending you.
When I was a child, I often craved sweets. But, when I asked my mother if I can have a candy bar, she gave me a bowl of fruit salad with nuts and raisins, or to my utter disappointment, spinach. She knew by instinct, or rather experience, that my body didn’t need empty calories. What I needed was chromium, phosphor and sulfur from certain foods. After I entered nursing school, I started experimenting with the interpretation of my body’s signals, and I’ve noticed a few things, which were very interesting.

When you think life is calm, a storm comes to wipe away your hopes and dreams. My son, Rudy Andalon passed away on March 14, 2017. He was the love of my life; I carried for 9 months–280 days, 40 weeks, and raised him to be an amazing young man. There is no love greater than the love a mother has for her child. As I write this, tears roll down my cheek, tears of joy and sorrow. I miss him so much. I’ve written this book to help me and others who lost a child get through the aching pain burning inside, and to let you know you are not alone. This book is a memoir, inspirational, and a self-help guide. I’ve searched for answers to why God took my son, and there were none to be found; why good people die young, and the mean ones live on. All I know is Rudy’s in a place where there’s no pain, just happiness–an angel up in Heaven. He leaves behind a mother, father, sister, and two nieces.
I will always be brokenhearted, and will always love and adore my son. God bless him.
Old Man’s Words is exactly what the title says. It is a collection of phrases, quotes, deductions, poems, and essays. Some of these words are my own thoughts and learnings. Some words are passed down and remembered knowledge from grandparents and elder coworkers and community members. And some of the words written in here are insightful, relevant quotes from famous others. They are credited as such.

From the earliest days of the Americas to the Gold Rush(es) to Black Gold, towns have arisen and faded into a few tumble-down buildings. Some ghost towns had a short and colorful life and have now completely disappeared, while others evolved into tourist attractions. 192 pages
Ghost Towns is currently out of print - Available in used copies only

Intended for the interested layman and students ages 7 to 12, 100 Medical Milestones presents a history of medical innovations from the development of acupuncture in 2700 B.C. to the advent of cloning and the manufacture of bodily organs in 1997. 112 pages

This collection of soulful California cuisine recipes incorporates the casual lifestyle of the West Coast with the deep roots of the South, nearby Mexican traditions and delicious Asian influences. Organized by menus, the cook can mix and match the recipes to impress his or her family and friends.
25 recipes - 40 pages

50 Fabulous Tomatoes for Your Garden presents 50 favorites to plant and enjoy in your salads, sauces, and soups, or preserve by dehydrating or canning. The book includes a little background history on each heirloom or hybrid, a description of the tomatoes and their uses, and sources for seeds or plants. Full-color images of each tomato allow you to see what the tomato looks like, although your results may vary according to your garden and climate. A full how-to-grow section completes the book, with instructions on starting seeds indoors, preparing the garden, transplanting outdoors, and water and fertilizing instructions. Novice gardeners will find this information essential as they start growing their own favorite tomatoes. 
Among the essential hints, tips, and tomato growing knowledge shared in this book is the little-known fact that the "days to harvest" listed on the tomato package indicates the days after you plant your seedlings in the garden. Add six to eight weeks (42 to 56 days) to those days to find the full amount of time from when you plant the seeds to harvesting your first ripe tomato. 
The favorites described are old-time favs, such as 'Mortgage Lifter' and 'Cherokee Purple' as well as hybrids like 'Green Zebra,' 'Sun Sugar,' and 'Sub-Arctic Plenty.' Whether you prefer sweet cherry tomatoes, giant beefsteaks, or novelties like 'Reisetomate,' there's a tomato to suit your taste.


What can women who lived over 2000 years ago teach us about living in today’s hectic world? The answer to that question is; Lots, especially if you are looking to God for the answers. Through Eve, the Mother of all and of original sin. Sarah and Hagar tried to take matters into their own hands. Rachel and Leah are two sisters fighting for the love of one man. Delilah is an example of how we shouldn’t behave. Naomi and Ruth, a mother and her daughter-in-law, we see self sacrifice. Michal and Bathsheba show us the positive and negative side of forgiveness and tolerance. With Elizabeth, we see the willingness to look past her own triumphs while she seeks to help someone whose triumphs will eclipse her own. Mary, the mother of Jesus besides being an example for all mothers, gives us an example of totally giving oneself to God. Mary Magdalene will show us about finding love and satisfaction with God.
Through these women we can learn how to keep our faith and follow God’s path in even the most trying of times. They prove that God is always with us no matter how far we fall as long as we look to Him for forgiveness and love.
The lessons span the eons and these women still have lessons to teach us.
Every connection hides a blade and suspicion is the air you breathe…
'Write Here, Write Now!' is an invaluable toolkit for beginner, intermediate, hobby, and advanced writers. Learn what your ideal writing style is. Advice includes how to start writing, information on world-building, how to write humor, character creation, naming, plots, and plotting, There are even handy sections to help out when pesky questions of what punctuation to use and plenty of examples. Learn how to create scintillating dialogue vital to driving your fictional works from start to finish. A treasure trove of information in one handy guide. No fancy jargon, very easy to understand. Suitable for teens and up.


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