Showing posts with label woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woman. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

I Am a Woman

Power Play in a Woman’s World

The Alpha, Omega and the Beta

In a world of what we’d call ‘Power Women’ today, one may be quick to identify herself with one of these labels and understanding what role she has in society. Many believe we cannot move out of that trait but as we grow and develop we do indeed change, physically and emotionally. It is possible to identify with another trait.

So with that, let’s explore some of the common traits of each type:

The Alpha Woman~

Yes, the Alpha woman loves the spotlight—and she has earned it.  She’s the born leader and women gravitate toward her.  She never settles, be it work, love or play. She’s always up for the game—and most of the time she is the game. She is very selective when choosing a mate and even friendships. She gets a high from accomplishments and winning. It feeds her core only enticing her to power up.

It’s not easy being an Alpha. The goals one set are so high that sometimes they are impossible to reach. When an Alpha falls—she falls big time, but she picks herself up and gets right back in the game.

Some famous Alphas are: Angelina Jolie, Rhianna, Beyoncé, Oprah, and Hillary Clinton.

The Omega Woman~

If you find yourself to be more sensitive to other’s feelings, you may be an Omega. Most empaths and sensitives fall into this category. The Omega woman will be much happier to spend a night at home reading or thinking up brilliant ideas than out at a crowded social gathering. She is a constant giver and will put others first, sacrificing her own needs. Energy Vampires will seek her out—they sense the vulnerability. It is a known fact that the Alpha Male is drawn to this very type of woman. Giving off so much of her energy she often is left emotionally weak and physically drained. You will find teachers, nurses and those in caretaker roles fall into this category.
With that being said—I myself fall into this category.

The Beta Woman~

Beta women long to be Alphas but simply can’t see themselves filling that role. She talks herself out of Alpha women roles and playing up the defense.  Trying to keep up and afloat seems to be the routine. She may be high strung and stressed. Some do not see what she sees in herself and at times others assume she appears on the aggressive side. The Beta woman has all the traits of an Alpha but lacks the confidence to reach and maintain the high level an Alpha functions at. She knows how to play rough and doesn’t take the bullshit others dish out. She is possessive of the things she’s worked so hard to achieve.

No matter which type you identify with, there is power in each trait. I don’t think we need to let labels define us and we are capable of attaining what we want at different times of our lives.

~ I do tend to mix these traits with most of my female lead characters. I have also taken a Beta and transformed her into an Omega in my Women of the Willow Wood Series. That’s how we create a round character versus a flat one.

You can find my books here on Amazon~

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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Inspired by #comicbooks part 1 by Toi Thomas #OurAuthorGang

Being a female, multi-genre, independent, author who sometimes writes about religious themes, there are 5 questions I frequently get asked?

1) What made you decide to be an independent author?
2) Is it difficult to be a female author of speculative fiction?
3) Why don’t you just write Christian Fiction?
4) Is it difficult to break out as an author of color?
5) Why don’t you write books exclusively about black characters?

My answer to all these questions is the same. Whatever else I am, I’m also a geek and I express that in my writing. Yes, I’m a Christian. Yes, I’m black, Yes, I’m a woman. And yes, I’m self-published, making me an independent author. But, I’m also a geek, and as a geek, I can be all of these things and more. As a geek, I have many interests beyond what I am and beyond things that only affect me.

Aside from my childhood dream of running off to Neverland to become a lost boy, it has been the adventures, political statements, and diversity of comic books that have constantly inspired me to be a better writer and more openminded person.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love books and probably read more of them in a year than I do comic books (except for this year when I did a graphic novel read-a-thon in the month of February), but it’s still the world of comic books and graphic novels that make a lasting impression on my desire to create characters and worlds in the face of turmoil, stress, adversity, and so much more.

In this series, I’ll be writing about how comic books and comic book characters have helped shape me as a writer and have helped to inspire me when creating new characters and worlds.
Find out more about me, my work, and my inspiration at the following links:

Amazon | Goodreads The ToiBox of Words | YouTube | See a list of my other posts here.

#geekculture, #specfic, #blackwriter, #Pinterest 


Ruth de Jauregui via Google+

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Toi Thomas shared her love of comics and graphic novels, and how they shaped her writing career in the first of her new series of posts.

Ruth de Jauregui

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Oh yes, comic books! And then came graphic novels. For a while, I collected comics, but then there was this broken pipe in my house and I lost about 2/3 of my collection. It kinda took the heart out of me. But I still love them! Thank you for sharing!
I would be quite sad if I lost 2/3 of my collection.

Susan Gourley

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
I'm so thrilled with all the superhero movies that are out. I hope they inspire readers and writers everywhere.
Me too.

Joe Bonadonna via Google+

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Today on A Small Gang of Authors, Toinette Thomas talks about being an indie author, and about comic books as one of her creative inspirations.

Toi Thomas via Google+

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Today I start a new series all about how comic book and comic book characters help shape me as a writer.

Joe Bonadonna

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Well done and well said, Toi! Bravo!
Thank you.
+Toi Thomas -- you're very welcome!

Erika M Szabo via Google+

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly

Erika M Szabo

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
I grew up on European comic books :)
I only recently began to dive into indie and foreign comics; so far, I find they all much the same in that they are really cool.

Mary Anne Yarde

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Wonderful post!
Thank you.

Grace Au

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Comic book inspiration! I love it!!! I'm a Superman and Wonder Woman girl...always have been! Thanks for the walk down memory lane....
I'm only getting started. Glad you're along for the ride.

Chris Weigand via Google+

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Read Toi's post and find out how comic books can inspire.

Chris Weigand

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
I didn't have the privilege of reading comic books as a kid, but my children are big fans of comic books and even though I am a little late to the game and I still don't read a lot of comic books they do inspire me. And I can safely say that thanks to my children I can qualify as a geek.
Yay! It's never to late to go geek.

Rich Feitelberg

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
I grew up reading comic books. It is probably why I write fantasy novels now.
So cool. Isn't great how much inspiration comes from comic books?

Rebecca Tran

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
See what great things happen when you're inspired by comic books like author Toi Thomas on Our Author Gang.
Thanks for sharing.

Nikki McDonagh

10 months ago  -  Shared publicly
If you are a Geek, Toi, more people should be too. Great post and I love that you get inspiration from comic book characters.
Thank you. I was a geek before it became chic and I agree, more people should go geek.