Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

50 Fabulous Tomatoes for Your Garden

Ruth de Jauregui

American gardeners plant a variety of fruits and vegetables, but nearly every garden features a few (or a lot) of tomato plants. From the classic 'Rutgers,' released in 1934 and used by Campbell Soup and Heinz, to the recent development of "black" tomatoes like 'Indigo Rose,' gardeners have favorites that they plant every year.

'Indigo Rose' - A small "black" tomato
My little tomato book, 50 Favorite Tomatoes for Your Garden, was conceived after my Mom saw the row of tomato plants along the fence. "What are those black things?" When I said tomatoes, she actually jumped out of her truck and went over to look at them. Along with 'Green Zebra,' 'Medford,' 'Sun Sugar' and 'Yellow Pear,' the purple-black 'Indigo Rose' has joined the row of tomato plants growing in my backyard.

'Sun Sugar' - An orange cherry tomato
Not only does the book feature 50 favorites, from heirlooms to modern hybrids, it also contains a little history about the tomato, a native of Mexico, Central and South America, and how-to-grow instructions.

Last year's tomato garden
Right now is the time to get the seeds and start seedlings indoors. In six to eight weeks, your tomatoes will be ready to plant in the garden or in containers. (Note: Because I rent, I grow my tomatoes in Dollar Store laundry baskets lined with black trash bags and filled with inexpensive potting soil. With a soaker hose wound around the plants, they thrive on the east side of the house.)

50 Fabulous Tomatoes is available on Amazon and Smashwords. It is distributed by Smashwords to a variety of ebook vendors, and thus available in favorite e-formats.

I'm currently working on my first novel Bitter Nights, which I hope to publish this year, and have outlined several more "50" garden books, including 50 Hummingbird Magnets for Your Garden. I also have several more nonfiction and fiction projects on the back burner.

In addition to writing books and a garden column, I have a part-time job and maintain a website dedicated to science fiction and fantasy for teens and young adults of Color, Alien Star Books. It is diverse and inclusive. There's room for all good books.

Amazon: Ruth de Jauregui Author Page
Smashwords: Ruth de Jauregui Author Page
Sneak Peeks of Works in Progress:
Alien Star Books – Science Fiction and Fantasy for Teens and Young Adults of Color:

Visit our pages

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Do Your Characters Have A Family Tree? #OurAuthorGang

Tolkien did it, CS Lewis did it and various other authors do it, too.
In the back of their books they add all these interesting little tidbits to draw readers even deeper into their imaginary worlds. Things like a glossary, which lists a brief biography of all their characters; detailed maps of their fantasy worlds and, at times, even a genealogy.
I love genealogies.
Books series' often go through a range of characters, sometimes over generations, so seeing them all presented on one chart is a great reminder of their relationship to each other as the stories progress.
I created one for my Dantonville Legacy series and it was included as part of the back matter in the first paperback edition of Book 1, BloodGifted, but it was harder to do in the digital version, and so it didn't go in.
But, here it is now and I've included an updated version with characters from the 2nd and 3rd books.

If you want to find out more about these characters, you can start the series here - Amazon