Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Winds of Change by Tricia Drammeh

Today, I was sitting in my living room, coughing like crazy, thinking about what I was going to write about for my blog post here at #OurAuthorGang. It seems like I've been sick, busy, and stressed ever since 2019 took hold. It's cold, snowy, and I feel miserable. I'm ready for spring, but here in New England, we are still in the grips of winter.

As the wind whipped outside, I began thinking about how quickly the weather can change. The wind can bring in a cold front - or a warm front. The wind can bring in a storm, or carry one away. The wind can be destructive or it can be refreshing. 

Do you see the winds of change as a positive thing or as something negative and frightening? We all undergo many changes throughout our lifetime. My mom always says "change is the only constant thing in life." That is so true. 

As someone who is usually resistant to change, I have come to accept that I have no choice in the matter. Things are always changing. I must change too. But, I must also learn to accept. Just like there are seasons that add structure (and variety!) to each year, there are also seasons during our lifetimes that we must accept and embrace. 

I could go on and on, but I think this song says it much better than I can:


  1. So very true. Because we never know what those changes will bring on one front or another, I'm fond of saying, "Today is as good as it gets" to preserve the status quo in my mind.

  2. My mother said the same thing about change. I think change provides us with new energy to make the decisions to move forward or reinvent ourselves. I also think it makes us stronger.

  3. Perfect song for this post. For the most part, I think change is what we make it; though, sometimes the change is so great that it simply is what it is.

  4. I really hate the cold as no matter how many layers of clothing I wear, my body tells me to go inside and warm up. Others love the crisp walk in the snow, the animal trails from the previous night and the quiet of the woods. And good luck to them. And I agree, change is indeed constant.

  5. Yeah spring can show up anytime now.
