Hello Author gang,
My Name is David Polhemus and I live in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colorado. This place has inspired me to include its powerful spirit in my books. I am 51 years young and started writing book one of my series in 2011. I am in production with Axe Amazon Audible for book two in the Mitherion series because it’s a direct continuation of Mitherion book one.
Mitherion (Book 1)
Completed Audiobook Cover |
The book Mitherion is a small tale in a large world. It documents the story of Prometheus "Prom" and his friends Blue, Cee and Gahr. As their tale unveils we find them adventuring in the realm of Mitherion. Mitherion is a small portion of Pangaea. The supercontinent of Pangaea is a place that really existed one hundred and thirty million years ago. As the tale transpires we find the mighty warrior Prom returning to his friends through a dark and stormy night. Elsewhere, the angel Lucifer sires a child, a Nephilim named Luthisis. The plot thickens as Prom and company meet the arch-enemy of Lucifer, Magnus the first vampire who is plotting to kill Lucifer's son. Luthisis dwells in a horned tower in a vast desert in the distant south.

I am currently recording book one for the experiences and plan to have both Mitherion 1 and 2 in that format. I have learned so much more about my book from recording it and highly recommend you try it even just for the experience it creates for you and your writing.
Thanks for your time.
David Polhemus
Colorado Springs, Co
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Prolegomenon Alpha (Prolog)
Hello, my name is David Polhemus and I am the author of the Mitherion books.
The Mitherion stories so far are over a thousand pages long and thirty hours in length. I want to talk about the beginnings were it all came from, what my influences are and how my books came to be.
My first and main influence is J.R.R. Tolkien; I always liked his one foot in front of the other adventuring style in a large detailed world filled with good and evil.
I even like the Tolkien rip offs like the sword of Shannara.
Before I wrote my books I asked myself what kind of book do I want to write and then I knew it was going to be a fantasy adventure and I wanted to tell a story that I would really like. So I started with reading, listening on Audio book to all of Tolkien’s books including the Silmarillion and the new book the Children of Hurin. I researched the world maps and immersed myself in his style.
I have read hundreds of amazing stories and I want to mention a few here.
I read Battlefield Earth in the eighties one year after L. Ron. Hubbard died. That book is one of the best story’s I have ever read. It is over a thousand pages long and years ago I would buy used copies of it and hand them out to people if they wanted to read it.
Another one from my early days is a book by Bram Stoker called Dracula. I read it before I knew the story and it is an all-time favorite. The Vampire in my first book Magnus is a tribute to Bram Stokers Vampire. Magnus King Diamond in my book is a very different and original tale. I do not copy my influences I just interpret what I feel from them.
Another Author I really like is Piers Anthony his stories are very colorful and tongue in cheek but he always stretches the boundaries of the imagination. I like the first book of the Incarnations of immortality especially the first one were death gets shot in the face and dies and the shooter has to become death in his place. The Spilt infinity series by Piers Anthony splits science fiction with fantasy having the main character go between both realms.
Moving on,
The Inferno by Dante is a hard book to read and very dark but is filled with amazing depth and suffering in vast areas and in great graphic depiction.
Alike the Inferno, the next book is a kindred spirit to it and is one of my most favorite in the genre of hell depiction. It is called Gods Demon. It’s a newer book compared to the inferno which is over one thousand years old. Gods demon is a vast slow dirge on how the dukes and royalty of hell who are the fallen angels make there palaces and kingdoms from bricks made of the fallen souls that land in hell, a good book for the kids. This author wrote the book to match his artwork which is even stranger.
Robert A. Heinlein and his book Starship Troopers changed the way I understood what books could do. His space marines being shot from space to the ground influenced my jettisoned warriors the bombardier troopers in book one.
Let’s change gears a bit I want to talk about my teen years. When I was fourteen I owned every issue of the original Star Wars comic books. I was at the age when they seemed like magic, until my stepmother Karen made me rip them up as a punishment.
Just for the record I now own three complete sets of that original Star Wars Comic series.
I do love fantasy it’s my favorite genre, but there are too many unbelievably books filled with gods and mages and witches.
Fantasy Adventure is my favorite kind of story. So not finding any good ones I decided to write my own book and bring the excitement of Tolkien and Battlefield earth and Starship troopers mixed with Bram Stoker and my years of D and D experience with me into my own original story then I would have control and the excitement of making the magic. Having learned how to play Dungeons and Dragons at the age of fourteen in junior high I have used that knowledge at fifty one along with all those years of lessons and experience as a palate to paint my masterpiece.
My imagination is very powerful and I am creative. I didn’t steel anything from my influences; I just let my own ideas grow from them.
Lastly I want to mention that ten years ago I found the magic of audio Books and have consumed hundreds and hundreds of the best and most amazing stories since then. Some of the very best books I have listened to because it’s the way I read nowadays. Every night I set my IPod touch sleep alarm and fade away into adventure. The best Audio Books are up to you and you tastes.
I really like Post-Apocalyptic survival, bug out treks through societal break down, EMP (electromagnetic pulse) sun flares, zombie apocalypse, anything were a small band of people have to go somewhere against great and tricky odds.
Thanks for your time and thanks for listening.
David Polhemus
Prolegomenon: 2
Mitherion is my first book; I started writing in late 2012 and finished it in 2015.
I’ve rewritten it now in 2017 getting it ready for Audible audio books. Writing books one and two gained me many years of experience and I’ve used it going back through both books line by line. I cut out bloated sections and added enhancements detailing the stories with several upgrades and corrections. The improvements in my craft have made the books far better than I could before. I have defined the people places and encounters in a better way re-evolving the book’s writing making it grow and become clearer in a much better version.
I’ve rewritten both books now to make them better with the improvements in my craft. I’m reinterpreting the books as if the people and places and encounters are real. I see them very clearly now. The Characters have been trying to leap off the pages and escape from fantasy into reality for a very long time because they are real to me. They are parts of me and my family and my friends and my enemies.
The rewriting of my books happened on plains but on no train and in my automobile. Every day at work on my IPad 12 and on my computer in my room painted gold. It came to me in waking dreams and from thin air. In the beginning I wrote on scraps and grocery store bags. Now here it is in the best version ever. Enjoy this adventure with Prom and his friends in the vast ancient land of Mitherion.
In conclusion I would like to say I’m not even close to finishing yet. My third book which the first six chapters are included here is going to be an epic worldwide fantasy adventure.
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#OurAuthorGang welcomes author David Polhemus. His epic fantasy Mitherion books are available in paperback and he's working on the audiobooks now!
Welcome to our blog, David! Your book sounds great!
Thanks for joining us today David. Your stories sounds interesting and your adventure with creating audiobooks sounds exciting.
Welcome and best wishes for your endeavors
Nice to have you on our blog David
It's so great to have you as a guest today, David. You do live in a beautiful place that will inspire you to write. Your new books sounds very interesting.