Friday, September 28, 2018

Spirit Visitations #OurAuthorGang

Spirit Visitations by Lorraine Carey
Many have witnessed what they claim to believe are the spirits of their deceased loved ones making a visit. And it doesn’t have to be in the form of a ghost. A spirit can make a connection as a poltergeist, odor, noise, feeling or visitations in dreams. It’s not just during a dark, stormy night that brings out the best of them; however, weather does play a factor in aiding a spirit to travel. Some even believe that a spirit can take the form of a Nomad, which goes back to ancient Inuit legends.

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Energy can, however, be transferred from one place to another and from one form to another.  Weather is caused by a transfer of energy. The earth is constantly keeping a balance between the solar radiation energy coming through the atmosphere from the sun, and what is bouncing off the earth and back into space. If paranormal entities use energy to manifest, then it seems reasonable to believe that fluctuations in weather conditions could possibly affect the level of paranormal activity at a location. 

No matter what form a spirit decides to take to pay us a visit, I will share with you one account I had shortly after the death of my parents.

October of 2009 had been a tragic time for me with the death of both of my beloved parents. My mother had preceded my father in death by three weeks. You just had to know this couple to see how much they were in love. Those who knew them called them ‘Lovebirds’. They were joined at the hip and were soul mates for sure. My father depended on my mother for everything. We hear often that one cannot live without the other and how in many cases one partner will pass shortly after their mate dies.

It was late one night about three weeks after my parents’ passing, and my husband and I were living in a small development in Irvine, California. It was one of those complexes with cookie cutter condos. Our bedroom was upstairs. I loved having the window open with the wonderful breeze that autumn provided in Southern California.

For some reason, I was quite restless and could hear voices coming from outside. I glanced at the clock to see it was 3 a.m. I peered out the window to see an elderly couple walking down the sidewalk by our house. They were holding hands and I could only catch a glimpse of them from the back as they passed by.  The moonlight shed just enough light that I could see they were elderly, possibly in their late seventies or early eighties. Their gait was slow but steady. I wondered just what the heck they were doing out at this hour in the morning? My eyes followed them as they strolled along the front sidewalk of our condo, around the curve down the street and down a path that led to another set of condos. At that point, they just disappeared into thin air! I mean they were like, poof— they’re gone! I woke my husband to tell him. He said maybe this couple just wanted a walk. Knowing what I know, and my beliefs, my instincts told me otherwise. Our development was mostly all young couples and I knew who lived where with the condos tucked in so close together. I had never seen an elderly couple the four years we lived there.

After it had all sunk in I began to try to rationalize this whole mysterious event. Was it my parents I saw or another apparition? It was just too odd. I even walked over to the next street the following day and entered the walkway they had entered the night before. I watched for several days and never once did I see an elderly couple enter or exit that area. 

I would rise for the next few nights and look out the window in hopes of seeing a replay. Nothing. I somehow knew deep down that I’d had a glimpse of my parents, the lovebirds that night, still holding hands and together.

I am a paranormal enthusiast and most of my novels are paranormal thrillers. You can find my books here on Amazon~ 


Toi Thomas

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
What a sweet and personal story. I like the idea of energy and spirits transferring. I can see how this idea and experience could inspire many of your books.
Thank you, Toi. I just knew they had to be my folks. Everything in my heart told me so.

Toi Thomas via Google+

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Today, Lorraine Kolmacic Carey shares insights into spirit visitations and the endurance of true love. #OurAuthorGang
Thanks for the support here, Toi. xx

Joe Bonadonna via Google+

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
#OurAuthorGang for today features Lorraine Kolmacic Carey, who talks more about spirit visitations, enduring love, and the paranormal.

Mystic Investigations

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
A persons consciousness may sub-consciously send forth a message to those who have passed on. For a moment you may catch a glimpse of them in our reality even if they're in Heaven. Everything occupies the same space. The only thing that separates us is the frequency at which we vibrate. For a time you're compelling their frequencies to match that of our Universe.

Ruth de Jauregui via Google+

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Paranormal author Lorraine Kolmacic Carey shares her own story of her parents and a special vision on #OurAuthorGang.

Ruth de Jauregui

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
So lovely! I do believe that they watch over us. Thank you for sharing.

Joe Bonadonna

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Interesting post, Lorraine. I've heard things in my condo I know were messages from my parents, but have never "seen" them manifest themselves. But I do believe, love of all kinds endures.....

Tricia Drammeh

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Thank you for sharing your story, Lorraine. I definitely believe our loved ones are watching over us and sometimes pay us visits. I too am a paranormal enthusiast, so I will have to put your books on my ever-expanding reading list!

Cindy Smith

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
You are so kind to share this story, I also think it was your parents, letting you know they are together.  I have read most of your books and must say they are interesting, can't wait for the next one.  Huggles

Cindy Smith shared this via Google+

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly

Chris Weigand

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
September seems to be the month for me. I had both my dad and a sister pass in September. This September at least once I had a dream that they both were in. Oh, and October was the month for all our birthdays so the end of September and October are all emotional times for me.

Chris Weigand via Google+

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Another spiritual visit for Lorraine.
Thank you.Just one of many. xx

Nikki McDonagh

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Great story, Lorraine. I must say, I'd have been more than a bit scared if I'd seen what you did.
Thank u. I somehow knew it was a sign and apparition from my parents. I welcomed it and waited every night after that hoping for a reappearance.

Eva Pasco

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
A beautiful visitation! I think if we leave our mind and heart open to these possibilities of getting a glimpse of our loved ones, they come through in various ways.
Absolutely. Thank you, Eva. It left me with such a good feeling just knowing they are still together. xx

Erika M Szabo shared this via Google+

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Thank you for everything you do, Erika. xx

Erika M Szabo

4 months ago  -  Shared publicly
It gave me goosebumps! I believe fifteen years ago a friend visited me when she was lingering between life and death in a coma after a car accident 1500 miles away. I woke up startled and saw a hazy figure at the foot of the bed for a second and then it disappeared. Two hours later I got the phone call that she passed.
It does happen. They have just a short window sometimes to do this.

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