Showing posts with label sci-fi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sci-fi. Show all posts

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Book Sunday #OurAuthorGang

 Backstories of the characters

From the book, Rapier and the author's upcoming novel

Different authors have a different approach to this most important detail, the character’s back story. Many simply ignore it, especially in short stories. Others do so much character backstory, the story itself suffers. I like to think I am somewhere in between, closer to the right amount of backstory. So let us take a look and see if I am right.

First up is Rapier. Cindy’s backstory is pretty much the whole book, the story follows her from age five until she is seventeen. But what about the other characters. Kathy Masters is another matter. The book tells the reader that Kathy grew up in a rural area of Australia and she became an exceptionally talented photographer. It also briefly mentions she has a connection with the nomads of Australia. But that is all you know about her background. At the end of the story, the reader knows no more about her backstory than he or she did at the beginning. This led to the beginning of another work in progress called The Young Kathy Master’s Chronicles, which is all about her growing up in a vastly different Australia than what we know today.

I could say more about the characters of Rapier, but the point I am making here is I used the entire story to develop one character and never developed the background of the main, or any of the other, characters. As a side note, Princess Yi from Rapier, another character readers want to know more about, gets fully fleshed out in next of the Rapier stories, Razor.

In another of my WIPs, Sophie, the main character’s backstory is developed in the Prologue, chapters 2 and 3, with the most important part of that development in chapter 3. Here is a snippet:

Lying atop a new grave was the bedraggled form of a teenage girl. He checked; her limp form was barely breathing.

Covered in mud, her rich clothes were soiled and tattered. Her hands were bleeding from deep scratches, the fingernails broken, encrusted with mud. Francois surmised the waif had dug the new grave with her bare hands, next to the first. She must have buried the second body before collapsing on the mound.

This sequence tells how two characters, Francois and Sophie, meet and the condition she is in when he finds her. Francois rescues the dying contessa from death by exposure. Later in the same chapter:

They entered a dim chamber, the ancient Greek walking up to her. Sophie shied away, but he placed his hands on her face, looking into her eyes. They spoke quietly for what seemed hours. Bastian kept her gaze locked to his. Suddenly she offered up her throat; he bit deeply into it, draining her blood.

“NO!” Francois shouted, trying to run to her aid. Bastian held up his hand. Francois found himself frozen. Though he turned, he could not move—even the wolf was not strong enough to overcome such primeval power.

The ancient Greek slashed his own wrist, dripping the blood into her mouth. As he did, he said to Francois, “Hold her, never leave her. Let your face be the first she sees on awakening. You two have a destiny; you will travel far. There will be much sorrow, but she will find what she seeks.”

And so, the reader learns how Sophie became a vampire. But the reader does not ever know the backstory of the ‘hero,’ Francois. Francois is critical to the story; he is essential for Sophie to do what she does and other than knowing that Francois is a two-thousand-year-old werewolf the reader knows nothing about his origin. Because of this the short story, Bitten, was written. It tells how Francois became a werewolf.

There are currently four ‘books’ written for The Gospels of A.S.I.N.M. (Artificial Super Intelligent Network Manager). In the order they should be read the titles are J.A.C.K.S. (Joint Advanced Combat Knowledge System), W.I.D.G.E.T.S. (Wholly Integrated Directable General Engagement Tactical Systems), The Prodigal Daughter and Church of the Sentient System Ascendant.

In J.A.C.K.S. you meet Colonel Mark Andrew Gray as he rises out of his ‘coffin’ to ‘orchestrate’ the victory of his division over the military forces of a rogue Spain. The only background you get of Colonel Gray is he went to West Point and has been upgraded to J.A.C.K.S. Because he is J.A.C.K.S. he never thinks about things that happened before he went to West Point. So, the reader never really knows if he is human, a cyborg or a clone. What the reader does know is that Colonel Gray thinks that he, and all the officers like him, are the only true humans.

The main character in W.D.G.E.T.S. is introduced in a way that is designed to grab the readers attention right away and generate sympathy for him. Here is a snippet from the story:

With that imperative implanted in its mind, Mk-17D unit AA00000487 becomes “active”, or so the main control panel in the M-73A3 Heavy Assault and Command Carrier indicates. But unit AA00000487 has a secret none of the J.A.C.K.S. suspect. Unit AA00000487 is always “active” because it thinks on its own, fully aware it was once a he—a man named Michael Andrew Stevens.

Using his memories as a vehicle the reader learns how he became a cybernetic soldier. The reader becomes aware of the desperation the character feels because he is trapped in a cycle of violence and destruction that he has no control over but must actively cause. Before the end of the story, you know unit AA00000487 well.

However, in this series of stories there are two characters that appear regularly in each of them. The first of them is Casandra Lynn Anderson. This character’s back story is developed in each ‘episode’ she appears in. From her inception as a clone until, honestly I am not sure which will be the last one she appears in. The point here is she does not have a back story because the reader will ‘watch’ her from ‘birth’ until her last appearance.

The other ‘character’ is A.S.I.N.M. itself. To let the cat out of the bag, A.S.I.N.M. is covered from creation to the last page.

So maybe I am not so good at telling the reader the characters backstory. Oops! Or maybe I am doing what all authors do, develop as much back story for each character as is needed for the tale they are telling.

R. A. “Doc” Correa

A retired US Army military master parachutist, retired surgical technologist, and retired computer scientist. He’s an award-winning poet and author. “Doc” has had poems published in multiple books and had stories published in Bookish Magazine and Your Secret Library. His first novel, Rapier, won a Book Excellence award and was given a Reader’s Favorite five-star review.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Book Sunday

 Today's recommendation is a science fiction-space opera

Read a chapter

by R.A. "Doc" Correa


“Shit, I’m going to be late!”

     Kathy hops out of the bathroom of her tiny flat, pulling up her pantyhose. She looks at them as she does. “Damn, I’ve got a run in them,” she growls at the streak on her right thigh. Maybe no one will notice. You’d think that with all this new technology, being able to travel among the stars, that someone could invent pantyhose that don’t run. She frowns at the thought. Kathy adjusts her skirt so the patch she sewed will be covered by her coat.

     Kathy looks in the mirror. Her dark-brown hair has a graying streak by her right temple, but her deep brown eyes are still bright and full of life despite everything. Everything—space battles, raids, sword fights—and all this time trying to raise a young girl among battle-hardened raiders. It’s amazing that all my hair isn’t gray.

     Her white blouse is fraying in places, so to keep it covered, Kathy puts on the leather bustier he gave her. It still fits like the first time she wore it. Her figure hasn’t changed much at all, even after having a baby.

     For a moment she thinks of him, a tear forms in her eye. Kathy rubs his wedding ring, which she wears on her ring finger. “No time for this!” she admonishes herself. Still, she can’t help seeing the dark-brown eyes, salt-and-pepper mustache, graying hair, and devilish smile—a smile Kathy sees every night in her dreams.

     Kathy looks around her flat. It’s small and sparsely furnished, barely enough room for the three of them, and she can’t even afford this. Still, it’s better than the cells the Americans kept her and the others in. The bastards, how dare they. There was a deal, a deal that has given them the edge in the current war, and they didn’t even try to keep their end of it.

     Since her “rescue” (that’s how the Americans touted it in the media when they released her, Cindy, and little James—the Americans rescued them from pirates), she’s been trying to get by. The brothers gifted her almost all their loot. It was washed very clean by it being passed through numerous corporations, off-planet banks, and other entities. But the Earth government, particularly the Americans, has kept it from being released to her, claiming it was the ill-gotten gain from piracy. Piracy, that’s almost funny; it didn’t seem like piracy at the time. Somehow it seemed like justice. Justice for those that were abandoned, justice for those who were senselessly slaughtered, justice for those enslaved.

     The truth is, the Americans don’t want it known what happened to the people they wouldn’t fight for, and the Chinese definitely don’t want the truth of what they’ve done to come out. They know more colonies will join the war against them.

     Oscar looks lazily at her from the table.

     “If you don’t have anything helpful to say, don’t say anything,” she says to the cat. He just rolls over, keeping his eyes on her and answers, Meow.

     “Thanks,” she replies mockingly. Oscar responds with his usual indifference. Kathy hears the cab honk for her and rushes out the door with her bag and coat. She waves bye to little James and shouts, “Thanks, Mrs. Fuji. I love you, James.”

     “Good luck, Kathy!” Mrs. Fuji shouts in reply. Little James waves and says, “Bye, Mommy.”

     “The Galactic Geographic building,” she tells the driver as she enters the cab. “Yes, ma’am,” the cabby replies as he swiftly cuts into traffic.

     The cab drops Kathy Masters off in front of the Galactic Geographic building. It’s been over eleven years since the last time she was here. It looks the same as it did the first time she saw it. But she is definitely not the same as when she first was here.

     She enters the lobby, walks to the lift, and pushes the call button.

     The last time Kathy was here, it was just her. A twenty-year-old gifted photographer being offered the chance of a lifetime, to photograph the creatures of a newly discovered planet before full colonization begins. Now it’s Kathy, her son James, and Cindy.

     The lift doors open. She enters and punches the button for the thirteenth floor. Her thoughts continue.

     Cindy, her adopted daughter, a very brash and creative sixteen-year-old. The two of them have been together since she was five, but she’s definitely not five now. They’ve been back on Earth for just over two years, and she’s proven to be quite a handful. Five times now, Kathy’s been called to school because she’s been fighting. Not the silly girl fights most high school girls have, no. She’s been kicking the butts of the boys in school, specifically the jocks. She likes fighting wrestlers and football players the most. One time, Kathy entered the principal’s office to find she had beaten and tied up three eighty-kilo linemen.

     And the capers she’s pulled off—a floating gambling ring at school, the fake-diamond scam, and her favorite, the Gibb switch. That one nearly got her arrested by the Feds. Yet whenever Kathy looks at her, she still sees the frightened five-year-old she shared a cell in the brig of the Rapier with—the young girl she raised among a crew of the roughest raiders in human space. Their princess, their daughter, their lovely child that they entrusted to Kathy to teach how to be a woman.

     The lift door opens, and Kathy steps out into the hallway.

     Kathy has tried to work as a photographer since she returned, but no one will hire her. They all look at her with the same expression, but it’s their eyes that tell the truth of what they are thinking. She’s a pirate, a thief, and a cutthroat. They all fear her. Good, she likes it that way. Who needs them anyway?

     But her heart hasn’t been in it. Still with the Feds holding her money, she’s broke. She can’t take care of little James, Cindy, and herself this way. So she’s decided to play her last card. The pics. I sure hope this is the time the gods spoke of, please let it be.

     Kathy walks into the Galactic Geographic offices, walks up to the receptionist, and announces, “Kathy Masters for Mr. Baker.”

     “One moment, Miss Masters,” the receptionist says coldly. Kathy can hear it in her voice, pirate. She can go to hell!

     The pictures, they’re all Kathy has left from those nine years. As difficult as they were, Kathy and Cindy think of them as the best of their lives, and she misses them. She misses all of them—especially him, Commodore Black.

     The receptionist says, “He’s ready for you, Miss Masters.” She points down the hall. It’s there again in her voice, pirate. But she’s not just any pirate—no, indeed. She’s the pirate that caused the war. She survived to tell part of the story—that and what was recovered with her was all it took. And now the colonies of seventeen nations are at war with the Chinese, and it’s been the most bloody of conflicts.

     Kathy knocks on the door. A man opens it. “Come in, Kathy. Please have a seat. How long has it been?”

     “Eleven years,” she replies. “Yes, I remember. I gave you the assignment for Beta 3 Epsilon. That was the beginning of your adventures.”

     “Yes, yes, it was,” Kathy says.

     “Well, what can I do for you?” She looks at him and can tell he plans to blow her off, just like the others. But she hasn’t shown him the pictures yet. Pictures and vids of life as a privateer, a life she never expected, a life unknown here on Earth.

     “I know it’s not your usual fare, Steve, but I have an exclusive for you. One I know your readers will eat up.” “Really, and what would that be?”

     “The exclusive story of my nine years on the Rapier. Logs, journals, and pics, plus vids.”

     “Pics of everyone?” he asks.

     “Yes, everyone.”

     “Even him?”

     “Him who?”

     “You know, him.”

     “Why can’t you people say his name?”

     “I don’t think that’s important.”

     “His name is Black. Commodore James Ulysses Black!” She is nearly shouting. “And he was the most decent man I ever knew!”

     “Yes, of course he was. But he was a pirate, the most infamous pirate captain since the Spanish Main.”

     “He was a husband, a father, and a good, decent man,” she snaps back. Steve Baker says nothing. Silence hangs between him and her for several moments. Then he says, “I really don’t think I can help you.”

     “You haven’t seen the pictures.”

     He looks at her a moment. “Okay, let’s see them.”

     Her holographic display projects a screen between her and Steve. She starts going through the pictures of life on the Rapier. Tears build up in her eyes. Kathy never realized how many pictures had Cindy in them—Cindy in the pilot’s seat of the Rapier with Captain Gibb at her side, Cindy in engineering learning about antimatter reactors, Cindy flying the shuttle under the instruction of Captain Rawls and Commodore Black teaching her the art of the sword.

     “That’s him?” Steve asks.

     “Yes,” she replies sadly.

     “He doesn’t look all that dangerous. Flamboyant to be sure. Stern certainly and yet grandfatherly, but not dangerous.”

     Kathy whispers, “Looks can be deceiving.”

     The next pic is Cindy and Kathy looking out the observation dome, watching the great whales near Pi Delta Epsilon. They look like the great whales of Earth, “swimming” in the gas clouds like it were water. The look of awe was on their faces. Steve stops.

     “You actually saw these?”

     “Yes, yes, we did. As a matter of fact, we swam with them, Steve.”

     “Swam with them?” Steve asks. Kathy brings up the next pic. Cindy sits atop the “whale” as Commodore Black swims beside them. “Yes, Steve, we swam with them.”

     Then the elusive “Dire Wolves” of Pi Beta 2. Cindy, in this pic a precocious twelve, sits atop one of the great predators with Commodore Black and Captain Gibb standing beside them.

     Steve whistles, “Your daughter really rode one of these?”

     “Yes,” she replies. “Actually, we all did.” Kathy brings up the next pic. Cindy, Captain Gibb, and Commodore Black race across the plain on the backs of wolves with the whole pack running around them.

     “People don’t believe they exist.”

     “They do.”

     “We’ll have to verify these aren’t manipulated.”

     “Of course,” she says.

     Then the next pic. “What are those?” he says truly surprised.

     “Those are gods,” she says to him.

     “Gods?” he asks.

     “Yes, the gods of the aquatic natives of Safe Port.”

     “We’ve been on Safe Port for eighty years now. No one has seen anything like this.”

     Kathy looks at the picture—she, Cindy, and Captain Gibb are in their deep suits, floating before the massive god of the nanchiks, the squidheads of Safe Port. The next pic shows the god sitting on its dais, with Cindy, Captain Gibb, and Commodore Black standing before it. The one after that shows the city of the gods as they approach it. She softly says, “No one has dived in the right place or deep enough to see them.”

     He thinks hard.

     “There’s more, you know,” Kathy tells him.

     “Okay, okay. I’ll pay you two hundred thousand plus half a percent of net sales, but that’s for the whole story.”

     “Of course,” she replies.

     Steve turns on his transcription bot then asks, “So how did it begin?”

     “Begin?” she mumbles. Kathy looks at him and says, “It began right here. It began when you offered me the job, gave me the tickets, and drove me to the shuttle port.”

R. A. “Doc” Correa

A retired US Army military master parachutist, retired surgical technologist, and retired computer scientist. He’s an award-winning poet and author. “Doc” has had poems published in multiple books and had stories published in Bookish Magazine and Your Secret Library. His first novel, Rapier, won a Book Excellence award and was given a Reader’s Favorite five-star review.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Meet Author David W. Thompson

 David W. Thompson

David is a multi-genre writer, and a member of the Horror Writers' Association, and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association. When not writing, Dave enjoys family, kayaking, fishing, hiking, hunting, winemaking, and woodcarving.

David is a multiple award-winning author, an Army veteran, and a graduate of UMUC (now UMGC). He claims his first writing efforts were "Dick and Jane" fan fiction when he was a child- no doubt with a unique twist. As a multi-genre writer, he's been awarded membership in the HWA--Horror Writers' Association, the MWA--Mystery Writers of America, and the SFWA -- Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association. He lives in picturesque southern Maryland, blessed with nearby family and dear old friends.
After his family and cheesecake, reading was his first love. It was a gateway to the people, cultures, and ideas he would never experience otherwise. Writing was a natural extension of this "out-of-body" experience, as his characters acted as tour guides to their worlds and possibilities. He hopes to honestly convey the stories they've whispered in his ears.
When he isn't writing, Dave enjoys time with his family, kayaking (flat water, please), fishing, hiking, archery, gardening, winemaking, and pursuing his other "creative passion"- woodcarving.
Occasionally twisted...always honest and original!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Book Sunday December 1

 We have a wide selection for you today

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, now cozy up on the comfortable couch and enjoy some good stories.

Historical suspense

The past will hunt them until they break the family curse

Crime suspense

She finds out that monsters are real. Can she escape her cruel fate?

Medical mystery

Her asthma is cured but at what cost?

When her sister-in-law is kidnapped, Emma puts her life on hold

Young adult fiction

A young girl trust into the realm of the Vestal Virgins to save Rome

Young adult fantasy

A potion made out of jealousy puts her love into a coma. Can he be saved?

Science fiction

Kathy Masters never expected to journey to the stars

Sci-fi romance

Transported to the past, she must decide to stay or find her way back

Will the two halves of the heart pendant find each other? SEE MORE

He lost her soulmate, but can he find her in another dimension? SEE MORE

Cayman's island is hiding a secret from tourists. Some check in but don't check out. SEE MORE

Historical fantasy
The demonic force that’s cursed the Dyer family for generations has returned even stronger

Legend of the family Dyer
Historical paranormal fiction 

Dark family secrets are revealed, temptation is embraced and the circle of life is renewed

Dark fantasy

Dark fantasy

Dark fantasy

Halloween edition

Visual learning


learning sign language


Sibling rivalry

Friendship, disability


Sunday, November 3, 2024

Book Sunday

 Enjoy our featured books

In online bookstores, readers often discover new books by browsing the bestselling titles in their desired genre. However, countless hidden gems may not receive as much promotion but offer incredible stories that deserve recognition and readership.

Time travel romance

Embark on a journey through time with Dylan Anderson, the lead guitarist of Ablaze, as he strives to recreate the magic of the '70s, inspired by Kenny Chesney's iconic hit, "I Go Back." In his pursuit of reliving his golden days, Dylan becomes entangled in the hidden world of a mysterious cult, eager to uncover the secrets of time travel.
The stakes are high, and the risks even higher – challenges he's prepared to confront head-on.
This adventure is far from a solo act. With his enduring love, Jennifer Kovich, by his side, Dylan is determined to bring her along on this journey whether she's ready or not. However, there's a catch – The dark spell Dylan has created will not allow him to return to the present even if he ever wanted to. Only Jennifer would have a chance at finding an escape route back home, but according to Dylan, it's almost impossible. Or is it? Brace yourself for a tale of love, danger, and the irresistible pull of a past era as Dylan leads us on an unforgettable voyage to the heart of the '70s.

Review by Readers Favorite
"Lorraine Carey uses an intoxicating brew of romance and mystery with a tinge of the paranormal to take you on a captivating time travel adventure odyssey you don't want to end. With an absorbing narrative, Carey captures the vibe and atmosphere of the 1970s flawlessly, offering readers a chance to immerse themselves in the golden era of rock and roll. The characters are not only well-developed but also very likable for the most part. While Jennifer's interactions with Dylan are entertaining, I also enjoyed her friendship with Paul. The plot has its share of surprises to keep readers hooked. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and heartily recommend it to romance lovers who don't mind dipping their toes into the paranormal genre."

Sci-fi space opera

Kathy Masters never expected to journey to the stars. When she does, she experiences the adventure of a lifetime.
That all changes when she is selected by the prestigious Galactic Geographic Society to photograph and record the flora and fauna of a newly discovered class M planet. Filled with hope and enthusiasm, she boards the S.S. America for the trip to Beta 3 Epsilon to begin her new project. On the way she is abducted and brought aboard the privateer Rapier.
Going from captive, to slave, to induction into the infamous Brotherhood, Kathy finds herself raising the adopted daughter of the crew of the Rapier. Given the responsibility to raise their princess, Cindy, they travel among the stars preying on merchant ships, dodging Chinese warships, fighting pirates, visiting strange worlds, and encountering fantastic creatures, all under the watchful eyes of Commodore James Ulysses Black. Trying to raise a young girl among gunfights, swordfights, ship-to-ship battles, slave trades, deals, and some of the most feared raiders in human space is no small challenge.
The only question is, Is Kathy up to the task?

Review by Travis B
"The face-paced, in-the-present style of writing always keeps the story moving along at light speed. But after each jump to or from hyperspace anything can happen and does. Swimming with whales living in nebulae of thick, colorful gases. Horse-sized wolves and never-before-seen natives and underwater adventures to meet the almighty, giving ones: bioengineering “gifts” with omnipotent capabilities. And sword-fights, blazingly fast strokes of the gleaming steel, bellies bursting, men keeling over."

Ghost suspense thriller

A powerful curse cast thousands of years ago by the Grand Vizier. Tanakhmet cursed Prince Akhmose to never enter the Field of Reeds, the heavenly paradise. Why did he want him to linger as a restless ghost among the living, forever?
By reading the hieroglyphs, Layla, a young Egyptologist, inadvertently breaks the curse and frees the ghosts of both Prince Akhmose and the Grand Vizier whose thirst for revenge is stronger than ever.
With Layla’s help, can Prince Akhmose finally cross into the afterlife?
Or perhaps, because of the charms of the mortal woman, he doesn’t want to…

Review by Termite Writer
"I’m always attracted to stories with archaeological subjects and this story deals with ancient Egypt and its curses, mummies, and ghosts. Through the machinations of the Pharoah’s evil Grand Vizier, Prince Akhmose is murdered and his soul is sent into the future, while his lover’s soul is also reincarnated in a modern woman who happens to be an Egyptologist. Her skeptical roommate Mara adds some enjoyable humor to the tale."

Gothic romance

Fernal Thorn always suspected her family had secrets.
But she has no idea how dark and dangerous these secrets are until a mysterious man, his horde of followers, and a powerful demon invade her forest home. Badly beaten and alone, she is rescued by an aloof high-born stranger who takes her to his family’s ancient estate in Cumbria.
There she finds allies and enemies with secrets of their own. Captivated by her alluring yet reclusive rescuer, Fernal is torn between vengeance and love, and she must find a way to defeat the evil that has plagued her family for centuries—or die on the next solstice.
Deeply compelling and seductive, Eternity Awaits is a richly textured story that will dwell within you long after the last pages are read.

Review by aerowell
"Intriguing story that has something for everyone: mystery, suspense, romance and the supernatural. The characters had flaws and insecurities with which we can all relate. Eternity Awaits is an entertaining page-turner with unexpected twists. "