Showing posts with label group life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label group life. Show all posts

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Life in the OAG Gang

Active Member Appreciation Weekend

The OAG gang has a small corner on Facebook where we exchange ideas and help each other with publishing and book promotion. Just as in many other group, we have active members and others who read the posts once in a while. And then a small group of members who read posts but stay in the background and never comment on posts or offer help to others.

We dedicate this weekend to the most active members who take a few minutes almost every day, read and share blog posts, interact with others, and help others with useful advice or just share the book promo posts to spread the news about other group members' books.

I tagged the most active members in a post in our Facebook group and asked them to introduce themselves and add their author links.

Click on the link below to read a little bit about the most active members in the comments of the post:
Please share the Facebook post, or this blog posts, on your social sites.
Let your friends know about this wonderful group of authors.

A few of the OAG group authors participated in a group video recently, enjoy meeting a group of writers from around the world on this page:

Visit our Facebook group. We welcome writers, readers, and publishing service providers:

Video credit: the video designed by author Erika M Szabo at:

Watch the videos in our contest and vote for the best videos: