Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year

 Happy New Year to all our readers

In the Western world, we mark the start of a new year on January 1st, thanks to Julius Caesar and his Julian calendar implemented in 45 B.C. The month of January is named after Janus, the Roman deity with two faces - one looking towards the future, the other towards the past. He presided over new beginnings, endings, and transitions - symbolized by doorways and passages.

As the old year fades, and the new one draws near,
We gather together, to spread love and cheer.
With a heart full of hope, love, and dreams,
Wishing you happiness, good health, and peace.

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and successful New Year!

The blog authors

As the New Year approaches, I’ve decided to abandon my usual (and futile) resolution of cutting out sweets. Instead—thanks to my husband’s gentle nudge—I’m embracing a new one: “Feed your mind,” he always says, “immerse yourself in something positive and enlightening.” This year, I’m taking his advice to heart. It’s time to trade my endless binge-watching of conspiracy theory videos for something more uplifting. Not only will this likely bring clarity, but as a writer, I’m hopeful it might spark fresh inspiration. To my wonderful readers and fellow writers: may your New Year be filled with creativity and success. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your incredible support over the years!

Erika M Szabo

As I entered my thirties, I made the decision to stop setting New Year's resolutions. I realized that every year, no matter how determined I was at first, I only stuck to my resolutions for a few short weeks before reverting back to old habits.  Instead, I set small goals every morning that bring me joy and motivation and reflect on my accomplishments each evening to keep a positive outlook. The start of a new year brings with it new challenges and opportunities for growth, but I approach them with a sense of excitement and determination rather than overwhelming pressure to stick to strict resolutions. To my readers, I wish you a happy, healthy, and successful New Year, and thank you for your continuous support and encouragement. 

I must confess, I’m not a great one for New Year’s resolutions. So, the reality is it’ll be a New Year, same old me situation. Any attempts at self-improvement will be in dribs and drabs rather than grand gestures doomed to fail.
I’m currently working on a second installment in the Emma Love mystery series. With the Winter Solstice in the rearview mirror, the mountains, the river, and my garden will soon beckon. Hopefully, the rabbits won’t eat all my vegetables this year.
As 2025 fades into history, I’d like to thank my readers for their loyalty in sticking with me on this journey. I appreciate sharing a tale or two with you. The campfires we share might be flameless, but that’s where many friendships and all good stories begin. Happy New Year!

R. A. “Doc” Correa

The next year holds lots of possibilities. I’m looking forward to spending time with my great-grandchildren and teaching them how to camp, do first aid, and many other skills. I’ve got four works in progress, including a collaboration with Rhonda, all of which I will make progress on. And at the top of the list, writing more short stories for the anthologies I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of.

Enjoy Our Song

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A New Year and New Beginnings at #OurAuthorGang

Each new year brings the promise of new beginnings- fresh starts and second chances. Wherever you are in the world, we at A Small Gang of Authors wish you blessings, abundance, inspiration, health, wealth, and so much more. As the planet earth begins another cycle around the sun, our hope is for humanity to gain one step closer to peace and harmony. Today, we invite our readers to enjoy some of our stories of new beginnings. Happy New Year!


I don't make New Year's resolutions but I usually make vague plans for the new year. I adapt to any new situation quickly, so for me, making a plan and a backup plan means that I can change it at the drop of a hat as needed.

My plans are:
Republishing my re-written and re-edited speculative historical fiction trilogy with new covers as soon as the editing is done. 
Update my website: The past 6 or so months I've been very busy and my website got neglected. I'm planning to write more blog posts in 2019 as well.
I'm also planning to publish a children's book as soon as I finish the illustrations.

Eat healthier? Exercise more? We'll see... 

The ToiBox of Words | Amazon

Resolutions are not for me. I mean, not really. 
So, I set a goal of how many books I want to read each year.
So, I make a list of  WIPs I want to complete.
But these goals don’t define me.
Resolutions are not for me. I mean, not really. 
Of course, I’m gonna make an effort to eat better and exercise.
Of course, I’m going to work on self-improvement.
But that doesn’t mean I’m underdevelopment. 

Resolutions are not for me. I mean, not really.
Sure, I plan to give more to important causes.
Sure, I plan to volunteer my time somewhere meaningful.
But that doesn’t mean I’m worried about being accountable. 

Resolutions are not for me,
But perhaps, I AM FOR promises, hopes, dreams, and new beginnings. 
As long as I’m moving forward, I don’t care what it’s called.   


Well, traditionally I don't make resolutions because I never live up to them. However, for 2019 I'm going to try and quit smoking, climb out of my well of darkness, regain my appetite, hopefully buckle down and start writing again, try to find some kind of happiness within and without, be a better person, and maybe at long last, find true love. They tell me it can happen, even at my age, 2018 started out badly, then got very good, then fell apart in November. I'm praying to all the gods and goddesses that 2019 will bring me some measure peace and the motivation to go out there and start living a life again.

 For more about me, you can read that here or check out my Amazon page. Thank you, and Happy New Year!


I’m not a resolution person. I’ve made them in the past only to drop them a week, a month later. Last year I started setting goals so here are my goals for 2019:
1.    Finish Resurrection: Disciples
       Start Tribulation: Disciples
2.   Finish rewriting Myrria’s Legacy (Possibly with a title change).
3.   Edit and publish at least one more of the Middle-grade books under contract.
4.   Do a little more with my two blogs as well as continuing to contribute to SGA and New Evangelizers.

Those are the writing goals. As to the life goals:
1.     Lose the last twenty five pounds to reach the goal set a year and a half ago.
2.   Find the direction my life is going to take after my daughter graduates from High School.
3.   In 2018 I set a goal to read 70 books in the year. I far surpassed that, so this year I’m going to bump it up to 90 books to read. Also I will review more of the books I read.

I’m sure more goals will rear their heads, but I think that is enough to get started in 2019.
May you have a Happy New Year and may all your resolutions and goals be fulfilled.



Honestly, I'm terrible at resolutions. But here we go anyway!

In 2019 I plan to: 
Finish and publish the first Bitter novel
Finish and publish the first of a three/four book fantasy series
Add three more "50" garden books to the series that currently consists of 50 Fabulous Tomatoes for Your Garden
Lose weight

And, of course, start more projects (see sneak peeks here) and add more books to my website for teens and young adults -- Alien Star Books

So we'll see what happens, because I'm famously unsuccessful at following through on New Year's Resolutions, LOL! On the other hand, if I don't set goals, I'll just procrastinate for another year...


Tic Tock Tic Tock~
 When that clock strikes midnight ringing in the new year, most of us will be making a lot of common New Year’s resolutions regarding diet and exercise, but as the years pass and we get into our ‘Golden Years’ we begin to take them a bit more serious—or at least, I do. That clock keeps ticking and we know it’s now or never. It is at this time we need to eat healthier and increase our exercise to ward off the common ailments that come in our senior years. Let’s not forget the battle with the aging process.  Some of us will invest in a new expensive wrinkle cream, or have some visits to the plastic surgeon. The list can go on and on.

For myself, I have heard that clock many times over. Two years ago I hit the gym and haven’t stopped. I’ve had a few procedures done but have neglected the one thing that has been my biggest vice forever—and that is sugar! I know I need to stop but every attempt is futile. I want this to be the year I can finally give up sweets. Maybe I need to buy a grandfather clock this year.

Happy New Year everyone!

Lorraine Carey


It’s been years since I’ve made a New Year’s Resolution. I find it very difficult to make year-long goals and stick with them. It’s overwhelming! I do, however, make resolutions throughout the year.
One of the resolutions I made in March of 2018 was to lose weight and get healthy. I have been steadily working toward this goal and plan to continue in the New Year. Since this is a life-long resolution, I expect there will be mishaps and stumbles along the way with periodic renewals of my vow to live a healthier lifestyle.
Another goal I have for 2019 is to get back to writing. My day job, babysitting my grandson in the afternoons, and a recent uptick in editing jobs have made it difficult for me to prioritize my writing. Since resolutions are only vague dreams unless one has a plan to back it up, I have made a plan to write for ten minutes each day. That might not sound like much, but it adds up!
So, what are your goals for the New Year, or for your life in general? Share your resolutions in the comment section, or you can get in touch with me (if you’d like) by visiting the following links:

My Website   |   Facebook Page   |  Twitter   


Here it is that time of the year when we look back at what has happened, and we think about how we could have done everything differently if not better.
Since we cannot go back in time and fix those details to change the route of our destiny, we can at least learn something from them to make our future better, and what better time to start to put those fixes in place than the beginning of the year?
Generally, I do not make any specific proposition for the next year, as I prefer to keep in mind those mistakes and try not to do them again.
During this year I have learned a lot about myself, and the most surprising thing I have learned is that determination can perform real miracles. Another thing that I have learned is that I need to be more forgiving on things I cannot do. There is nothing wrong to admit being too tired and allowing myself with some rest, and I think I need to try to find that perfect balance between family life, friends, job and writing career.
Said like this it seems like a mission impossible considered the 24 hours in a day, but I believe that nothing is impossible when there is a real motivation pushing our actions.
So will I have any proposition for the next year? Sure, I will continue to learn from my mistakes, which are unavoidable, hoping in a better or at least wiser new year.


Erika M Szabo via Google+

1 month ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy New Year from #OurAuthorGang

Eva Pasco

1 month ago  -  Shared publicly
Best wishes with endless possibilities!
We wish you the same Eva!

nicola L Osguthorpe

2 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly
A very belateed Happy New Year everyone.
Wishing you all Luck and Success in 2019

Tricia Drammeh via Google+

4 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy New Year from #OurAuthorGang!

Chris Weigand

4 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy 2019

Chris Weigand shared this via Google+

4 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly

Gina Gao

4 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly
Have a Happy New Year!

Ruth de Jauregui via Google+

4 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly
The #OurAuthorGang members share their thoughts and goals for the coming year. May you all have a wonderful new year!! Stop by and share your goals in the comments - we'll be happy to hear from you!

Ruth de Jauregui

4 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy, Happy New Year to all! Wishing you all success in the coming year!

Toi Thomas via Google+

4 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy New Year 2019!

Joe Bonadonna

4 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly
As I slowly begin to put the scattered pieces of me back together again I would like to wish each of my fellow Gang members, as well as our loyal readers and viewers all the best for a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful 2019. Happy New year, one and all!

Joe Bonadonna via Google+

4 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy New Year from Or Author Gang! Today we each share with you some of our reflections over the past year, and our plans and resolutions, hopes and dreams for 2019. #OurAuthorGang

Patrick Parker via Google+

4 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly
Toi Thomas originally shared this
Happy New Year 2019!

Susanne Leist via Google+

4 weeks ago  -  Shared publicly
Toi Thomas originally shared this
Happy New Year 2019!

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