Showing posts with label #supernatural #ghoststories #prince #loveforever #soulmate #ErikaMSzabo #OAGblog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #supernatural #ghoststories #prince #loveforever #soulmate #ErikaMSzabo #OAGblog. Show all posts

Friday, April 30, 2021

Book Friday: The Ghost of Prince Akhmose

 Ghost fantasy in 3 languages

I've always been fascinated by Egyptian history. It's amazing how much we know yet how much remains a mystery of the people who lived thousands of years ago, built the pyramids, and left invaluable culture and art behind. I was reading about the 19th dynasty one day, and my mind wandered off. I thought about the post I added to Goodreads years ago about life and the afterlife, and it triggered an avalanche of thoughts in my mind.

I've been playing with the idea of writing a fantasy ghost story, so I thought, why not an Egyptian prince? I like cozy, entertaining stories, so there are no scary mummies in this one.
Of course, I needed an evil wizard to curse the prince, an unsuspecting woman to save him, and a funny redhead friend to make you smile as well.

Okay, I'm not going to spoil it for you, enjoy this short, action-packed story. You can read this story in English, Spanish, or Italian, whichever language you feel most comfortable with, or listen to the English audiobook.

A cozy ghost story

A powerful curse cast thousands of years ago by the Grand Vizier. Tanakhmet cursed Prince Akhmose to never enter the Field of Reeds, the heavenly paradise. Why did he want him to linger as a restless ghost among the living, forever?

By reading the hieroglyphs, Layla, a young Egyptologist, inadvertently breaks the curse and frees the ghosts of both Prince Akhmose and the Grand Vizier whose thirst for revenge is stronger than ever.

With Layla’s help, can Prince Akhmose finally cross into the afterlife? Or perhaps, because of the charms of the mortal woman, he doesn’t want to…


Una acogedora historia de fantasmas.

Una poderosa maldición lanzada hace miles de años por el Gran Visir. Tanakhmet maldijo al príncipe Akhmose para que nunca entrara en el Campo de Juncos, el paraíso celestial. ¿Por qué quería que el príncipe permaneciera para siempre como un fantasma inquieto entre los vivos?

Al leer los jeroglíficos, Layla, una joven egiptóloga, rompe inadvertidamente la maldición y libera los fantasmas tanto del príncipe Akhmose como del Gran Visir, cuya sed de venganza es más fuerte que nunca.

Con la ayuda de Layla, ¿podrá el príncipe Akhmose finalmente cruzar al más allá? O tal vez, hipnotizado por los encantos de la mujer mortal, no quiere ...


Un romanzo fantasy storico.

Una potente maledizione lanciata migliaia di anni fa dal Gran Visir. Tanakhmet maledì il principe Akhmose per non entrare mai nel Campo delle Canne, il paradiso celeste. Perché voleva che rimanesse per sempre come un fantasma irrequieto tra i vivi?

Leggendo i geroglifici, Layla, una giovane egittologa, spezza inavvertitamente la maledizione e libera i fantasmi sia del principe Akhmose che del Gran Visir, la cui sete di vendetta è più forte che mai.

Con l'aiuto di Layla, il principe Akhmose può finalmente entrare nell'aldilà? O forse, a causa del fascino della donna mortale, non vuole ...


The author