Showing posts with label #selfhelp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #selfhelp. Show all posts

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Our Guest Today is Author Sandra Bouquet Carslick #OurAuthorGang

Welcome, Sandra! We're so glad you could join us today.

I never thought of sharing my creative ideas until the universe made it very clear to me it was time.   After more than 30 years in healthcare helping others through, it was now time for me to experience illness and my own healing journey.   I realized I had been living on autopilot and had conveniently tossed any feelings that arose into my ‘emotional closet’.  Lying in bed, experiencing incredible pain and unable to use my arms, these emotions started bubbling to the surface one-by-one.  I could no longer hide or stuff them away as I had done in the past.  It was time for me to experience them.  This process was incredibly painful both physically and emotionally, but something amazing happened in the process. I began to feel lighter. I began to have less pain. I realized that by acknowledging these emotions and feeling them, I was releasing them from my body.  I had opened my heart and I had given myself permission to feel again!  The gift I was given through this journey was that moment of awareness in which my Body, Mind and Spirit was given permission to start the process of deep healing. 

In This Moment…the little book of emotions came from this experience. 

My passion for helping others on their healing journey has now continued in a much different
way than before.  I have private CranioSacral Therapy and Energy Medicine practices in Brunswick, Maine and Tucson, Arizona.   It was through this work that I was introduced to my co-author, Vicki Norton Remsen, who just happened to be a former English teacher!  I’m still amazed how the universe guides us along our way.  She was the missing link needed to finish and polish this project.

Sandra loves hearing from her readers and can be reached at:

Instagram:  in_this_moment_book

In This Moment…the little book of emotions

This book was created to help you acknowledge and witness your emotions.  Acknowledging feelings, without judging them, gives them a voice.  Calling upon the pages of this book in times of need will help facilitate the shift that allows you to release these emotions and move forward in this moment.  

photographs in this post are the property of Lone Lotus