Showing posts with label #lifechanges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #lifechanges. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2019

A few considerations about positivity

”Never let go of your dreams.”

We might have seen or heard this sentence thousands of times yet, either we are too busy with our everyday life, or we are literally bombed by similar good phrases that we don’t stop and think about the meaning of such a simple statement anymore.

When generally, I need to give my best wishes to someone I love, I generally say:

Shall your destiny fulfill all your dreams, except one.

You might say, why? Why would I ever want that person not to have all her/his dreams fulfilled?

Because dreams are the fuel of our life, the energy that makes up wanting to face the day. They are the light we aim at in our darkest moments, the sparkle in our eyes, the thought that makes us smile, the force that despite the tiredness makes us increase the pace of our run to reach the finish line.

Thinking about it, conceiving a dream is like receiving a pair of wings, and the strongest the desire that attracts us to it, the bigger are the wings we create.

Think about the happiness of grabbing that dream when you achieve it.

Yes, it might even last forever, but we will miss that force; that spark that ignites our run in its direction.

Once we have it, we are at peace, and whether this is absolutely fine, the feeling of aiming at something that seems to be just there, but we can’t reach it quite yet, is fairly addictive.

We are motivated to keep on going just for the sake of that dream.
Now, of course, I am not talking about those dreams of tranquility, stability, economical safety, health. Those are basic requirements for a happy life, not just dreams.

Those are the ones I wish to be fulfilled.

Yet, I wish that little devil of a dream, which is not a question of life or death, rather it’s something even superfluous, will ignite your will and make your life an endless journey where for once you don’t enjoy the end but every single minute of it.
Besides, happiness lies in the wait of an event to happen, rather than the event itself, and the same applies to dreams.

Therefore, if there is something you are aiming to, and it seems you are never reaching it; perhaps that is the dream you need to feel alive to make your morning brighter, and the food tastier, and your darkest moment less dark.

For this reason, I wish you to keep one dream in your drawer, always there at your availability when you need to smile or to be reminded about the prize.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Today is my birthday

Today Is My Birthday

Christina Weigand

Today is my birthday. There is no need to share how many years it has been, although I do like to say its not the number that counts, but how you live those years. Needless to say I’ve been around the block a few times and have experienced a lot, a few changes in direction, a few crossroads and a few u-turns.

I’m at one of those crossroads, one that eighteen years ago I would have never expected. It was the beginning of a new century, my youngest child was due to graduate from high school and my husband and I were inches away from empty nest syndrome. We were ready to start traveling and enjoying life without young children in tow. Anyway, a couple things happened before my daughter could graduate. In 2001 I had another child, a daughter; a gift from God. Then in 2002 my older daughter dropped out of high school, months away from graduating and had my first granddaughter in 2003. No empty nest for us and one of those changes in direction. But this post isn’t about what happened eighteen years ago. Instead it is about, how like the ripples when you throw a stone into a pond those events have affected my current situation.

I am once again at that place where my youngest is due to graduate from high school and start on the next phase of her life, God-willing college. The chances of her actions being a repeat of her sister’s are slim, so I am faced with moving onto a new phase in my life and I’m scared.

My husband and I celebrated forty years of marriage this past July and for all but one of those years I spent raising children. I did take eight years and go back to school for a degree, and I worked outside the home for a few years, but my family has always been my main focus.

So here I am, not sure what I am going to do once she graduates and starts college. I’m feeling a little lost and waiting for a new door to open. As I embark on this new year, I do it with trepidation and excitement while I anticipate all the new things that await me.

 To read more about my books and me go here.

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nicola L Osguthorpe

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Hope you had a good day Chris.

Tricia Drammeh

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Chris!
Thank you

Donna Hole

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy Birthday. Good luck in your upcoming adventures.
Thank you

Ruth de Jauregui via Google+

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Christina Weigand shares her special day and some of the story that's led to the upcoming changes in her life on #OurAuthorGang today. Stop by and wish her a Happy Birthday!

Ruth de Jauregui

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy, happy Birthday, Chris, and congratulations on 40 years of marriage!! New adventures await you as your youngest prepares to leave the nest. I know you'll have new stories to tell very, very soon.
Thank you

Juneta Key

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy Birthday.
Thank you

Joe Bonadonna via Google+

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Today on #OurAuthorGang, it's author Chris Weigand's birthday. To celebrate with her, check out her post and leave her a birthday greeting.

Joe Bonadonna

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHRIS . . . AND CONGRATULATIONS ON 40 YEARS OF MARRIAGE!  You will find your path, as daunting as that now seems, and it will be the right path. "Life is what happens when we're busy planning something else," and it's always quite interesting to see what happens next.
Thank you
+Chris Weigand -- you're welcome!

Chris Weigand shared this via Google+

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly

Toi Thomas

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy Birthday, Chris. What a lovely family you have. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Thank you.

Toi Thomas via Google+

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
It's time to celebrate! Today is #OurAuthorGang member, Chris Weigand birthday! Yay!

Erika M Szabo via Google+

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy Birthday Christina! Enjoy your special day :)
Thank you.

Erika M Szabo

3 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Happy Birthday Christina! You're blessed with a beautiful family
Thank you