Showing posts with label #NaNoWriMo2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #NaNoWriMo2018. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

A NaNoWriMo Adventure

A NaNoWriMo Adventure

Christina Weigand

Earlier this week Tricia talked about signing up to participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). Today I want to talk to you about the experience. I have participated in NaNo for seventeen years. Some years I have achieved 50,000 words and others I haven’t. For a couple of years, while I lived in Washington State I was a municipal liaison in partnership with two other writers, one of whom is still my best writing buddy. Three of the books I’ve written during NaNo have gone on to be published. So what keeps me coming back? Why put myself through this torture once a year?

The first year I did it, 2001, I was a newbie writer, and I did this just for fun to see if I could do it. I didn’t reach 50,000 words, and in fact didn’t accomplish that until 2008, but I was hooked. Some years, especially when I lived in Washington, I was very focused and that is the period of time when I wrote: Palace of the Twelve Pillars (2008), Palace of the Three Crosses (2009) and Sanctuary of Nine Dragons (2010). Keep in mind those three books did not come out of NaNo ready to be published. I think that’s where the beauty of NaNo; you give yourself freedom to write the first draft, which by its nature is not supposed to be the best or final product.

Some other things that make the experience worthwhile: The companionship you receive from writers from around the world and in in your local community; putting away your inner editor and just writing and an organized group that promotes, supports and guides the writer.

I’m sure NaNo is not for everyone, but for me, I will keep doing it; maybe. There are years including this one that I have contemplated not doing it or didn’t have a specific project in mind. But somehow someone manages to convince me to take the leap and do it once again.

I may not have convinced anyone to do this, but that really wasn’t the goal. For me NaNo has been a fulfilling experience. There have been times that I have been in that zone, you writers know what I am talking about, where the words come faster than I can get them on paper. There have been times when I’ve felt as if I would never write a good word again. In those times the friends I have made find a way to talk me out of the slump.

So once again I took the plunge and will spend the next month writing or in my case rewriting. I went to the NaNo website today and saw my total NaNo word count for the seventeen years I have participated. It is 287,716, a lot of words but well worth the effort.
Now onto NaNo, to hopefully add another 50,000 words. I’ll see you on the fifteenth and give you an update on my progress.

If you are interested it's never too late to start. Here is the link to sign up or just check it out here: NaNo
If you know of a young writer or are a teacher that wants her class to participate in NaNo there is a Young Writers NaNo here:  Young writers

For more info on NaNoWriMo you can check out Tricia's post  here.

And to see more articles from Our Author Gang:

Monday, November 5, 2018

National Novel Writing Month

"Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year?" That’s a question I’ve been seeing all over social media, in writer’s groups and anywhere else writers might hang out.

If you don’t know what “NaNoWriMo” is, it stands for “National Novel Writing Month.” During the month of November, participants strive to write a 50,000 word novel in only 30 days! There is a website that offers a place where participants can register and log their daily word count. Writers can hang out in forums, read inspirational articles from famous writers, participate in various mini-challenges, buy merchandise, or even meet up with local writers in person!

Not only is NaNoWriMo a lot of fun, but it is incredibly helpful for writers. Even if you don’t “win” NaNoWriMo by completing 50,000 words in 30 days, or even if your novel is not nearly complete once your 50,000 words are written, you can still celebrate the progress you’ve made.

NaNoWriMo isn’t just for published authors. Anyone can participate! It’s totally free (though, you can donate if you’d like) and all you need is a computer, or a pen and paper. Heck, you can even write your novel on a stack of napkins. As long as you write something, you can enjoy National Novel Writing Month.

If you’re one of the millions of people out there who have thought about writing a novel, this is your chance! NaNoWriMo is the perfect opportunity for you to get started. You never know – the story you pen this November might end up being published. And, even if you don’t finish your NaNo novel, that’s okay! As long as you have fun, that’s all that matters.

So, what are you waiting for? Why not give NaNoWriMo a try?

If you'd like to sign up for NaNoWriMo, or learn more about the challenge, you can visit the official website:


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Erika M Szabo

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
I never participated. When it comes to writing by keeping a deadline and word count, my muse goes to sleep :)
Sometimes it works for me, and other times it doesn't.

Erika M Szabo via Google+

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Are you a NaNoWriMo writer?
This year, I am using NaNo to try to finish a work in progress. I have participated in NaNo several times, but only completed 50,000 words twice. Three out of five of my NaNo novels are now published. (I had to go look all that up because I couldn't remember.)

nicola L Osguthorpe

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
I really must give this a go next year. I always think about it but doubt that I would manage to achieve so many words, still if I don't try I'll never know. Thank you for sharing the info.

Juneta Key

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
I signed up and, setup, because I always do since 2013, but not sure if going to try to make 50000. #amwriting  but over several projects.

Ruth de Jauregui via Google+

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
National Novel Writing Month -- Are you shooting for 50,000 words during NaNoWriMo? Stop by #OurAuthorGang and see who's going to give it a go!!

Ruth de Jauregui

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
November is when we start getting really busy (and more hours!) at work, so I don't participate. Good luck to all of you who are shooting for a novel by the end of the month, may you all reach your goals!!

Joe Bonadonna

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
I never participate, but good luck to everyone who does!

Joe Bonadonna via Google+

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
November is National Novel Writing Month, and you can check out Tricia Drammeh​'s blog about NaNoWriMo today at #OurAuthorGang

Cindy Smith shared this via Google+

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly

Cindy Smith

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
I actually participated (and finished) in 2016.  It was fun. But, never again. Best wishes to all who attempt this.
Congratulations on finishing in 2016! It isn't easy. This is my 6th time participating, but I've only finished twice in the past.

Chris Weigand via Google+

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
NaNoWriMo Check it out with Tricia

Chris Weigand

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Hey how did you know that's what my post on Thursday was going to be about.
Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year, Chris?

Toi Thomas

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
A novel in month is not quite my thing, but I know so many to live for this every year. I like watching it happen. It's very inspirational.
I'm not usually successful with NaNo, but I do like getting swept up in the excitement. Nightbound (the 4th Spellbringers book) was one of my NaNo "winners." Even though I completed 50,000 words in 30 days, I still don't feel like it was much of a win, though. The book still isn't complete and needs a lot of work to make it publishable.
+Tricia Drammeh Anytime someone writes 50k, it's a win. Keep working on it. You'll get it ready for publishing. I'll be right here with the rest of your fans just waiting to read it.

Toi Thomas via Google+

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Today, Tricia Drammeh​ gets us all excited about "the" novel writing challenge. #OurAuthorGang

Stephanie Collins via Google+

2 months ago  -  Shared publicly
Erika M Szabo originally shared this
Are you a NaNoWriMo writer?