Here I am once again to tell you about ghosts, the real ghosts. Differently, than those narrated in my latest novel, those have once been living in this Earth, and they died. Nevertheless, they refused to leave for the eternal peace, believing to have still something left undone in this world.
The story I am going to tell you in this weekly post is the one of Guendalina Malatesta, born as the daughter of Ugolinuccio di Montebello and Costanza Malatesta.
The tale says that little Guendalina was born albino around the year 1370. At that time, albinos were considered having the mark of Satan. Fearing the superstition, and the reaction of the people, not to mention the risk for the very lives of those people, they were kept hidden for their whole life. The same happened to Guendalina Malatesta, whose parents tried to keep her away from everyone outside the castle.
The story goes on telling that she was regularly followed by two guards, to avoid that anything happened to her. Despite this, during the summer solstice, the 21st of June 1375, Guendalina was playing with a rag ball together with her two guards. During their play, the ball rolled away, down the stairs that lead to the 'nevaio,' which was an underground storage where the ice was kept to preserve food that was easy to decay (a sort of nowadays fridge).
She followed the ball down to the storage door and disappeared. The guards followed her, but she was never found, not alive or dead. She simply disappeared.
Now, one thing to be noted is that by the popular folklore, the day of the solstice has a powerful magic meaning. It is the day where the doors between the underworld and the real world might be opened and by sacrificing an albino virgin to one or another deity would have granted the members of the sect unusual powers. One of the many superstitions available within humanity...
The most accredited theory is that she might have been abducted with the help of the two guards and sacrificed during one rite.
Some rumors say that she can be heard playing or calling her mother for help, every five years during the summer solstice, but this is something I cannot guarantee.
What I can guarantee is how worthwhile is to pay a visit to the castle of Montebello.
Located close by San Marino between the Marecchia and Uso River in the region of Emilia Romagna in Italy, represent one of the best preserved medieval castles.
Likewise all the fortresses it has a very long and exciting history (ghosts apart). The first construction of the castle is from the Roman age, and it was a square base tower that is nowadays included inside the structure of the castle.
The first documented owner was of the year 1186 when the castle was sold by the family Mataldone to the family of Malatesta.
After this, the castle went through an intense rebuilding particularly concerning the building of the fortified walls, as it was neighbored by the Montefeltro family, ancient enemies of the Malatesta.
In the year 1393, the castle was conquered by the Montefeltro family, but in 1438, Pandolfo Malatesta was able to get it back and owned it until 1464, when the fortress thanks to the intervention of the Pontifical Army, was conquered by the actual owners the counts Guidi di Bagno.
Just like for many other destinations, I cannot tell you how enjoyable is the place and the nature surrounding it. If you are going to visit Italy, you might take your chance and pay a visit to the many castles and particularly to those who have a ghost in it!!
As usual, I wish you an awesome weekend, Stay tuned for new adventures of the Wandering Writer.
Showing posts with label #Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Italy. Show all posts
Friday, August 30, 2019
Friday, August 17, 2018
A Vacation with a Mysterious Encounter
A Village with a Colorful Past ~
Lorraine Carey #OurAuthorGang
The enchanted village of Pacentro, with its colorful past is located in the province of L’Aquila in the Abruzzo region of Italy. It is a fully preserved historic medieval village just 110 miles east of Rome.
It is coined as one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, dating back to the ninth century. The Caldora Castle, which towers over the village, was built by the Cantelmo Lords and then occupied by several various feudal lords.
The Caldora family ruled over the village from the late 13th century
until their defeat by the Angevin Kings from Naples in the 15th century. The village was then overtaken by the Orsini family who were allies with the Angevin royalty. Combining the wealth of both families resulted in remodeling the castle and expanding the town.
There are rumors of secret underground chambers and tunnels under the castle that were used by the Knights Templar to hold secret meetings.
Most who visit will admit there really is some residual energy here. My husband and I both experienced this on our visit, and this was the inspiration to write my novel, Beloved Sacrifice. There were whispers in every nook and cranny in this village telling me to do so.
Enjoy reading my account of what took place on my visit there.
The Spirits Were My Travel Agents ~
It was the best vacation of my life. My hubby had surprised me with tickets to Italy for my birthday. I had always wanted to visit the village of Pacentro, where my ancestors came from. This quaint medieval village dates back to the ninth century. What I had looked forward to most was visiting the cemetery to find the graves of my ancestors, and my grandmother’s house.
That day my heart raced with anticipation as we drove up the hill, seeing the Caldora castle tower peeking out of this storybook village.
An Early Morning Encounter~
Our first day entailed an early walk. The one side of the road was thick with trees belonging to the Majella forest. On the other side of the road was a guardrail. I stopped to admire the beautiful view from where I was perched. It felt like I had slipped back into time with the castle, the church, and the stone villas that crammed the tiny walkways. The windowsills were dotted with pots of various vibrant flowers.
My husband and I became startled when the church bells rang three times, which were accompanied by the sound of howling wolves. I locked eyes with him and we both knew something very magical was in the air. I turned to the other side of the road to see a small shrine for the Virgin Mary, with a well of running water falling over the rocks into a pond below. We walked over to the shrine and I was immediately overcome with a feeling of comfort. My husband instructed me to take off my shoes and walk in the pond water. “You’ll feel the connection,” he said. I walked into the pond, closer to the Virgin Mary statue, and noticed the many coins that sparkled down from beneath the water. My feet were picking up a strange and wonderful vibration that coursed all the way up my legs. I looked at him with amazement wondering just how he knew this. And who was supposed to have the connection here? This was the place of my ancestors, yet he knew how I would receive it.
We discussed the sequence of events that had unfolded: three church bells, three howls, and a spiritual site. Something was certainly underfoot.
Locked up and Loving it ~
Later that afternoon, we had finally made it to the old cemetery just before dusk. We parked our car and entered through the majestic black iron gates. I eagerly rushed into the walled area, which housed many graves mounted in the wall. I began searching for my great-grandmother’s grave, first. A loud alarm was set off and we wondered if it was a car alarm. When we heard the final clang, we knew those huge iron gates had just closed. Yes, we were locked in the cemetery and it was only minutes away from getting dark. My husband suggested we waste no time getting out of there. I protested, but to no avail. My husband noticed a large fence covering an area where some construction was taking place. He knocked it down and we looked at the drop-off below. It was at least a thirty-foot drop. He told me to lie down on my belly as he pulled me up the hill and out of the cemetery.
We made it to the car, trying to rehash what had really happened there. A small local restaurant was just up the road, and we were famished. The atmosphere was very seventies and they even played music from the time period. My husband and I both, once again, were feeling like we were in a place that time forgot. I made a run to the restroom while we waited on our food. Trying to emerge, I found myself locked in. I jiggled and pulled at the old doorknob, with no luck. I started banging on the door until the waitress had walked by and heard me. She managed to open it with ease. “No one has ever gotten locked in here!” she joked.
When I returned to our table my husband was sitting there, sipping wine, unaware of my long absence. I told him of my experience. He just looked at me and said, “I think someone wants you to stay here.”
I thought about his words and couldn’t help but wonder if the spirits of my ancestors had planned this most amazing trip.
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Erika M Szabo
5 months ago - Shared publicly
Gave me the goosebumps Lorraine, but a great story came out of this vacation!

Chris Weigand via Google+
5 months ago - Shared publicly
Take a little journey to Italy with Lorraine Carey

Ruth de Jauregui via Google+
5 months ago - Shared publicly
Lorraine Kolmacic Carey shares a fascinating story of her vacation at the Caldora Castle on #OurAuthorGang. Stop by and read about the mysterious events!!

Ruth de Jauregui
5 months ago - Shared publicly
Wow, I think the ancestors were telling you something. Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip.

Joanne Jaytanie via Google+
5 months ago - Shared publicly
Read about Lorraine Kolmacic Carey's magical trip to Italy. #OurAuthorGang

Joanne Jaytanie
5 months ago - Shared publicly
It sounds like a magical trip, Lorraine. I've always wanted to visit Italy. Maybe one day.

Rebecca Tran via Google+
5 months ago - Shared publicly
Sounds like a perfect vacation for you Lorraine.

Rebecca Tran via Google+
5 months ago - Shared publicly
Loraine Carey shares her amazing journey in Italy.

Grace Au
5 months ago - Shared publicly
Lorraine! How exciting! Eerie, but exciting. Don't you love when a place just settles into your soul! Great post.

Toi Thomas
5 months ago - Shared publicly
What an adenture. You sure this was a vacation? Lol! I can totally see how this trip could inspire a story.

Toi Thomas via Google+
5 months ago - Shared publicly
Today, Lorraine Kolmacic Carey shares an inspiring vacation at the Caldora Castle and introduces her story Beloved Sacrifice. #OurAuthorGang

Nikki McDonagh
5 months ago - Shared publicly
Great story Lorraine, it must have been wonderful to feel that connection with such a beautiful. I can relate to the being locked in the toilet scene, it has happened to me a couple of times but not in such a lovely location.

Joe Bonadonna via Google+
5 months ago - Shared publicly
Today on #OurAuthorGang, author Lorraine Kolmacic Carey tells us a true story about a village in Italy, and about being locked inside a cemetery.

Joe Bonadonna
5 months ago - Shared publicly
This is a wonderful story, all the more so because it's true. It gave me goosebumps the first time I read it.
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+Lorraine Carey - lol!
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