Showing posts with label #Fantasy #Romance #mustread #AJPark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Fantasy #Romance #mustread #AJPark. Show all posts

Friday, May 7, 2021

Book Friday: War's Ending

 A romantic fantasy novel

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"I wrote this book because I wanted to explore the idea of people who hid their faces from outsiders. The book is about Shalyrie’s journey to understand them and their culture. She does eventually discover their secrets and is pushed into a terrible position between the opposite sides of the conflict. As she spends more time with them, she grows to respect and admire them, especially their young leader. His dedication and kindness make a deep impression on her. They grow closer until she can’t imagine leaving him. But unless she finds a way to stop the fighting, he will be killed and his people destroyed. 
I wanted to create a story that explored new scenery and cultures. Shalyrie’s nation is sea-faring, native to an island, and she’s never seen horses before. What would you think of a horse if you’d never seen one before? The book is all about her efforts to stop the fighting between her people and the horsemen. I hope you enjoy War’s Ending."
A.J. Park

About the story

Royal Blood. A floor length gown. Neither is any use in a battle...
Shalyrie accepts an invitation to tour the colony with the charming young governor. Instead of site-seeing, she is injured in an unexpected raid. Captured by the enemy, she struggles to stay alive among masked horsemen who don't speak her language and refuse to show their faces.
As Shalyrie attempts to understand their culture, she discovers that the war is not what it seems. An attempt on her life by one of her own people reveals that someone has a compelling reason to continue fighting and they don't care if she is killed in the middle of it.

A.J. Park
A.J. Park has embraced a lifelong passion for writing and reading. There is nothing better than a really good story, and she feels compelled to keep creating. Fantasy has always been her favorite genre, because it represents the world of imagination in fiction.