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Paranormal romance
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Davina Guy (AKA David W. Thompson)
girl, pick up the stupid phone already! Or turn down the volume – I’m tired of
hearing it ring.”
rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and glanced at the alarm clock by her bed. God, I’m so tired! A full day of exams
with only a twenty-minute nap to recover wasn’t cutting it.
pulled herself across her bed and picked up her phone. Lorelei. She considered fabricating an excuse to steal the reward
of a few hours of sleep, but with the next ring, she sighed and answered the
Lor, what’s up? Is everything okay?”
guess it’s nothing a full-frontal lobotomy wouldn’t fix.”
come on. It can’t be that bad… let me guess, Mom again?”
yeah, Mom. Who else? She’s batty, Jules, and battier than normal, I mean. I’m
at my wit’s end. She waits for me to fall asleep and goes sneaking out to the
woods like before, doing her magical incantations or some shit, I don’t know.”
she taking care of you? You know, during your moon cycle.”
care of me? Hmm… yeah, if you consider keeping me locked up down there for two
days as taking care of me! Then, when she comes down to the basement, it’s like
she doesn’t even remember I’m there. She made me miss my Senior Prom, Jules!”
right, I’m coming home. It’s good timing with spring break; I just finished my
exams. I miss you anyway, and you don’t need to be alone and having to deal
with all that. I’ll leave in the morning and should be there by mid-afternoon.”
you don’t have to do that. I was hoping maybe you could talk to her. She might
listen to you, and I don’t want to get her upset.”
“Seriously, Lorelei? You know, the two of us
mix like oil and water. I’ll be there. See you in the afternoon.” Julianna hung
up before her sister could argue further and dialed the gym. Frank Matheson,
the owner, was a good guy to work for. He wasn’t happy to hear she’d miss
leading her classes, but Frank seemed to understand at least. Like everyone
else, he had enough family issues of his own.
slipped into yoga pants and a halter and faced her kickboxing bag. She threw a
round kick followed by an uppercut and a long series of jabs. Her Yorkie Xena
whined from the bed as Julianna completed her routine.
okay, Xena, I’m not mad at you, baby.” Julianna scratched her behind the ears.
She pulled on her slippers and went to the kitchen to tell her roommate, Amy,
of her plans. Amy was at the sink, elbow-deep in pots and pans.
Oh boy, I will be a guinea
pig for another bout of experimental recipes. Cooking and new food fads
were Amy’s antidotes for depression.
need to get dressed, Julianna. I’d kill for your beautiful copper skin, but you
don’t have to flaunt it, princess.” Amy flipped her perfect blonde curls out of
her eyes.
“This will work for around the apartment, I
least put on some decent clothes before everyone gets here.”
on, Julianna. Did you forget the guys are coming over tonight? And you tease me
about being a dumb blonde.”
I did forget, but I’m going to have to be a party pooper. Sorry, but something
has come up, kind of a family emergency, and I need to drive home tomorrow.
I’ll hang out for a bit, but I really must turn in early tonight.”
scrunched her lips together and rolled her eyes toward the ceiling.
Great, Amy’s pissed, but
tough, it can’t be helped. The mental release of a party might be exactly what she needed, but
all she felt up to right now was sleep, and she dreaded what faced her at the
end of her journey tomorrow.
quickly showered, dressed, and spent time on her research paper before the
doorbell rang.
and Deborah arrived together, early, of course, and Amy put them to work
arranging the appetizers. Everyone looked up when Amy’s treasured cuckoo clock
began announcing the hour from the living room. Julianna knew they were all
thinking the same thing.
do you suppose they are?” Jen asked. “I swear, if John and Katie are late, the
world will literally end!” In mid-cuckoo, a knock sounded on the door. Deborah
cackled in delight when the newly “coupled” couple entered the kitchen.
“We know you guys too well,” Deborah said,
still giggling.
I’d hope so. We’ve only been best friends since freshman year.” Katie gave each
of her friends a hug. “At least we aren’t all finishing each other’s sentences
like you and Jen do.”
Amy laughed. “Yeah, I think I need some new
friends. It’s a rare weekend when we aren’t all hanging out together at some
point. But speaking of which, I invited two new guys I met on campus tonight. I
think you’ll like them.”
meat?” Katie winked at Julianna, who shot a look in Amy’s direction (what Amy
called her evil eye: one eyebrow hooded, and the other raised), but Amy
responded with her sweet, innocent little girl smile, complete with matching
dimples. Two guys. Wonderful. That means
one for Amy and another one that she intends to fix me up with.
responded to the knock at the door and returned with a blond-haired man
attached to her arm. She introduced him as Shane. He was tall, six foot or so,
with a tight, well-built body, obvious even under his sports jacket. Julianna
assumed he worked out and wondered why she had never seen him at her gym. He
looked good, even if he was overdressed for a college party. A freshly pressed
shirt and tie completed his dressed-to-impress ensemble. He smelled of money.
Hell, I bet he even irons
his socks. No, his maid probably does that. She
stared at his earring, a gold crescent moon, an odd decoration for a man’s ear,
but then, she didn’t like earrings on men, or on women much either for that
matter. Maybe that was the one thing she was old-fashioned about. Julianna
preferred the strong, silent, rustic type, a real Marlboro man, but who knew? A
different kind of man might change her luck.
Shane got acquainted with the six friends, Julianna’s gaze swept over him from
his head to his brightly polished shoes and he unconsciously paused here and
there. It was a shame she had to bail on
the party tonight; it might have been fun. It had been so long since she’d had
a break from her hectic life. She shook
her head. No, not tonight. Julianna
consoled herself knowing how nice it would be to be home, at least to see her
sister, and Lorelei needed her.
answered another knock on the door, and a sweet candy-like scent teased her
nose. She did a double take when Chase Graves, one of her classmates in a few
courses, strode in.
He had
emerald green eyes, dark wavy hair, and chiseled good looks. No doubt, young
women were swooning over him before he even sprouted whiskers, although it was
difficult to picture him without his well-groomed handlebar mustache. Chase
wore his usual – tight-fitting jeans and a plaid flannel shirt that couldn’t
hide his trim and muscular body. He made casual look so hot, so male. In short,
he was definitely her type, at least regarding appearances.
reached out and wrapped his arms around her in an awkward hug.
good to see you again, Julianna.”
mind drifted back to the classes they attended together and their coffee dates
soon after. They started as fast friends. Then over dinner one night, he
started acting possessive, relationship possessive. In all honesty, Julianna
didn’t trust her feelings around him, even after their short acquaintance. She
had even fantasized that someday, if the family curse was broken, she could get
used to having him in her life. He seemed to know every button to push on her
heart – and body. Therefore, she no longer let herself be alone around him. Sex
had been off the table. Her body warmed at seeing him, but she pushed the
thought away. She couldn’t allow herself that, not with the secrets in her
family closet.
only want us to be friends,” she’d told him after a weekend of soul-searching.
good friends, I hope. What about friends with benefits?” He flashed a
white-toothed smile.
don’t believe that’s even possible. Friendships like that either become much
more or end altogether. I don’t want either one.”
we are at an impasse because I want, no, I need, more.” His green eyes locked
with hers before he walked away.
saw him everywhere around campus after that, always with a woman or two. She
ignored him, and the more she did, the more effort he expended in the pursuit,
the more he flaunted his female “friends” whenever she was near. Was he ever
interested in her as a person? Were they ever really friends, or did he play it
up as a ploy to get in her pants? She did the math, and it added up. He had
played her. He wanted another notch on his belt, and the harder a woman was to
get, the bigger the challenge, and that realization hurt. If he’d been honest
with her, she might have considered being one of those notches!
greeted her latest guest and introduced him to everyone.
met before,” Chase said, looking at Shane.
noted the hostility passing between the two men. “So you guys know each other?”
we go way back.” Chase’s nostrils flared.
God, men and their childish
she thought.
strolled into the room and headed to her corner bed until she heard Chase’s
voice. She ran toward him, jumped up on the couch, and propelled herself into
Chase’s arms.
Xena, there’s a good girl,” he cooed in her ear.
pulled Julianna to the side. “Okay, so I spotted you and Chase together in the
library, and…”
weren’t together, he just sat there. I didn’t invite him.”
I could see how he looked at you from across the room, but I knew you weren’t interested
anymore. I’d love to hear that story sometime. Anyway, after checking out my
books, I walked over to your table, but you were gone, so I asked him over
tonight. He’s so damn hot, but is it all right with you? I mean… well, you
aren’t into him, right? He’s fair game? If he and I were to …”
all yours, Amy. Rock his world, girlfriend!” Amy was right about one thing,
though, Julianna thought. Chase was hot enough to make a woman sweat just being
near him, and suddenly, her old desires raced through her body, electric,
tormenting her. She had almost forgotten how tantalizing he was. No! If and
when she needed her itch scratched, Shane’s chances for a no-strings horizontal
thrash were more probable than Chase’s. Shane might at least be honest and
appreciative afterward, but a night with Chase would be a seduction built on
lies, cheap and tawdry, and just another check mark in his little black book.
gave Julianna a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks, Jules. Shane’s a
good catch, too. I know he’s a little stiff initially, but I heard his dad’s
filthy rich, and he only has one brother.” She winked at her, and Julianna
rolled her eyes.
made nice and enjoyed the conversation over light appetizers. She had a few
drinks with her friends, both old and new. Chase flirted with all of the girls,
even Jen and Deb. Either he hoped they were switch-hitters, Julianna thought,
or else he lacked a lesbian notch on his belt, but she still felt his eyes
following her whenever she moved.
thought of how people often grow into their names, but the name of the
sluttiest girl she had ever met was named Chastity, and she knew a skinny,
nerdy kid who went by Hunter…but Chase? His parents nailed it with his name.
bantered with the other guests but hung on Julianna’s every word, making it
clear she was the one he was interested in. When her glass ran low, he was
quick to top it off. He was attentive and a perfect gentleman, perhaps too much
so. She wondered how he would look in a flannel shirt and jeans – maybe even
under her flannel sheets!
Julianna?” Shane broke into her thoughts.
sorry, I was daydreaming.”
for your thoughts?”
have to give you change.” She laughed. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
necklace, it’s beautiful. I love turquoise, always have.”
the goddess Diana, the huntress,” Amy interrupted. “It’s Julianna’s one
concession to fashion. You will rarely see her without it.”
Shane looked up from the pendant to Julianna’s
eyes. “A woman who looks like you needs minimal ornamentation.”
smiled. “Why, thank you, Shane. It was a gift from my father, who’s passed, so
it’s special to me. Besides, turquoise is the essential adornment for all
Native American women.” This guy is quite
the flirt. At first glance, he seemed way too prissy for her taste, but
there was another deeper element to the man, like when a book doesn’t match its
cover. She felt a primal draw just as she felt when she was around Chase.
a hurry to get to bed or because the drinks helped her relax, Julianna sucked
them down and felt lightheaded. She asked to be excused, gave the explanation
of her family needing her at home, and said her good nights. She went to the
kitchen for a glass of water, and Shane followed. He slipped up behind her and
placed a hand on her shoulder. “Julianna?”
turned to face him. “Yes?”
had a great time tonight, and I’d like to see you again soon. You said your
family lives in Morton, and mine are in Ramsey. Do you think I could give you a
call while you’re home? I’m going home over the break too, so maybe we could
have dinner together? We are practically neighbors.”
father said all mountain folk are neighbors, especially West Virginians. Look,
I’m sorry to cut it short, too, Shane. I’d like it if you called. Just don’t
tell Amy. I’d never hear the end of it.”
exchanged phone numbers, and Shane hugged her. He bent over for a quick peck
goodnight, and her arms circled his waist in return. A quiver moved down her
spine as his lips touched hers and settled at her core. She could feel the
muscles of his chest pressing against her breasts through the thin cloth.
Julianna was greedy for a human touch, preferably a human male’s touch, and
suddenly, this wasn’t just a casual kiss between two new friends. She hugged
him tighter and he lifted her to the counter. She felt Shane’s hand slip under
her blouse and stopped it before it could continue its advance. Oh God, not this . . . not tonight.
Shane. Stop… I – ”
sorry, am I interrupting?” Chase asked from behind them.
assume that’s a rhetorical question.” Shane flashed his dark eyes at the other
man. Chase glared back, did a slow about-face, and left. Shane turned back to
Julianna, tried to step between her legs, and again snaked a hand beneath her
grabbed it before it reached her breasts and brought her knees together. “Stop.
I like you, Shane, but… stop. I’m not very used to alcohol, not to mention the
fact that I just met you or that all my friends are here. There’s no way this
is happening.” She tugged on his arm, and he withdrew his hand. “I’m sorry.
Good night.” She hurried off to bed.
found Julianna despite the flash heat Shane had stirred in her and the
incessant ramblings of her troubled mind. When she heard the creak of the
door’s hinges and Shane stepped inside, she knew she was dreaming.
pressed his muscular body against her from behind, spooning. One hand stroked
its way over her back to cup a breast, then took a lazy tour of other parts of
her body – kneading and caressing. His fingernails trailed up and down the back
of her thighs, and electric pulses coursed through her at each change of
direction. She sighed.
His hand continued its journey along her body,
always stopping just shy of more intimate places. It’s just a dream, Julianna. No harm done.
heard the rustle of his clothes, and his hands resumed their teasing caress.
Her body trembled at his touch, a sweet agony.
rolled her over, so she lay flat, and his magic mouth followed the path of his
hands. Warmth and tingling shocks flushed through her. She wanted him!
kissed her belly button, then he moved up and kissed the nape of her neck and
her lips and nuzzled her ear.
Her eyes flew open, and she quickly surveyed
her room. She felt like a child searching under the bed for monsters—but no one
else was there.
wasn’t her imaginary passion that woke her, and no phones were ringing, but
there were loud voices coming from the living room. When she heard a loud
crash, Julianna grabbed her robe and the baseball bat from the closet before
sneaking out of the room. Down the hall to the shared living room, she stared
open-mouthed at the scene unfolding before her.
got up from the floor, rubbing his chin, and turned to face Chase. They looked
like two battling bantam roosters with their shoulders squared off and chests
puffed out. Fire burned in their eyes as each tried to stare down the other. Oh God, this is just what I need: a drunken
alpha male showdown. Amy’s
treasured cuckoo clock lay smashed on the floor. She sat at the farthest point
of the couch, eyes peeking through her hands and mouth wide open. Their other
friends were nowhere to be seen.
fucked an Indian before…” Chase started but shut up when Julianna entered the
fire rose to her cheeks. He didn’t want a notch on his belt for the number of
women he’d screwed but for the races he’d seduced. No wonder she was on his hit
list. Native American women were rare enough on campus. What a sick shit! “What
the hell is going on?” If you guys have a problem, take it outside. We don’t
need this crap in here. Are you okay, Amy?”
nodded, and both men looked at her like children caught with their hands in the
cookie jar.
Julianna, I –” Shane started.
lifted her bat for emphasis, and she had no qualms about using it. Amy stirred
from her trance, jumped up from the couch, and placed a hand on Julianna’s bat.
take care of this, Jules. Go back to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”
don’t want to leave you alone with these assholes.” Julianna glared at the two
take care of it. I know how to handle them. Get some rest. You have a long day
retreated to her room, listened, and waited. At the sound of the apartment door
closing, she lowered her guard and fell into a blissful sleep.
David W. Thompson
David is a multiple award-winning author, Army veteran, and graduate of UMUC. He’s a multi-genre writer and a member of the Horror Writers’ Association, and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association. When not writing, Dave enjoys family, kayaking, fishing, hiking, hunting, winemaking, and woodcarving.
Great excerpt from the book!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Erika. I was something different for me.
DeleteOkay David, now you’ve got me curious.