Friday, January 31, 2025

Poetry Day #stories4you from #OurAuthorGang

 A poem by Eva Bielby

The Door to Love and Peace

I close my eyes,

breathing deep for a while.

I visualise my door

and it appears yet again,

opening up to me.

And I…

I can feel them again.

Enveloped in their warmth,

I wait,

feeling beautiful peace.

One moves in closer.

Happy feelings,


I recognise the one

up close to me.

Protective and

making me feel safe.


Such overwhelming love for me.


I feel strength.

He speaks

words only for me.

So subtle

yet so clear.

Words that bring peace

and happiness.

For he is happy,

in a world where hatred

does not exist.

In a world

many can’t comprehend.

In a world

where pain is not felt.

Yet I,

deep in my heart,

I know.

I know his other world.

I will return to that world

when from ours

I depart.

When my door opens

to me for the final time,

they will come for me

and guide me across their threshold.

My journey will come to an end.

The door will close behind me,

my door to love and peace.

Love and peace…

finally mine.

A beautiful new world

where exists…only love and peace.

They will wait for me…

wait for me to come home.

Infinite love

and infinite peace

wait just through my door.

Eva Bielby © July 2020


Eva Bielby

Eva Bielby was born in North Yorkshire in the Northeast of England. She has spent over thirty years of her working life as a company accountant. Eva has a keen interest in spiritualism/mediumship and has attended several workshops to develop her skills further. During her quieter moments, Eva enjoys a cryptic crossword, sudoku, and gardening.


  1. Emotional and comforting. Thank you for sharing!

  2. What an uplifting and gorgeous poem - comment from Dawn

  3. This really moved me. Words that give promise and hope. Well-done, author Eva.

  4. Loss, love, hope and peace. Well done.

  5. Thank you all for your kind comments!

  6. R. A. “Doc” CorreaJanuary 31, 2025 at 2:03 PM

    That’s a beautiful poem Eva
