Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Demon Child

 A story from the What If? #4 Anthology

Lucas couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was wrong. His sister’s once gentle and curious nature had been replaced with outbursts of rage and violence.

The Cunninghams had been blessed with a new addition to their family: a little girl they named Rebecca. She was a small bundle of wonder with inquisitive eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of an old soul.

As the Cunninghams gazed down at the sleeping baby, their hearts overflowed with love. They marveled at how perfect she was, with delicate features and soft, downy hair. Just looking at her brought a sense of peace and joy that they had never experienced before. As they watched her sleep, they knew that their love for her would only continue to grow with each passing day.

From the moment she was born, every member of the Cunningham clan was captivated by her, but none more so than her older brother, Lucas. Lucas was only six years old, but he took his role as a big brother seriously. He watched over little Rebecca with unwavering dedication, always eager to lend a hand or a comforting hug. In his young mind, there was nothing he wouldn’t do to keep his little sister safe and happy.

As Rebecca grew, her bond with Lucas only strengthened. They shared a room, and every night before bed, Lucas would read Rebecca her favorite stories until she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

It was evident that Rebecca and Lucas shared an unbreakable bond that transcended time and space. They were more than siblings – they were kindred spirits who were meant to be together.

Lucas, as big brother, was always eager to teach Rebecca new things and protect her from any harm. When she took her first steps, he was there to cheer her on and catch her when she fell. When she started preschool, he stayed with her every day until she felt comfortable enough to make friends of her own.

And through it all, Rebecca looked up to Lucas with admiration and adoration. To her, he was the bravest and most caring person in the world. She knew that no matter what happened, Lucas would always be there for her.

Their parents watched with pride as their children’s bond continued to grow. They were grateful for the beautiful relationship between their children and tried their best to foster it in any way they could.

But as much as they loved each other, like most siblings, Rebecca and Lucas had their fair share of arguments and disagreements. However, no matter how upset they got with each other, they never stayed mad at each other for long. Because, at the end of the day, they knew that their love for each other was greater than any argument or difference of opinion. They may have been different in many ways – Rebecca outgoing and adventurous while Lucas quiet and reserved – but overall, there was a perfect balance between them.

As years went by, Rebecca grew into a strong-willed child with a passion for learning and exploring. And through it all, Lucas remained her constant companion and protector.

But something happened on the eve of Rebecca’s tenth birthday. Lucas was suddenly awakened by a loud noise that shook him to his core. His heart raced as he tried to make sense of what was happening. He jumped out of bed and ran to his sister’s room and panic set in when he realized that the window had blown open and the shutters were violently slamming against the walls.

He ran toward the window and struggled against the force of the wind to close it; his heart was pounding in his chest. As he managed to shut the window, he turned to see if Rebecca was okay. His eyes darted around the room frantically until they landed on Rebecca’s bed. Relief washed over him as he saw her sleeping peacefully, her chest rising and falling with each breath.

Just as he was about to go back to his room, he saw Rebecca sit up with her eyes still closed. She started murmuring nonsensical words under her breath. Lucas couldn’t understand what she was saying, but it sounded like a language he had never heard before.

He watched in astonishment as a faint glow appeared around Rebecca, casting an ethereal light across the room. The wind outside seemed to intensify as if responding to Rebecca’s words.

Suddenly, without warning, every object in the room began to levitate – books, toys, even furniture. Lucas’s eyes widened in shock as he watched everything floating around Rebecca’s bed. Before he could even process what was happening, everything came crashing down with a loud thud as Rebecca slumped back onto her pillow.

Lucas stood frozen for a moment before rushing over to check on his sister. He shook her gently, but she didn’t stir. Because her face and body seemed relaxed and her breathing even, Lucas retreated to the corner and sat in a chair, staring at Rebecca until sleep claimed him.

The next morning, Lucas woke up with a feeling of unease in his stomach. He turned to look at Rebecca, hoping that last night’s events were just a dream. But as soon as his eyes landed on her, he knew something was wrong. Her once warm brown eyes were now a piercing blue, almost crystal-like in their clarity. It felt like a stranger was looking back at him, cold and unfamiliar.

Lucas recoiled in shock and fear, his heart racing as he scrambled out of the room. He ran toward his parents’ room, frantically knocking on the door. “Dad, Mom! Wake up! Something’s wrong with Rebecca!” he shouted, his voice shaky and panicked.

Read the full story and more from talented, various genre authors:

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this story. She had the best brother ever! Perfect story for Halloween!
