Monday, October 19, 2020

Ghost Story

 The Ghost of Prince Akhmose

Click to read a few chapters

A powerful curse cast thousands of years ago by the Grand Vizier. Tanakhmet cursed Prince Akhmose to never enter the Field of Reeds, the heavenly paradise. Why did he want him to linger as a restless ghost among the living, forever?

By reading the hieroglyphs, Layla, a young Egyptologist, inadvertently breaks the curse and frees the ghosts of both Prince Akhmose and the Grand Vizier whose thirst for revenge is stronger than ever.

With Layla’s help, can Prince Akhmose finally cross into the afterlife?

Or perhaps, because of the charms of the mortal woman, he doesn’t want to…


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Toi! A reader said the large eyes are mesmerizing, that's what had drawn her to the book. I'm anxious to find out if she will like the story too :)
