Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Happy Birthday To Me! #OurAuthorGang

It's My Birthday

I'm not a fan of huge birthday parties and getting presents make me kind of uncomfortable.
When my friends ask me what I would like for my birthday, holidays, or other occasions, I tell them to buy one of my books for themselves, or if they read my books already, for their friends and family members.
Having my books read and enjoyed by children and adults is the best present for me.

I'm not too lucky with birthday cakes.

My 6th birthday was memorable. Mom baked a beautiful cake and dad carried it to the table. Well, he tried... The fancy paper under the cake slipped on the tray and the cake flew across the room as he scrambled to catch it. Mom saved some of the cake but I never got to blow out the candles because there was a very icy atmosphere in the house for days. 

One year when my coworkers surprised me with a cake but put a candle on it that shoots out flame and sparkles. I lost an eyebrow, lashes, and half my bangs because I didn't know I wasn't supposed to blow it out.

Another time I did CPR on a patient with chocolate icing on my face and scrubs because an overzealous coworker pushed my face into the cake. Of course, the code was called 2 seconds later and I had no time to clean up.

I just hope this year I'm not getting a cake from these guys LOL

Oh, yes, this post is going to be a shameless promo as it's expected from a writer. It's my Birthday after all, so I'm allowed to brag a little about my books. Right?

Let me brag about a few of my books that I'm very proud of: 

The Ancestors' Secrets Series: romantic fantasy, magical realism, historical fiction
Amazon eBook:
Amazon print:
Universal link:
Amazon eBook:
Amazon print:
Universal link:
Romance novella
Universal link:
Bilingual children's book for ages 4-12
Amazon print:
Universal link:
Children's book for ages 4-12
Amazon eBook:
Amazon print:
Universal link:
Children's book for ages 4-12
Amazon eBook:
Amazon print:
Universal link:

If you'd like to see all my published books, click on this link:

Thank you for your interest and support!

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