Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Purr-anormal Activity

 Gimli's Cat-astrophic Hallowe'en!

Hallowe’en conjures up something different for everyone. Some think about dressing up in costumes and trick or treating. Others decorate their homes with ghosties, ghoulies, and jack-o’-lanterns. Some dream of mischief and all the naughty pranks they can pull.

When I think of Hallowe’en, the first thing I think about is cat pee. That’s right—you heard me. Cat Pee.

But why? You’re undoubtedly asking yourself, with equal measures of intrigue, disgust, and amazement.

I should explain. It all started innocently enough. When my husband and I were dating, I got him an ugly black kitten as a gift. He had a face only a mother and I could love.

The kitten was black and sleek and had orange-brown eyes that looked more like a lizard’s than a cat’s. He had very short ears giving him that vintage Batman look, and to top off, he had very long pointy canine teeth that extended well past his upper gumline, so he had a severe case of ‘perma-fang.’

Best present ever!

And lo, my then-boyfriend, husband-to-be, named him Gimli. This is about when I became a student to the decades-long tutelage on all that is J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series. Being more of a Star Wars nerd, this would prove to be an education, but I digress…

Gimli’s unusual appearance was exceeded only by his intelligence and nerve. This cat had balls, even after we had them surgically removed.

After the wedding, Gimli and my pets became one big happy family. Despite my worries, the hubby allowed Gimli to be an ‘outdoor cat.’

He was like a wild teenager, coming and going at all hours. This would’ve been ok if we had a pet door, but he’d yowl at my bedroom window at 5 am to be let in. 

Mine were ‘indoor cats.’

*Cue the snide looks* So, they were all, ‘Why does he get to go outside?’ at first.

Gimli was a character. When I walked our dog up into the back fields behind our subdivision, he’d follow us, careful to keep a 15-foot distance like our very own Secret Service detail.

In all honesty, he was probably just wondering, ‘Where the heck is the human dragging the mutt? Far away, I hope.’

Sometimes, Gimli would get bored tailing us and he’d go lie in the middle of the road in front of our house. He’d be soaking up the rays on the warm pavement and staring down the approaching cars. They’d honk, and he’d swish his tail, forcing them to go around him. The cat had balls.

Probably by now, you’re wondering how cat pee fits into all of this, but it was vital to establish character, your honor.

If there are no further objections, I’ll tell you. Our local radio DJ advised city folks to keep their cats indoors before and just after Hallowe’en for their safety, especially if they were black cats. There had been a rash of pet hate crimes locally.

Of course, I thought this was brilliant, and just the thing to do. So, after dinner that night, I spoke of the radio announcement and decreed that we would follow suit for Gimli’s safety and well-being.

Gimli did not respond well to forced captivity. I would stare down into his beady little lizard eyes and tell him, ‘It’s for your own good. You don’t want to be hurt, killed, sacrificed, or maimed, do you?’

I should’ve seen the fury building in those eyes of his. I should’ve heard it in the annoyed yowls that he so lovingly communicated in my ear when I was sleeping.

By day three, which was Hallowe’en, he’d had enough. The look of fury had turned to rage, that rage had turned to pure, unbridled wrath. And that wrath could only be quenched with an act of vengeance most vile.

 Of course, he didn’t blame the hubby, his besty, and partner in crime. (And yes, I went into this marriage, knowing full well that wasn’t me, but I was okay with it, far be it for me to be jealous of a mere cat.)

Maybe it was the fact that every time the hubby met with Gimli, he said, ‘Sorry buddy, but she said you have to stay inside for your own good.’

The hubby would even favor me with that look of mock disdain that the cat wholly embraced as real. The tall human…understood.

Ah yes, the vaunted enemy. She.

Gimli’s vengeance had a target identified and locked in. All that remained was delivering the coup de grĂ¢ce to the target.

It was our first year in the neighborhood. I had no idea how many kids would visit. The subdivision was new and had lots of families. Better safe than sorry. So, I ran out to buy more candy and chips in case we ran out. 

I arrived home, struggling with my grocery bags because I was younger then and was the sort to carry all of them at once even if it killed me, instead of making several trips. 

So, I walked into the kitchen and Gimli was there…lying in wait on the countertop. He stood up and looked me in the eye with those snaky, unblinking eyes of his and hissed.

He then proceeded to spray the entire kitchen counter, including the jars where I stored coffee, tea, and sugar, the microwave, the coffeemaker, the upper cupboards, the mugs that hung from them on hooks…everything. No surface was spared the wrath of Gimli. Quite an achievement for a neutered male cat.

He even got my Siamese, Nikki, who seemed to say, “What? What did I do?! You %@#@#$!!”

I was not thrilled or impressed. I was ready to tie Gimli to a stake on the front lawn with a sign saying, ‘Black Cat for Sacrifice—Free.’  

Just as I was pulling out the markers, cardboard, and heavy-duty zip ties, the hubby came home from work and Gimli gave me that smug look that he always did when he got his way.

Darn it. Foiled again. ‘Fine cat, you win. This time.’

And so…Gimli was safe for another Hallowe’en.

We observed the safety measures every Hallowe’en, for the next thirteen…but I had to up my game more than once.

Happy Hallowe’en. Keep your pets safe!!

E.V. Emmons

E.V. Emmons lives in Ontario. Author of the novels ETERNITY AWAITS, THE SINISTRATI, and the writer’s guide, ‘WRITE HERE, WRITE NOW!’ As a contributor to several anthologies, her work even made it to the Moon with the Lunar Codex Program aboard lander Odysseus in February 2024. Available on Amazon.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Broomstick and Chocolate

 When Halloween traditions defended by real witches

Agatha couldn’t help herself, so she swept the porch with her broom before she used the oversized door knocker. It was a bad reproduction of the head of Bela Lugosi’s Dracula holding a single link of a heavy chain in his fanged mouth.

A short octogenarian woman who could have been Margaret Hamilton’s double answered the door. “About time, Cousin Agatha. It’s almost sunset, and the trick-or-treaters will be starting.”

“Don’t bristle at me. This is a new broom, and I just whisked in from Cincinnati. This isn’t your first Halloween; I suspect you’ve got a handle on things.”

“I do. Come inside, and let’s get ready for the children.”

Agatha leaned her broom against the wall inside the door. “This is a Boeing Stratoduster, right off the assembly line. Free to me because I’m a beta tester. Thought I’d try it for a spell.”

Endora inspected the broomstick. “Boeing? It’s a miracle you didn’t crash on takeoff.”

“Jealous much? You’re still flying that old Curtis Twin Stick, aren’t you?”

“It’s a classic and the most stable broomstick ever manufactured. It belonged to my grandmother. She flew 36 missions during World War Two.”

“She’s my grandmother, too. That’s such a bewitching tale, but my mom said that Grandma spent the war working in a defense plant in upstate New York putting protection spells on aircraft.”

“She was a witch just like us. She told me that the defense plant was just a cover story. The Curtis was the fastest broom on the planet. She’d finish her shift at the Curtis-Wright plant, sweep across the Atlantic, make a bomber escort run, bewitch a V-2, and then shuffle back to Buffalo in time to clock in.”

Agatha petted a large black cat, Ashtoreth, Endora’s familiar. “Ashtoreth looks healthy and happy, cousin, but I came for Halloween, not a history lesson. Are we ready for the children?”

“I was born ready. Ashtoreth loves Halloween. We’ll take turns with the kids. I’ll go first and you take the second group. The children love my house because I don’t do Halloween like everyone else.”

“How does that work? Don’t the children get upset?”

“Not at all. When I answer the door, they don’t say trick-or-treat. I do. They always say trick, and then I do a trick for them. Different tricks for different kids. I sometimes make their flashlights talk or their costumed wings real. I make the jack-o’-lanterns or my Bela Lugosi door knocker talk.”

“That’s real magic, Endora. No one can know that magic is real.”

“Relax, Cousin. The only magic I do for the children are parlor tricks, and they wear off like fairy gold when they leave my yard.  Most of the parents who live around here visited my house when they were young, and the rest wouldn’t believe it anyway. I’m just a harmless old lady. It’s fun, and it makes Halloween a little more special for the children.”

“Clang, clang, clang went Bela Lugosi. Endora opened the door and said, “Trick or treat.”

Three princesses shouted, “Trick.”

Ashtoreth slipped out the door, brushed against the girls’ legs, and then slunk back into the house. Endora thought for a moment and then touched the girl’s tiaras one at a time. The plastic headpieces glowed brighter than sparklers on the Fourth of July.

The princesses laughed and danced. Ashtoreth danced with them. Like real sparklers, the tiaras soon went out, and the three girls walked quickly to their mothers waiting on the sidewalk. One woman cupped her hands and yelled, “Thanks, Endora. You’ve still got it, girl.”

Two boys ran onto the front porch. Endora smiled at them. “Wow, I love your costumes. Who are you supposed to be?”

“I’m Speed Racer, and Greg is Astro Boy. Manga comic characters. Japanese.”

“Can’t say as I’ve ever been to Japan. Trick or treat, boys.? Trick or treat?”


“Agatha, help me with this one. These boys want a trick.”

Agatha waved her little finger, and Speed Racer’s helmet lit up like a futuristic computer screen. Data flashed inside the faceplate, visible only to the wearer, and scrolled rapidly in several colors, using several languages, known and unknown. The young man was mesmerized.

Continue reading the story in the anthology:

Monday, October 21, 2024

Fall Market

 Hiding from a haunting past

Then one sunny fall day she is seen

Elenore parked her car and gathered her basket and hat. The breeze coming off the ocean was cool, with just enough lift for a few colorful kites. The sun sparkled on the gentle surf making her smile as she took a deep breath and set off with determination to take her time and enjoy this fall day. It had been a month since she had moved to this small coastal town. Was this a place she could stay, or was it time to pack up again?

She strolled through the farmer’s market with her basket dangling from her arm. For such a small community, there was quite a variety of fruits and veggies. A few booths sported homemade baking products, and a few others were selling the things needed to “put things up” for future consumption. The local artisans displayed an array of goods in multiple mediums.

With cautious optimism, she decided to look for some piece of art that might cheer up her small cabin and maybe provide inspiration. A vase in the stall of a potter caught her eye. The vase was a beautiful hand-thrown piece with an hourglass shape, open enough at the neck for a nice-sized bouquet. Encircling the wide base was a collection of stylized cages with birds flying free or preening in the open cage doors. The whimsical style made her feel light. She smiled as she picked up the piece to check the price. Not bad for a hand-crafted work of art.

She was startled by a voice behind her. “The vase seems to make you happy. May I wrap it for you so you can get it home safely?”

Elenore turned to see an elderly, slightly bent woman smiling up at her. “Yes, I do love the vase. It makes me feel…optimistic.”

The old woman nodded. “Then you must also have the companion wall hanging. Calligraphy on ivory parchment. I mix my own ink and press the parchment myself. Here, would you like to read it?”

Elenore set the vase back on the shelf and reached for the rolled-up paper. Unfurling it she read the words of “Caged Bird” by someone named Maya Angelou. “A free bird leaps on the back of the wind…” Finishing the poem, she realized she was nearly breathless, the last line making her heart race. “…for the caged bird sings of freedom.” The words echoed in her mind. Free. What did free look like feel like? Was it a prize she would ever claim?

The shopkeeper spoke in that low voice that only your best friend uses when they are there to support you but maybe not provide a million solutions, none of which seem possible. “So, do you like it? You may have it to go with the vase. Both, for the price of the vase.”

Elenore looked up from the vase and caught the old woman's gaze. Unable to speak, she simply nodded.

Several minutes later, she was back in the bustling crowds, feeling disoriented and exposed. Her heart still raced in her chest, and her vision blurred with the sudden glare. To calm her nerves, she visited the veggie stalls to collect interesting candidates for the coming week’s meals. She spent considerable time choosing selections at the spice and herb stall. When her heart and hands had steadied, she began to wander through the fair, not sure of what she was looking for. Her back straightened as she searched the stalls nearby. Flowers would be nice, a bouquet for the new vase.

Her curiosity led her to a new vendor. At least she couldn’t remember seeing this one before. But then, she couldn’t recall the old woman from previous trips, either. Elenore looked back at the way she had come and shook her head when she couldn’t locate the stall. Well, it was crowded, and maybe the old woman only worked half a day. She turned and continued toward the flower merchant.

The aroma of several fresh blooms reached her before she reached the booth. Stepping out of the glare of the early afternoon sun, she adjusted her floppy hat to better see the offerings in the shady booth. There was a cool breeze blowing, and her well-developed radar began to ping. There was something unsettling about the small and crowded space. Oh, for goodness sake, I’m just unnerved by that old woman looking at me with her knowing smile. I’ll be fine. I just want to find some flowers for the vase.

Browsing through the offerings with intent, she jumped when a male voice behind her asked if he could help.

“I—I’m not sure. I just purchased a vase in another booth, and I’d like to find something to build an arrangement. Are these flowers freshly picked? I’d like something native to the area that might last a few days.”

The man smiled as his eyes grew more intense. “I live some distance away, but I pick my stock early in the morning and keep it cool during the drive. You might feel the fan I set up to keep the flowers cool under the shade. These are all plants that are native to our area. Are you looking to create a specific mood or stay with a particular color pallet?”

He seemed sincere, but his look didn’t put her at ease. At least she knew why there was a chilly breeze. He was still watching her.

Continue reading the story in the anthology:

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Book Sunday

 Enjoy Our Featured Books




Paranormal suspense

Lauren has everything she’d ever wished for. Great career, financial security, loving husband, and devoted friends. When her Raven spirit guide warns her of impending danger, she takes the omen seriously, but she doesn’t have enough time to perform the protection spell her grandmother taught her.
Someone breaks into her office and after the brutal attack and the Raven’s repeated warnings, she knows her life is in danger.
Who wants her dead and why?

Sci-fi space opera

Kathy Masters never expected to journey to the stars. When she does, she experiences the adventure of a lifetime.
That all changes when she is selected by the prestigious Galactic Geographic Society to photograph and record the flora and fauna of a newly discovered class M planet. Filled with hope and enthusiasm, she boards the S.S. America for the trip to Beta 3 Epsilon to begin her new project. On the way she is abducted and brought aboard the privateer Rapier.
Going from captive, to slave, to induction into the infamous Brotherhood, Kathy finds herself raising the adopted daughter of the crew of the Rapier. Given the responsibility to raise their princess, Cindy, they travel among the stars preying on merchant ships, dodging Chinese warships, fighting pirates, visiting strange worlds, and encountering fantastic creatures, all under the watchful eyes of Commodore James Ulysses Black. Trying to raise a young girl among gunfights, swordfights, ship-to-ship battles, slave trades, deals, and some of the most feared raiders in human space is no small challenge.
The only question is, Is Kathy up to the task?

Sci-fi galactic empire

The Sinistrati are fierce warrior-sorcerers who seek to expand their control over the galaxy. The Archontate, an assembly of the seven fiercest Sinistrati rule for the enigmatic King Megadrian.
Archon Regent Ryon Tacitus serves as the liaison between the Archontate and the king. As the most powerful member of the seven, his house has no shortage of dark secrets and enemies.
Ryon’s son, Ares Tacitus, the last born of House Tacitus, loses everything the day he is born.
Servants Mira and Eisen are the only other survivors of an enemy attack against House Tacitus and flee with the newborn, Ares.
After a tragic encounter with Archon Ryon Tacitus, Mira makes a promise to find Taro Wyn, a being with immense power who will guide the boy in reclaiming his birthright.
Mira flees Kendosa with Ares and builds a life on far away Acama, working for an archeological dig.
Years pass in the ‘Tent City,’ and with the hardships, they enjoy a few small pleasures until the truth of the boy’s Sinistrati heritage catches the attention of the dig’s foreman as the enemies of House Tacitus close in. Ares becomes the key player in a deadly game that could make or break his future.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

He Watches

 Can their love survive Halloween's heartbreak?

He crouched in the shadows, a creature of the night—a purveyor of passion and a despoiler of dreams. He was young—or young for what he was—ancient in human terms. After a century of watching over three mortal generations, he was well acquainted with waiting ...but he finally found her. She was born, became a woman, and his time was at hand. Their time! His tongue slid over darkened lips. A dribble of saliva, stained red from his evening meal, framed his smile. As patient as any alpha predator, he watched and waited.


Evelyn Barrow sighed as she gazed at the old, framed image in her lap. It was an old black-and-white photo, faded by time and handling. Her father passed it down to her through his father, who first received it from his mother—Eve’s great-grandmother, one of the figures in the picture. Alexandra Perkins had been the only female in her family line for generations—until Evelyn was born.

Her father said the picture was from the World War II era. The man in the picture, dressed in an old-style Army uniform, lent credence to his story. Evelyn’s research identified the outfit as a paratrooper’s garb. Her family’s oral tradition said the man was killed in action in the liberation of the Dachau prison camp. After surviving the horrors of the war, he was killed when his parachute failed to open.

The photo’s edges were dogeared, and several creases marred its surface. The blurred focus was the product of an amateur photographer, but somehow, the feelings of the two people were evident. They were in love.

A bent-backed elderly lady in a red plaid apron entered the sitting room with a feather duster in her hand.

“Do you need for anything, Miss Perkins…I mean, Mrs. Barrow?” she asked.

“Iris, after all the years you’ve been with our family, couldn’t you please call me Evelyn or Eve?”

“Yes. Misses…umm, I mean—Evelyn.”

“Please, put that down and sit with me for a moment.”

Iris sat on the sofa beside her, keeping a respectful distance.

“What do you know about this picture, Iris? And the man in it with my great-grandmother?”

“Surely, you’ve heard the stories, child? I was told he was in love with your great-grandmother and died in the war.”

“Were they? In love, I mean? What do you remember?”

“How old do you think I am, Miss?”

“I meant no offense, Iris. They look so happy...” Evelyn dropped her face into her hands and sobbed. Iris put an arm around her, stiffly at first, then tenderly—as if she were her child.

“There, there, Evelyn. Don’t carry on so. Married life takes some adjustment. You love Mister Barrow, and he loves you. Love conquers all, as my mother used to say.”

“I’m not so sure.” Evelyn sniffed and turned her head onto the older woman’s shoulder, wetting her dress with tears.

“I’ll tell you a secret about that picture if it will cheer you up, child, but first, you must dry your tears.”

Nodding her head, Evelyn swabbed at her eyes with the tissue Itris held. “I’m sorry, Iris. I am acting like a child. Forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive, Evelyn.” Iris stood and picked up her feather duster.

“Wait, Iris. I still want to hear that story you promised,” she patted the cushion beside her.

 “Are you sure?” Iris asked, and Evelyn nodded. “Do you believe in ghosts, Evelyn?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve never seen one, but Daddy swore he did once. He was convinced it was the spirit of his grandfather.”

“Well, your father didn’t know this story. His father kept it from him. He was a grand old southern gentleman, your grandfather, but he didn’t truck in ghosts and things that go bump in the night. He said there were enough worrisome things in this life without borrowing trouble.”

“I don’t remember my grandfather very well, but that sounds right.”

“I believe the man who died at Dachau concerned him, though. He said such great evil festers, spreads, and draws in even darker things, wicked things born of ancient evil. Evelyn, that man—the one in the picture? Your grandfather said his mother saw that man several times—years after he died, mind you. He said she thought good things happened to her and your family whenever she saw him.  She called him her guardian angel because she’d see him, especially when times were hard, and they’d get better.”

“What kinds of things?”

Continue reading the story in the anthology:

Friday, October 18, 2024

Big Boy

I have railroads in my DNA 

I have railroads in my DNA. My maternal grandfather was a freight manager for Pennsylvania. My mother remembers getting free tickets to Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey because he arranged for the siding space they needed close by the fairgrounds. A paternal great-uncle worked the yards for the Baltimore & Ohio. That one still exists, as part of CSX. The Pennsy was absorbed by Amtrak/Conrail in the aftermath of the disastrous merger with the New York Central.

This week the Union Pacific 4014 steam locomotive, known as Big Boy, made a rare foray into Texas. Of the twenty or so built in the early 1940's, only eight survive, and 4014 is the only one still in working order. The rest are in static displays in various railroad museums.

There's all manner of stuff on the internet about Big Boy, so of course I ventured into downtown Houston to have a look at it.

Coming from NYC, where there's a parade pretty much every other weekend, I have to say Houston doesn't know how to handle crowds. Of course, it doesn't help that the old Union Station, once the confluence of five different passenger railroads, is now the merchandise shop of the Houston Astros. Minute Maid Park was built on the site of the train yard leading into the station.

Houston's current Amtrak station is tiny, but then it only handles one train at any given time. The Big Boy locomotive was longer than the building.

And yet, given the internet hype, I wasn't impressed. Even when I managed to get up close – which wasn't too close, given that the locomotive was fired up – it was obvious the fans of Big Boy have been doing some digital finagling. I've seen photos where the whole thing seems massive, and some where the name Big Boy appears on the front of the smoke box.

Which of course it doesn't. 4014 wasn't the first completed, and the nickname was written in chalk, which probably lasted only long enough for it to be seen and spread by the American Locomotive Company workers.

But it stuck.

Maybe it was because I couldn't really get as close as I was able to get to Big Boy's eastern rival on static display at the Ford Museum in Detroit. Or maybe because I was only ten or twelve when I got to get up close to Chesapeake & Ohio's Allegheny.

That locomotive was polished, protected, and cold. The only sound it made was a recording of its steam whistle, taken when it had been running at track speed with a full head of steam. A piercing, banshee shriek guaranteed to make you get the hell out of the way.

I got to hear Big Boy sound off three times, live and in person. Once while I was standing near, twice as I was walking through the nearby theater district to catch the bus back home.

Standing still with the fire more or less banked, the sound was loud, but without the full steam pressure, was more of a mournful moan. The sound of a powerful creature that had once conquered mountains, now tamed and posed for photo opportunities.

I have to say though that it is a more classically handsome machine than the Allegheny, which has all manner of enhancements attached to the boiler to get more power from it. The Allegheny was massively heavier than the Big Boy, with a different wheel configuration that made hard work of moving itself, let alone the heavy freight it was meant to pull.

The Big Boys lasted a bit longer, but both mighty beasts were phased out by the 1960's. 4014 is the only one in working order, restored to burn oil instead of coal. Pulling two water tenders behind it in addition to the standard fuel and water tender, as the change to diesel made water stops redundant.

Though it was likely at the head of the vintage cars that had been detached and moved up ahead of the locomotive, I'm sure there was a UP diesel or two along, for two important reasons. One in case the 80-year-old behemoth were to break down, but more importantly for dynamic braking. Steam locomotives, once you get them going, aren't exactly easy to stop.

I didn't pause to listen to the lectures. I have no hankerings to ever drive the thing, or hear about how it's done. The beauty of a steam locomotive is in the workings of it, so many moving parts that have to be so precise, so perfectly maintained, or an entire train might come to grief. I don't think people traveling long distances by steam train ever realized how often the locomotives (and crews) were changed, because of the high maintenance all those moving parts required.

I quickly tired of the heat (I wouldn't have gone if it weren't October) and the crying children who were also tired of the heat and the crowds. Not to mention a motionless machine too huge to fully comprehend. How can you tell what it's really for, when it's only standing there? There are plenty of videos taken during these heritage tours, but I think my favorite is an old black and white TV show which can be found split into several parts on YouTube. Most of it was staged, of course, but there was actual working footage shown as well.

All that being said, I think my favorite internet video was of someone with an O scale model layout who had finally managed to acquire a model Big Boy. Now the special thing about Big Boy is that, having such a long boiler, curve radius could be a problem. They were built for moving freight over mountains, not through urban areas. So the leading truck, or pilot, which is where the cowcatcher is attached, is articulated on big hydraulic arms.

Well, this model railroader made sure the curves of their layout were large enough to accommodate a Big Boy. The model locomotive arrived, they set it on the tracks, hooked up some cars, and started it on its way. Big Boy came to a curve, the pilot articulated perfectly…

and the smoke box hit the wall of the room the layout was in.

Perhaps that O scale Big Boy is now on static display, as well.


Karen Ovér

Karen OvĂ©r is back in Texas after more than a decade in New York City. Her latest works appear in the anthologies The Book of Carnacki, The Legion Press, Dark Yonder #6, and the forthcoming Arkham Institutions, available late 2024 from Dragon’s Roost Press.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Master Brahm's Studio

 A master seeks to teach his students valuable lessons

The students, carefully selected from multiple kingdoms, fiefs, and villages, stood dutifully at their stations, clutching paintbrushes. Their eyes focused on the empty canvas on an easel before them; they waited for the master to speak.

“What do you see before you?” The master, a wizened man of advanced years, asked, “What do you see?”

An overly eager lad from the isle of Winsey raised his free hand, and the master raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to speak.

“A blank space, waiting,”

The master grunted, then sneered, “Poetic, but incorrect.” He looked around at the silent group and grunted again. “Waiting, yes, but what you see, ahh...” His voice trailed off, and his eyes narrowed. “What you see before you cannot be put into simple words; it is what you feel, what comes from within if you listen. It is what you allow if you permit yourself.”

The master glared at the wilting student from Winsey, “Not all of you will do that; not all of you are capable.” He whirled, turning his back on the nervous student, and the boy visibly sagged in relief.

Master Brahm hummed to himself as he chose a paintbrush from the collection on his desk. There were many, all different sizes, ranging from a large flat brush to the most delicate of all, a brush that sported only one long hair. His choice was made, and the master asked, “What is this?” He held a medium-sized brush in front of him like a sword.

Not a single student dared raise a hand.

“What? Not a one?” the master scoffed. “No one brave enough to venture a guess? I will give you a clue,” he chuckled. “What is a tool when it isn’t a tool?”

The room remained silent, but one girl fidgeted, and the master’s eyes were on her like a hawk. “You girl, you have a thought? A musing? A slight glimmer of understanding?”

The girl, a waif found in a small village from beyond the Blue Mountains, straightened her shoulders and fixed her pale, blue eyes on the master.

“What I should say, I will not, for I think we are here to learn what it is you want us to learn,” she said, then boldly added, “I think whatever I would say, you would find fault.”

The master stared, then guffawed, slapping his knee with one hand, the other still clutching his paintbrush.

“Quite right, quite right. You are an egg, barely pecking at your shell; you know nothing, struggling to free yourself,” he laughed. “Peck, peck, peck! But” he rasped,” Miss Thisbe from nowhere, you will share with me your thoughts, or you shall leave my studio!” He thrust the paintbrush into her face. “What is this?”

Thisbe didn’t flinch, and most of the room looked at her with admiration as she answered, “Sacrifice.”

“So,” Master Brahm whispered.

The master stared into Thisbe’s eyes, and she stared back without fear. Master Brahm held her gaze a moment, then turned to face the rest of the class.

“I could just tell you, yes? I am the teacher, yes?”

There was a great nodding of heads and whispers of consent, and the master shouted, “It is, yes, ‘Master Brahm! No Master Brahm.’ Do they not teach you manners from wherever you were found?”

The students mutedly replied, “Yes, Master Brahm.”

Continue reading the story in the anthology:

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

An Ode to Crabs

 Grab a bowl, a crab knocker, and a knife

Crabs—who doesn’t love them? I’m talking about the incredibly edible crustacean, the Atlantic blue crab, of course. A stable fare around the Chesapeake Bay and beyond for centuries, I wonder who the first brave soul was who threw a few on the fire and decided to chow down. Bet they wished they had some Old Bay seasoning…

If you live anywhere near the Chesapeake watershed, you’ve been exposed to crab mania. Crabs are a focal point of many activities in this area.

If you like participating in individual sports, you might try pursuing these delectables. Whether “chicken necking” (tying a string to a chicken neck and tossing it off the end of a pier to wait for a nibble) or trot lining (same principle, but with a long line and multiple chunks of dangling chicken or eel that you follow along in a skiff to check). As for team sports, we even have a baseball team named the Blue Crabs!

For the culinary aspects, there are crab balls, crab cakes, crab imperial, crab meat omelets, crab dip…  There are hard crabs and soft crabs. A crab is “soft” when it grows and molts, but it doesn’t stay soft long and is a special delicacy. Speaking of fried soft crabs, I’m aware that some restaurants remove the legs before frying. Although the uninitiated might be traumatized by seeing crab legs dangling from their burger buns, omitting this crunchy delicacy is an atrocity.

Crabs are a great source of art in the region, inspiring paintings, pennants, summer flags, etc. I’ve personally been moved to do several wood carvings featuring our denizen of the deep.

The blue crab even touches on politics. The female crab wears an apron that’s shaped like the U.S. Capitol while the male’s is an image of the Washington Monument.

Even the literary world is moved by the blue crab. I’ll share a snippet from the beginning of the third book in the Legends of the Family Dyer trilogy, “Sons and Brothers.”

“The trotline cord glided through the johnboat’s roller system. The stains of dredged mud and deep-water slime gave testament to many trips here. The trolling motor was locked at an angle to maintain the boat’s course, compensating for the incoming tide’s pull.

He felt the jerk on the line, gentle at first as the creature took hold, then a stout pull as it latched on to his offering. He peered through the murky depths and saw the creature’s mouth open and close, savoring its victim’s flesh.

As if sensing danger, the sea dweller flailed one claw from side to side in warning, prepared to defend its right to the captured prey. Its smaller claw and saber-tipped legs skewered the exposed meat and fat, unwilling to share. As it was pulled toward the surface, greed trumped caution, and the predator became the prey. Brodie readied his net as the ghostly crab floated closer to the surface until…

With a flip of his wrist, he moved his net under and up. The large blue crab broke the surface in a clacking frenzy of legs and claws. He noticed the long thin apron and smiled.”

I’m proud to say that the crab world recognizes no racism and truly does not see color because they’re all orange after a few minutes in the steamer! Sexism is a different story. If you start keeping too many female crabs, folks are going to talk about you (and it’s illegal for recreational crabbers). If you keep a sponge crab (a female with eggs attached), well you should maybe think about moving to another state.

Few things in life are as much fun (crabbing) and promise as great a reward (crab eating!).

Crabs are the basis for many special social events along the Chesapeake watershed and the camaraderie around a crab picking table is unmatched. Be aware, though, you may get your hand slapped if you reach in for a particularly “fat” crab that’s in closer proximity to your neighbor’s bowl than your own! To be invited to a crab feast by a local means you are accepted. So, welcome, friends! Grab a bowl, a crab knocker and a knife. It’s time to feast!

For Steamed Crabs You Need

1 large steamer pot


1½ cups water

1½ cups of vinegar

¼ cup salt

3 TBS of Old Bay seasoning


Bring the liquids and salt to a boil and add in 2 tbsp of the Old Bay seasoning.

Place the steamer section into the pot, making sure the steamer bottom is not touching the liquid.

Transfer your live crabs into the steamer pot one by one. Put a layer of crabs down and sprinkle them with Old Bay seasoning. If you have more crabs you can do up to two more layers right on top of the first layer, sprinkling each layer with Old Bay. If more, do a second batch.

Blue crabs take about 20-30 minutes to cook. The crabs should be bright red with no trace of blue or green on them. Let the crabs cool before cleaning them. 

David W. Thompson

David is a multiple award-winning author, Army veteran, and graduate of UMUC. He’s a multi-genre writer and a member of the Horror Writers’ Association, and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association. When not writing, Dave enjoys family, kayaking, fishing, hiking, hunting, winemaking, and woodcarving.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Organs for Sale

 The Witch's One Stop Shop is selling organs

The air was crisp and cool, signaling the arrival of autumn. The leaves had begun to turn to shades of fiery red and golden yellow, a beautiful backdrop for the second weekend of October in the early nineteen eighties. It was one of the last opportunities to sit around a campfire before winter’s chill set in. Jack’s father had recently built a firepit in the backyard, and a group of nine-year-old kids eagerly huddled around it, their faces lit up by the dancing flames. They roasted marshmallows on sticks and traded scary Halloween stories, trying to outdo each other with tales of ghosts and ghouls. Jack, a lanky boy with unruly jet-black hair, couldn’t resist sharing his classic story about the ghost that haunted the spooky house in the woods.

However, Steve, his short blond friend, quickly protested, declaring that they had all heard it countless times before. “Come on, Jack! You told this story a gazillion times already.”

But Jack persisted, determined to give them all goosebumps with his eerie storytelling skills. His face flushed with anger, and he was on the verge of snapping at Steve, but Claire, a tomboy who hated girly clothes and was known as the diplomat of their friend circle, stepped in. “Enough, you two!” she scolded the boys, shaking her head. “Steve, if you find Jack’s story boring, why don’t you tell a new story?”

“You tell a story, smarty-pants!” Steve retorted with a sneer. Despite his tendency to criticize others, he rarely had any original thoughts of his own to contribute. His sharp tongue was often used to deflect attention from his lack of creativity.

Claire’s voice quivered as she spoke, “Okay. I’m going to tell you what I saw yesterday.” She paused to take a deep breath before continuing, her eyes wide with fear of the memory. “Grandma and I went to the Witch’s One Stop Shop, you know, in that spooky house that used to be empty. And Marie’s mom, who works nearby, saw a ghost there when she was walking home late one night.” The words hung in the air, thick with tension.

“Come on, Claire, you didn’t see a ghost, did you?” Steve cackled.

Claire replied with a nervous tremor in her voice, “Of course not! It was in the middle of the afternoon. But I’ve seen something that scared the daylights out of me.”

“What did you see?” Jack asked, his interest peaking.

“When we went into the store, there was a sign that said used organs for sale. And when the woman came out of the back door, I could swear she was a real witch. She wore black clothes, her hair in a messy bun, and she wore a black eyepatch over her right eye.”

“That doesn’t mean she’s a witch!” Charlie looked at Claire wide-eyed.

“No?” Claire snapped. “She had bloody gloves on, and she just took them off and threw them in the garbage.”

“Um…bloody gloves?” Jack shivered. “You mean…if, as you said, she’s selling organs…”

“What?” Steve whispered. “Like kidneys and livers and hearts kinda organs? Naw, it can’t be true!”

“I guess so...and what I saw made me think because I saw Marie’s mom leaving the store with a small package in her hand that was smeared with blood,” Claire said, wringing his fingers and taking a deep breath. “You guys know that Marie is very sick and waiting for the right organ donor who can give her a kidney, right?”

“Jack let out a heavy, sympathetic sigh. “Yes, poor Marie,” he muttered.

“I went to visit her the other day,” Claire continued. “Marie was asleep, but her mom insisted I wait for her to wake up. So, I sat in the living room and started reading the book I got for Marie. But I couldn’t help overhearing Marie’s parents talking in the kitchen. Her mom cried and said that there was still no match for Marie and asked Marie’s dad what they were going to do. But then her father got angry and shouted that if they couldn’t find a match soon, he’d have to buy a kidney on the black market. He said there are plenty of organs for sale; they just needed to find the right seller.”

Continue reading the story in the anthology:

Monday, October 14, 2024

Mist and Moonlight of Halloween

 Be careful who you mess with!

Leon Birch sat inside his rented room, listening to the Senate committee hearings. Eating his cold supper, wishing he could afford to get married. Since getting his degree, he’d only been able to pick up a few substitute teaching jobs.

Listening to the government root out subversives usually gave him hope for the future, but now it all seemed far away. The hearings were all taking place back east, and he was in San Francisco, which seemed to be ground zero for everything that was going wrong these days.

It really wasn’t fair that he was living alone, paycheck to paycheck. He had all the skills and all the credentials. He certainly had the necessary moral convictions, yet the good jobs all seemed to be taken by determined spinsters and others of questionable politics and even more questionable “lifestyles.” No wonder the public schools were turning out delinquents.

And worse, like that Carstairs boy in the fifth-grade class he’d taught today. To Leon’s great annoyance, the school he’d graced with his services was one of those careless places that allowed the students to wear costumes on Halloween. Leon wasn’t having that nonsense and required his class to remove their dime store covers and masks. All would have been well but for the Carstairs boy.

Instead of a cheap costume thrown over his school clothes, Patrick Carstairs was dressed in green and brown, with some sort of ivy twined around his tattered sweater. The same stuff was also tangled in his black hair, which Leon thought badly needed cutting. Instead of a mask, the boy wore makeup. Not only eyeliner but glitter, for heaven’s sake.

“What are you supposed to be, young man?”

“Robin Goodfellow, sir,” was the grinning imp’s answer.

Leon glanced down to scan the attendance chart. The class tittered, so he changed his gaze to the seating chart and found the impertinent brat’s name. “I don’t know how you got out of the house dressed like that, Carstairs, but it won’t do. Go to the restroom, wash that filth from your face, get rid of that shrubbery, and comb your hair.”

The whole class stared in dumbfounded silence. “What are you waiting for, Carstairs? Get on, and don’t be all day about it!”

As the boy slunk toward the door, something else caught Leon’s eye. “What on earth is this?” He yanked at the boy’s ear, and a pointed rubber tip came off in his hand. “Fairy ears?” Leon pulled the other ear tip off and threw them in the wastebasket. “Your parents shall hear of this. Now get going.”

The class kept their heads right down after that, working away on the assignment he gave them. Should have been a simple task to fill their day, writing a family history. But again, the Carstairs boy proved a problem.

“We come from an Elder Race. My grandfather, Jonathan Hamilton Carstairs, came to San Francisco in 1912. He established Carstairs House on top of Shipwreck Hill because the hill is full of faerie magic, just like the place he came from, the Hamilton estate in England, called Oakwood. Oakwood is named for its ancient oak groves. Some of the trees are harvested, but some are left untouched so our Faerie ancestors can continue their revels, and the Carstairs family retains the blessing of the Fair Folk. Carstairs House doesn’t have oak trees, but Uncle Nigel planted a holly hedge all around the property to contain the magic. So, our house has the blessing of our High King Oberon and our High Queen Titania, and the Fair Folk are free to hold their revels in our secret garden at the center of the holly maze.

“Halloween is a special night for the Fair Folk. They often reveal themselves to mortals during the hours when the veil between the faerie and mortal realms is thinnest. Especially the Huntsman. He is King Oberon’s enforcer. Unlike the courtly knights who are defenders of the faerie realm, the Huntsman is a monster. Darker than night, but for his eyes, which shine red with lust for the blood the Wild Hunt demands. He leads a pack of damned souls in pursuit of other damned souls, who will, in turn, join his Wild Hunt. Unless the High King has decreed they be hunted to death, in which case, the Wild Hunt shows no mercy. Even their horses will join the hounds in rending the prey till nothing remains.”

Leon smiled, recalling his enjoyment of the shock on the boy’s face when he handed back the paper at the end of the day with a large red F in the upper margin.

Continue reading the story in the anthology:

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Book Sunday

 Featured Books Sunday



Time travel romance

The stakes are high, and the risks even higher. SEE MORE

Embark on a journey through time with Dylan Anderson, the lead guitarist of Ablaze, as he strives to recreate the magic of the '70s, inspired by Kenny Chesney's iconic hit, "I Go Back." In his pursuit of reliving his golden days, Dylan becomes entangled in the hidden world of a mysterious cult, eager to uncover the secrets of time travel.
The stakes are high, and the risks even higher - challenges he's prepared to confront head-on.
This adventure is far from a solo act. With his enduring love, Jennifer Kovich, by his side, Dylan is determined to bring her along on this journey whether she's ready or not. However, there's a catch - The dark spell Dylan has created will not allow him to return to the present even if he ever wanted to. Only Jennifer would have a chance at finding an escape route back home, but according to Dylan, it's almost impossible. Or is it? Brace yourself for a tale of love, danger, and the irresistible pull of a past era as Dylan leads us on an unforgettable voyage to the heart of the '70s.

Historical thriller

When the descendants pay the price of the ancient family curse SEE MORE 

Jayden and his archeology group find the burial site of a Medicine Woman from the 5th century. Strangely, Jayden also finds a crude leather book in his grandmother's secret room that was written in 426 by a Shaman.
His sister, Sofia, decodes the ancient runes, and they learn that a powerful curse cast sixteen hundred years ago destroyed the lives of their ancestors for centuries. If it remains unbroken, the curse will ruin the lives of future generations as well.
Dark memories of their childhood start to surface, and they’re stunned to realize the similarities between the tragedy of the family described in the Shaman’s book and theirs, sixteen hundred years later. They’re stunned by the conclusion that Jayden is in danger due to a family curse.

Occult ghost & haunted houses

The dark side of Southern Maryland SEE MORE

Take a journey to the dark side of Southern Maryland, one of the most haunted spots in America, and visit with the ghosts and otherworldly specters of the area.

Southern Maryland is one of the most haunted spots in America. From pre-colonial settlements to modern times, the tales of every era of its history are often dark and sometimes bloody. Brave readers will meet the many otherworldly specters that loved the area too much to leave, like the spirit of the witch Moll Dyer or the nun reclaiming her ancestral home. Learn the haunted history of Sotterley Plantation and the stories of the ghosts that remained after the Civil War. Author David W. Thompson takes the reader on a spooky journey through Southern Maryland's long history.

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