Monday, January 27, 2025

Campfire Stories 4 #OurAuthorGang

 A campfire story by David W. Thompson

Henry walks the night

It was a warm spring day in my youth. The fish were eager to throw off the winter doldrums, invigorated by the lukewarm waters surrounding them. But as the shadows grew long, the chill of the evening settled in our bones. We huddled near the fire to embrace its warmth—except for Henry.

Henry was our token “old guy.” None of us knew his last name or where he came from. He appeared like a mist from the shadows whenever we camped here. He was a mysterious, good-natured sort who knew every hole that held trout, and we welcomed his arrival. He’d sit beyond the heat of our flickering campfire and listen to our morbid ghost stories with an odd smile on his pale lips, but he never volunteered a tale. We'd decided it was time to change that.

“Ah, you lads humor an old man,” Henry said, “but my tales are too dark for innocent ears.”

“Unfair, Henry. You’ve listened to our stories for years…”

“Is it fairness you want? If that’s the price of admission, I’ll pay my share. I know such a story of justice, though I doubt it will seem so through youthful eyes. And it’s a love story. Will that do?”

We nodded our approval.

“Before you lads were a twinkle in your father’s eyes, we lived in a lovely home. It was beautiful in the light of day when the sun cast off the shadows of my torment. Merriam was my betrothed and was stunning in any light. She owned my heart.

“But when he came, I feared my concern for her was misconstrued—made into something it was not. But the change in her was too noticeable to ignore. Had I wronged her? Was there a special event or anniversary I'd forgotten?

“We welcomed him into our home as if he was a long-lost friend. Embraced him like a brother as he crossed our threshold from the cold. Lost in the wilderness, he’d said. Starving and covered in ice, we drew him to our hearth, and oh, how he repaid us—repaid me.

“Overnight, she and William became best friends, sharing things that should remain unsaid. Things she liked and didn’t, but it wasn’t about her favorite meals or reading preferences, but things only a husband should hear.

“She grew colder toward me, my Merriam, my heart. William spurned me in my home as if I was the unwanted guest. What was I to do? I wished for someone to talk to, but since we met, only Merriam existed. My love was true, and my trust was absolute. Was I a fool?

Their laughter floated through the mansion. Hers was light and flirtatious like a schoolgirl, his dark and ominous. But silence greeted me when I entered the room. I was well-read in literature but illiterate in the writings of the heart. Wealth breeds isolation, I’m told, and I’d known both in quantity.

I’d trade that wealth to see love reflected in her eyes again, but the two of them laughed all night & slept all day. No longer in my bed, nor William's—but had she fallen for him? Could a love such as ours be so casually discarded?

“I woke to the full moon shining through my window and sensed the change in the air. I felt her calling to me in my mind, as clear as a shout. She beckoned me to her bed, and I flew to her. Merriam’s arms were thrown wide, her flesh pale, and her lips crimson. ‘I’m cold. Kiss me,’ she said.

“At the kiss, she turned and slid her teeth into my neck. Oh, the bliss I knew at her touch renewed! She drew on my essence, and we were one again and forevermore. My vision blurred as her words caressed me... and saved me.

“‘I love you,’ she said. ‘This is William’s gift; now, he must die.’

Henry stood, his eyes glowing unnaturally.

“William paid for his disrespect and knowledge of us.”

He smiled a toothsome smile. “Now I’ve shared my secret, lads, and you will share William’s fate.”

His eyes, burning with hellfire, terrified me, but Jim and Ricky didn’t notice. They smiled and, in their mirth, paused a moment too long. I dashed into the darkness, and their screams followed me. I spent the night cowering in the shadow of a cross some long-forgotten penitent soul erected years before.

I never saw Ricky or Jim again, but their spirits haunt me. They torment my dreams and call me a coward. Are they the source of the knocks at my window late at night? Those with no visible source? Has Henry returned to reclaim his prey?

I cannot say, but now you, too, know the tale! Beware the darkness, the mysteries in the fog, and the whispers of the wind. Henry walks the night.

David W. Thompson

David is a multiple award-winning author, Army veteran, and graduate of UMUC. He’s a multi-genre writer and a member of the Horror Writers’ Association, and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association. When not writing, Dave enjoys family, kayaking, fishing, hiking, hunting, winemaking, and woodcarving.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Book Sunday #OurAuthorGang

 Today's recommendation

A chapter from the upcoming novel of R.A. "Doc" Correa

We are brothers, before the masses we stand together. No matter what issue may exist between two members of this brotherhood, all brothers will be united against all others. To ensure our members are joined in unity, we declare the following as the bylaws which we will live by.

- The declarative statement of the Bylaws of The Brotherhood -



Steve Baker walks into the lobby of the Galactic Geographic building. He strolls towards the lifts, stopping for a moment to take in the paintings on the walls. Over the last century the institution has accumulated an impressive collection of artworks depicting the scenery and creatures of hundreds of worlds from renowned artists throughout human space. His favorite has always been the one of the dragons from Sigma 5 Omega. It has been hanging in the lobby for as long as he can remember, at least twenty-three years. That is when he was transferred from London to Sydney.

     He walks up to the painting. It is a meter wide and two meters high. The tortured landscape, and the orange and red sky, are brilliantly depicted. The subject of the portrait spreads its massive wings as it roars towards the heavens. Having been on an expedition to study these creatures early in his career he can feel the passion the painter felt as she captured the essence of these reptilians and their primitive world.

     In all the years that he has admired this painting he has never looked at the painter’s information so Steve glances at the artists signature, Jennifer Anne Sebring. He gazes at the artist photo on the information plate, Wow, she could be Kathy Masters older sister, they are almost twins. The information plate says she lived on Safe Port. Hmmm, I wonder if she survived the Chinese attack.

     Steve goes to the lift and rides it to his offices on the thirteenth floor. He walks past his new receptionist giving her a perfunctory good morning and continues to his office. What is her name? he asks himself as he enters the room.

     Steve crosses the floor to his desk, as he does, he realizes there is someone else already in the room. He turns to face the big leather chair in the corner near the window. A man sits in the chair sipping tea. "Good morning Mr. Baker," the man says.

     Steve carefully looks him over. He is in his sixties perhaps a little older. Very athletic. The man wears an expensive dark gray three-piece suit and black Italian leather shoes. He has a black leather briefcase sitting on the floor beside the chair.

     "What the hell are you doing in my office?" Steve demands.

     The man simply holds up an ID wallet. Steve at once recognizes the Planetary Law Enforcement Agency badge. He gulps nervously, What the hell is he doing here?

     "I love that painting too. In case you didn’t know, she traveled to Sigma 5 Omega, spent three weeks photographing the dragons, then studied those photos for six months before she painted that dragon."

     "Really?" Steve replies, somewhat intrigued.

     "Did you know that Jennifer Anne Sebring is in fact the first Mrs. James Ulysses Black?" the man asks.

     "You mean she was married to Commodore Black of the Rapier?" Steve queries.

     "Yes, that's exactly what I mean. And the answer to your musing is no, her and their four-year-old daughter were killed the night the Chinese attacked. That's the main reason Commodore Black became a privateer."

     "How'd you know I was wondering about that? Do you have implants?" Steve asks.

     "No, and the only way that would work is if you had implants as well. That is something we learned during our examinations of Kathy and Cindy Black. It is just simple deduction Mr. Baker; the fact you spent so much time looking at the information plate shows you were wondering about something. Because it tells you the artist was from Safe Port leads one to speculate you were thinking about whether or not she survived the attack. Like I said, simple deduction," the man in the suit replies.

     "What do you mean by the first Mrs. Black?" Steve asks.

     "Ah, I take it you haven't heard yet. Our dear Miss Masters married Commodore Black just before he died. I am sure it will all be explained when you open the package that came for you in the morning post," the man in the suit says, as he takes another sip of tea.

     "What package?" asks Steve.

     "The one your receptionist will bring to you in about," the man looks at his chronometer, "five minutes."

     "How do you know all this?" Steve asks.

     "It's my job to know these things. More specifically, I have a number of contacts, on and off planet, whose jobs are to keep me informed on things of importance," says the stranger.

     "You mean spies, you run a massive spy ring," declares Steve.

     "That's one way to put it," the man in the suit states. Then he takes another sip of his tea.

     Steve changes the subject, "Then it's confirmed, Commodore Black is dead."

     "Yes, it's confirmed. A shame really, I truly wanted to meet him," the man says with a touch of sadness.

     "Really and beside putting him in prison why would you want to meet him?" demands Steve.

     "Mr. Baker, most men that enter his profession are truly pirates, like Bartholomew and his crew. Others, the privateers, border on being pirates just barely holding onto their humanity. But Commodore Black was a man that kept his humanity despite all that happened. Yes, he came close to losing it but somehow, he did not. I think Kathy may have been the reason, her, and Cindy. He made sure the captains and crews that served under him also kept their humanity, a remarkable accomplishment. And he was a man of honor, even knowing his story you do not seem to see it, but I do, and that Mr. Baker makes him a truly exceptional man. I meet all kinds in my profession, but very seldom do I meet a truly exceptional man," replies the man in the suit. There is a short pause, then he says, "She's pregnant again."

     "Who's pregnant?" Steve asks.

     "Kathy Erin Masters-Black of course," he replies.

     Steve looks surprised then asks, "Is that important?"

     "It could be," replies his unexpected guest with a grim expression on his face.

     There is a knock on the door, then it opens, and Steve's new receptionist walks in with the morning post. Again, he asks himself, What the heck is her name? She lays out the letters on Steve's desk and sets a small package next to them then walks out the door, closing it as she leaves. Steve walks to his desk and sits down in his chair. The man in the suit picks up his briefcase and moves to a chair in front of Steve's desk. He sits and sips more of his tea. "I suggest you open the package," the man in the suit tells Steve.

     Steve unwraps the package, it holds a small box. Inside the box is a holographic projector. He sets it on the desk and turns it on. It projects an image that grows to about a meter in height, the image forms into Kathy.

     Steve looks closely at Kathy's holographic image. The gray streak in her hair has turned white. She wears a sixteenth century blue skirt with a white blouse and blue vest, that cover a slight baby bump. A black tricornered leather hat with a white ostrich plume on its right side sits on her head at a slight cant. There is a rapier on her left hip and a laser pistol slung low, gunfighter style, on her right. The leg strap for the holster goes through two slits in the skirt and around her right thigh. She has a twentieth century slug thrower on her belt by the buckle over the baby bump. It is holstered for a left-handed draw. Though her eyes still sparkle he can tell they are filled with a deep sadness. "Hello Steve," the image says.

     "Hi Kathy," he replies.

     "I take it someone from planetary law enforcement is in your office," Kathy's hologram states.

     "Yes," Steve answers.

     "That's okay, he can stay," Kathy says.

     "Thank you, Mrs. Black," the man in the suit says.

     "You're welcome," the holographic image of Kathy replies. "The recorder only has limited response capability, so I won't be able to answer all of your questions, especially yours Mr. Aimes."

     "Ah, so you know who I am," the suit says.

     "It is wise to learn all you can about those that pursue you,” Kathy's image responds.

     "So true,” Mr. Aimes states.

     "I'm sure by now you've heard about the death of Commodore Black," for a moment she chokes up, "and the extinction of the nanchiks." A tear runs down her cheek. Steve finds himself wondering, Is the tear for the commodore, is it for the nanchiks, or is it for both? "Then of course there's the rebellion of the houses of Chan, Zhu and Yi against the Chinese Prefecture. So much has happened since we left Earth Steve," Kathy's hologram declares.

     "Yes, it has," Steve agrees.

     "Well Steve, I've got another exclusive for you. A story that will tie it all together, so it makes sense. And I'm sure the suit in your office would like to hear all that I have to say on this," the holographic image says. Mr. Aimes nods his agreement.

     "If you agree to the same terms as last time place your thumb on the scanner," Kathy's image instructs.

     Steve looks at the suit for a minute, he turns on his transcription bot, then places his thumb on the scanner of the holographic projector. It reads his thumbprint, and the hologram continues.

     "We were in Reavers Cove for a couple of months buying and upgrading a ship, then recruiting a crew. For the record Mr. Aimes, the ship has advanced nanchik tech, one might say two generations more advanced than what we traded for our freedom. While we were doing that Lien was taken to Xerxes Major by her grandfather to present herself to the emperor. As soon as we were ready, we left aboard our new ship, the Razor, and made best speed for Safe Port..." 

R. A. “Doc” Correa

A retired US Army military master parachutist, retired surgical technologist, and retired computer scientist. He’s an award-winning poet and author. “Doc” has had poems published in multiple books and had stories published in Bookish Magazine and Your Secret Library. His first novel, Rapier, won a Book Excellence award and was given a Reader’s Favorite five-star review.

Friday, January 24, 2025

My Bridezilla Moment #OurAuthorGang

 The Blizzard Wedding of 1977

A short story by Lorraine Carey

As I approach my 48th wedding anniversary on January 29th, I can’t help but reflect on the only time in my life I earned the title of "Bridezilla." It’s not a badge I wear with pride, but sometimes, the stress of orchestrating the perfect wedding can push even the calmest bride over the edge.

We’ve all heard the tales—Bridezillas demanding perfection, snapping at friends, family, and vendors as they strive to turn their Pinterest boards into reality. Some brides demand bridesmaids to lose weight, dye their hair, and choose a gown that is way out of their budget.

A viral tweet once proclaimed: “If someone wears white to my wedding, I will literally spill red wine on them. #Bridezilla.” Can you imagine that? The audacity!

But back in 1977, there were no viral tweets or Instagram feeds to fuel unrealistic expectations. Instead, there were family traditions, wedding magazines, and the memories of elegant ceremonies I’d attended. My half-Italian mother took charge, planning a grand affair: a beautiful church ceremony, a live band, the best local caterer, and, of course, trays of homemade Italian cookies baked by family friends.

Everything seemed perfect—until the weather decided otherwise.

The Blizzard of the Century

January in northeast Ohio was always a gamble, but no one could’ve predicted the blizzard of the century would strike on my wedding day. I had to wonder, was this an omen? When I announced my chosen date back in November, my mother had warned me, “Why not be a June bride? You’ll regret this.” But I was stubborn, insisting on a winter wonderland wedding.

By January 28th, the governor declared a state of emergency. Roads were closed. Businesses shut down. Even the airport was out of commission. My dream wedding felt like it was slipping away. I had guests who were flying from out of state to attend the wedding.

So, with all this, I flew into my ‘Bridezilla Rage’ the day before. I was hysterical and locked myself in my bedroom pacing back and forth in tears refusing to come out. I phoned my fiancĂ©e, and he had assured me he’d be there even if he had to walk! But if everything was closed, he’d walk to a phantom event!

Everything was in place, yet there would be guests who were coming from out of town who couldn’t make it, the caterers were on hold, and everything else. Well, my mother, being who she was, took control of the situation and, having a family with some pretty strong connections in the area, had assured her they’d be there. She also had reminded me that she’d told me back in November a January wedding was not a good idea, but I was too stubborn to listen.

My father had come to my room and gave me a big hug and words of comfort, reassuring me all would be well. I can remember that precious memory to this day.

The result was a fabulous wedding even if the pews at the church service held fewer guests than expected. By evening most of the roads had cleared with some of the snow melted along with the city plow trucks working overtime. This meant that many were able to get to the reception, where I felt much more relaxed and ready to enjoy the party. The catered Italian food was delicious, and we danced to the local band that played some of my favorite love songs that were popular at the time.

I’ve read the Bridezilla Era may be coming to an end, with couples opting for smaller and low-budget weddings. This could be due to the cost of living these days, and many would much rather save their money to purchase a home. I’ve heard even modest weddings nowadays may start at around 20K.

It’s been 48 years now, and this Bridezilla is still happily married. Not to say that I don’t turn into a ‘Wifezilla’ now and then, but I believe we all have those moments and days that push a few buttons. 

Lorraine Carey

Lorraine Carey is a reading specialist and an Award-Winning Author. She was living in California until fate whisked her off to Grand Cayman. She currently lives in Florida. Her love for paranormal stories began at a young age, and is no stranger to the paranormal, having encountered unexplainable events that are woven into her stories.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Mysteries of the Wetland #OurAuthorGang

 A short story by Erika M Szabo & Lorraine Carey

Join Ava Jenson on vacation in her grandmother’s old country when all mysterious events are connected to an ancient legend about a cursed church bell.

Ava Jenson sighed as she glanced over the travel brochure for the impressive resort in Siofok, Hungary. Hotel Azur overlooking Lake Balaton with an elegant glass facade looked inviting. It had a spa, an outdoor cafĂ© and a five-star restaurant. She’d always wanted to visit Hungary as her grandmother was born there and immigrated to the US as a young woman. Her stories always fascinated Ava, but her husband for ten long years had refused the idea of a European vacation and always bullied her into doing what he liked.

It’d been five years since her nasty divorce, and she was finally ready to venture out on her own. She hadn’t had a vacation since then and with so much unused vacation time from her job at the boutique, she decided to make it a two-week stay.

Sipping her coffee, she remembered what the travel agent told her about Lake Balaton's clean water and the striking emerald-green color due to its chemical composition. It’s heavy in carbonates and sulfates, and there are also around 2000 species of algae that grow in its waters. Ava phoned the travel agent; she’d made her payment and was all set to go at the end of the month.

The two weeks flew by fast, and after nine hours of an exhausting overnight flight, she arrived in Budapest. The two-hour taxi ride to Siofok was pleasant with the chatty driver who entertained her with local legends as he drove toward Lake Balaton.

Ava trailed behind the porter who carried her luggage on a huge cart down the long hallway covered with lush red carpet. She tipped him and threw herself on the bed, arms outstretched. “I can’t believe I’m here!” she said, her head turned toward the large sliding glass doors that overlooked the calm water of the lake. She marveled at the classy pool that showcased the many tables and lounge chairs with oversized umbrellas.

She could just picture herself lying out there getting some well-needed sun. But first, lunch, she thought smiling when her stomach rumbled.

With a quick trip to the bathroom, she washed her face and applied some light makeup. She piled her long blonde hair into an updo and changed into a knee-length black cocktail dress. This should be fine for a five-star eatery, she thought as she glanced at her slim figure in the bathroom mirror.

After a delicious lunch of stuffed cabbage rolls and Gundel pancake for dessert, she returned to her room ready for a few hours of rest. Feeling exhausted, she slept through the afternoon and night, and the following morning she ordered room service and ate as she perused the booklet in her room that featured various places of interest to see in the area.

She dressed comfortably and decided to book the historical tour in the village of Tihany. The resort shuttle promptly left at 10 a.m. She had to quicken her step to catch it before it left without her. Taking a backseat on the shuttle allowed her to have some privacy and reflect on how blessed she felt at the moment to be able to take this trip.

She joined the group after departing the shuttle to listen to the guide who explained the schedule for the day and the time she’d need to be back at the bus. Glancing at her feet thought, Glad I packed these old sneakers. They’ll get some good use today.

The tour of the huge Benedictine Abbey that was built in 1055 was the first stop, and its beauty was overwhelming, not to mention its size. Ava took several photos before they had moved deeper into the village where she was looking forward to shopping in the various pottery shops and having lunch in one of the quaint outdoor cafés.

The tour had exhausted her and even though it was almost dinnertime she took a well-needed nap on the comfy king-size bed.

Opening her eyes, she glanced over at the clock on the bedside table. "Six O’clock already? This clean air and walking all day are doing me good!”

She headed to the shower and then to the closet to select a dress that would be appropriate for the dining area. Hmm, this red cocktail dress is just the ticket. Red has always seemed to give me more energy.

A few stares were quite noticeable as she entered the stunning outdoor restaurant with a beautiful fountain in the center of the seating area. The hostess led her over to a table close to the fountain. Strings of small outdoor lights were strung along the walls making the alfresco area seem almost magical.

After ordering a glass of white wine she read the menu and couldn’t help but notice a loud but friendly-looking young couple who had taken the table next to her. They had a pile of brochures and other literature that they had brought to their table along with a camera.

The young redhead turned to the hostess. “I’m sorry, ma’am. We don’t mean to be so loud but we’re nature photographers and so excited to be here. If we take a few shots of this gorgeous outdoor patio, please forgive us.”

The hostess smiled and waved her hand to dismiss the woman’s apology. “No problem at all. Enjoy your stay,” she said.

The waitress took Ava’s order and asked if anyone would be joining her. “No. I’ll be dining alone,” she stated with a sad smile.

The young redhead stared at her for a second with a sympathetic look and walked over to her table. “Sorry to bother you, I just heard you speak English. My name is Tessa Jergenson. My husband over there is Kevin. We are professional photographers and are here to take photos of the wildlife in the marsh, especially the birds. The Small Balaton is a huge wetland habitat that is unique in Europe. We’re planning to go down to the river Zala delta tomorrow.”

“Hello, I’m Ava. I hope you’ll enjoy your adventure to the wetland. I prefer to relax and enjoy a quiet two weeks in the comfort of the hotel,” she laughed.

Tessa took her hand. “We’re so excited! The wetland has a large population of plant and animal species such as bee-eaters, cranes, and marvelous herons. The Small-Balaton area is also rich in other species of animals. European pond turtles, otters, ermine, martens, various species of dragonflies, and about 30 species of fish. Also, numerous species of orchids can be found there. Oh, sorry for bugging you, but I’m so excited about the trip and we can’t find too many people who speak English.”

“No bother at all!” Ava assured the chatty young woman. “Enjoy your adventure.”

Tessa returned to her table and whispered to her husband that she felt a tone of loneliness in Ava’s voice. “Maybe we should invite her to join us tomorrow,” she suggested while picking up a menu.

Kevin nodded. “She didn’t sound like she’d be into that sort of thing.”

Ava couldn’t help but overhear their muted conversation. Hmm, so I see they feel sorry for me. I should put on a happy face, but no. I did that way too many times when I was married.

After dinner Ava took a stroll around the grounds, admiring the lush vegetation and colored lights that lit up the pool area. A strong breeze had picked up and she rubbed her arms trying to erase the goosebumps. The all-so-familiar odd feeling came over her that always warned her of impending danger. Perhaps it just signals a normal storm this time. I hope... She headed back to her room to turn in for the night.

Right before she climbed under the covers, she looked at the other brochures, one featuring the Water Tower in the village's main square. She thought that if the storm was coming, she may not be able to do the tour. Maybe that’s what that feeling was I had out there and nothing more. However, the uneasy feeling stayed with her and made her think of the countless disasters, accidents, and people getting hurt that followed after she experienced those eerie feelings.

She sighed and after looking through another brochure she became drowsy and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

The loud sound of the church bell had awakened Ava out of her deep slumber and the foul smell of rotten eggs filled her nose. She sat up in bed startled and nauseous. The clock showed 6 a.m. Is there a fire? Perhaps here they sound the church bell instead of the fire alarm, she thought as she rose quickly to look out of the large glass doors.

She saw a large plume of black smoke engulfing the back pool area. She quickly threw on her robe and made it to the lobby to see what had happened.

Several guests had congregated in the lobby as the desk clerk and manager had informed them all was okay now. There was a grease fire in the restaurant’s kitchen. Firemen were called and were attending to the fire.

Ava shook with chills—the same ones she’d felt last night. I just knew something bad was going to happen. I felt a storm may have been in the works but even so, my intuition is usually a natural alarm system.

She had noticed Tessa and Kevin now rushing to the lobby and making their way over to her. “What’s going on?” Tessa asked, her arms folded across her chest trying to ease the chill in the air.

Continue reading in the Anthology

Monday, January 20, 2025

Campfire Stories 3 #OurAuthorGang

 A short story by R.A. "Doc" Correa

Provence, the end of March 1292

Sir Ade looks up the hill from atop his mount, verifying that the campfire is still there. He spies the flickering flames through the foliage and the thin spire of smoke rising above the trees. When one of the men-at-arms said he saw the smoke from a campfire the knight thought if they left the old Roman road, they would just be following a will-o’-the-wisp. It seems years of war had sharpened the man’s eyes.

Sir Ade looks over his three companions. Their clothing and chainmail show the ravages of time one would expect from months on the road. Looking down at his mantle he can see the same weathering on it that he sees on his companions. The red of its Cross Patée has faded to the point it is hard to tell what the color is. The white of the mantle is now a dingy gray.

The exhaustion displayed on the faces of the men at arms that accompany him he feels within himself. The prospect of a warm fire and the possibility of cooked food, and perhaps company, overcomes the discretion he and his companions have survived by since their flight from Acre last year. Throwing caution to the wind the four veterans of the crusade make their way to the inviting fire on the side of the hill.

As the party passes through the last row of trees into a small clearing, they see a man sitting on a stump next to the fire. The man is dressed in leather trousers and tunic. He wears deer skin boots; a rough cloth cloak hangs over his shoulders and he his hands are encased in deer skin gloves. There is a leather shield, studded leather armor coat and a leather helm on the ground next to the stump. A longbow and a quiver with several arrows lay on top of the armor. The man rotates a side of deer on a spit over the fire.

Sir Ade greets the stranger by calling out, “Hail good sir. My comrades and I ask if we may enter your camp and join you by your fire.”

“Sir knight, you, and your companions, would do well to continue on your way,” replies the stranger.

Sir Ade looks over his shoulder at the setting sun, then answers, “Kind sir, the sun is setting and soon it will be too dark to travel. My companions and I have travelled far, we have spent many a frosty night on this journey. All we ask is you let us warm ourselves by your fire.”

“Any other night I would enjoy the company and even share my catch with you.” He points to the side of deer he is rotating. “But tonight the moon rises late, and with the rising of the moon the forest becomes very dangerous,” says the stranger as he sets another tree branch on the fire.

The knight replies, “Sir, we are returning from the crusade. These men and I fought at the siege of Acre. We were the rearguard of my Templar brothers. We fought off the Saracens until we boarded the last boat out. My comrades and I are more than a match for any danger that may come our way.”

The stranger by the fire looks over Sir Ade and his companions like a man sizing up an opponent. After several moments he nods and tells them, “Perhaps you are right. Come and sit by the fire. There is a cave just beyond that tree where you can quarter your horse. Mine is already in there with plenty of water and fodder for the both of them. Once you’ve groomed yours, please roll the boulder back in front of the entrance. It will protect them from wolves that come in the night. All of you may help yourselves to my deer, and there are potatoes baking under the fire. Oh yes, there are a couple of bottles of wine in the cave as well, bring them out. They’ll go well with the meat.”

The crusaders take the horse to the cave. Sir Ade grooms his mount and waters it. Once he has fed it, he and his comrades move the boulder back in place. When they have finished Sir Ade asks himself, It took the four of us to move this thing, how did he move it by himself?

When they return to the clearing the crusaders start to remove their armor. As they do the stranger tells them, “You should keep your armor on, when the moon rises you will need it.”

Sir Ade says, “Shouldn’t you be wearing yours as well?” as he points to the stranger’s studded leather lying on the ground.

“When the moon rises it will just be in my way,” states the stranger.

Sir Ade and his companions remove most of their armor but leave their gambesons on.

The five men eat and drink together. They finish the two bottles of wine swiftly, so the stranger produces three more. As the crusaders become more relaxed, they tell tales of their adventures in the holy land. The stranger listens intently to their stories.

The sun has set, and the the stories get darker. After a couple of hours of tall tales about Saracen hordes and mystic yarns of Jinn and magic the stranger cuts in with, “I’ll tell you a story from my family’s past. From when the Romans claimed these lands.” His guests all nod yes and look at him intently.

“Over a thousand years ago my family lived nearer to the sea. There were many Roman villas nearby. They owned our land and all the crops we grew. They would take nearly everything. So, the people in our village became thieves to stay alive.

“At first, they stole food, but after time they began to burglarize the villas for precious objects, things they could sell or trade for what they needed.

“One night one of them met a werewolf. Though he killed it, the creature bit him and he became a werewolf himself. He killed his best friend when the next full moon rose. He blamed the Romans for his being cursed, and from then on whenever the full moon was about to rise, he’d be sure to be close to one of their villas so that the Romans would be the victims of the wolf.

“As time passed, he travelled far, as far as Egypt. There they revered him as a son of Anubis. On the nights of the full moon the priests would sacrifice virgins to Anubis by locking them in his chambers before the moon rose.

“But always, no matter how far he roamed, he would return here to Provence.” With that the stranger removes his deer skin boots.

Sir Ade asks, “Is that the whole story?”

“No sir knight, but perhaps this story ends tonight.” The stranger hangs his tattered cloak on a tree limb. He removes his deerskin gloves and hooks them to the tie of his cloak. As he removes his tunic the stranger continues, “It is rumored that the cursed man has once again returned, and he is roaming this very forest.”

The men at arms have been watching the stranger disrobe and are now looking quizzically at Sir Ade. The knight notices that the eastern sky is becoming lighter from the rising of the full moon. He asks thestranger, “Sir I understand you wanting to be comfortable when you sleep, but with the chill of this  night is it wise to undress?”

“The chill of the night will not affect me sir knight. It has not affected me since I was a young man, besides, I doubt I shall sleep this night,” replies the stranger. He turns from hanging his tunic on the limb, facing the knight and says, “Sir knight I too fought in a crusade.”

“Did you accompany King Louis IX?” asks Sir Ade.

The stranger turns to look at the eastern sky. The first sliver of the moon appears above the horizon. “No sir knight, I fought to liberate Jerusalem from the Saracens,” answers the stranger.

The-men-at-arms look to the Templar knight, shock clearly displayed on their faces. Sir Ade says with disbelief, “Sir, that was over a hundred and fifty years ago! Clearly you are lying.”

The stranger starts to say something but instead doubles over in pain. He looks to the horizon at the third of the full moon that is now visible. He unties his rope belt and releases the clasps of his leather pants as he rises back to his feet. He drops his pants as he tells all of his ‘guests,’ “I do not lie mes amis.”

As the moon rises further into the sky the crusaders watch as another wave of pain brings the stranger to his knees. It seems to them the stranger has become a blurry, misshapen shadow. From within the shadow his voice rings out, “I am Francois Piere Barteau! I am cursed, I…am…loup…garou… I…am…werew…Ah-hooo!”

The men-at-arms scramble for their weapons as the massive European gray wolf leaps onto Sir Ade, pinning him to the ground as its jaws clamp onto the Knight Templar’s throat, snapping it like a twig.

They were far enough from the old Roman road that no one could hear the sound of their battle…

They were far enough into the forest that no one could hear the cries of the dying crusaders…

They were far enough away that no one could hear the howl of the wolf…ugh away that no one could hear the howl of the wolf…

R. A. “Doc” Correa

A retired US Army military master parachutist, retired surgical technologist, and retired computer scientist. He’s an award-winning poet and author. “Doc” has had poems published in multiple books and had stories published in Bookish Magazine and Your Secret Library. His first novel, Rapier, won a Book Excellence award and was given a Reader’s Favorite five-star review.

Read more stories in our post gallery

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Book Sunday #OurAuthorGang

 Today's recommendation is a YA novel by Lorraine Carey

Jonathan's Locket

Dive into a thrilling blend of history, mystery, and the supernatural in this captivating Young Adult novel. Set against the backdrop of the historic Wreck of the Ten Sails off Grand Cayman, author Carey masterfully weaves fantasy, suspense, and paranormal intrigue into a story that will keep readers hooked.

When a local teen discovers they can connect with Jonathan, a restless spirit lost in the infamous shipwreck, an extraordinary journey begins. Bound by courage and compassion, the teen must navigate a world of hidden dangers and otherworldly challenges to help Jonathan find peace and finally cross over.

This award-winning novel, which earned the Readers' Favorite Silver Award in 2014 and was a finalist in the Wind Dancer Film Contest, is a must-read for fans of historical fiction with a supernatural twist. Prepare for an unforgettable adventure where history comes alive in the most unexpected ways!

Chapter 5

The Wreck

All were on deck now, and orders were being given from all directions. It was a moonless night and the sea was as black as pitch. The sound of the waves thrashing against the ship rose above the yelling of the crew on the Convert.

It was now the wee hours of the morning, on February 8, 1794. Instead of the crew getting a good night’s rest, their distress gun was fired.
Captain Lawford came bounding out of his quarters. Dressed in only his trousers, he raced barefoot onto the top deck.

“What in land’s end is happening here? I heard the distress gunfire!” he cried.

“Aye, Captain, there be breakers ahead!” shouted Seaman Thompson from up in the crow’s nest. “The fleet is getting ahead of us now. They are all firing off their distress guns.”

Lawford grabbed the telescope from the seaman standing next to him.

“Damn, this can’t be the Grand Cayman reef! I thought we passed that an hour ago. I charted this course myself so that we would avoid that bloody coral reef!”

He shouted orders for all of the men to report on the deck. Before any of the men had time to react, a voice alerted them to a whole new danger.

“Pirates - there be Pirates!” shouted men from the Britannia, which was close on their starboard side. All of the ships began to move closer, trying to protect the Convert.

The crew aboard the Convert flashed their lanterns. All they could see were ships clustered together...too close together.

They heard the sounds of the crash before they saw it. Splintering wood and screams of terror echoed over the water. It was as if the reef had sliced right through the ships, like an axe slicing through wood.

“Take cover, men!” shouted Captain Lawford, just before the Britannia rammed into the Convert.

When the ships collided, it hit the Convert hard into the windward reef. The ship began to lean on its’ side, ready to split.

The remaining ships crashed into one another in an endless pileup. The deafening sound of screams mingled with bodies splashing into the water. Many of the seamen were now jumping into the water, clinging onto pieces of the ship that floated nearby.

“It is Poseidon coming to take us to our watery graves!” shouted one of the men in the water.

Despite the chaos, Captain Lawford still shouted out orders. They were largely ignored, since every man was out to save himself – all but one, of course. There was one seaman who had to save his dearest friend.


Dear God, please let me get down to Jonathan in time.
Peter did his best to hold onto anything he could to make his way down to the hold. The ship’s hull had been hit hard and would be soon flooding with water.
Peter threw open the cargo door and raced down the steps. He was already knee-deep in murky water. The trunks were swishing around, banging into one another. “Jonathan! Jonathan, I’m coming!” Peter yelled, as he sloshed through the water. Jonathan popped the lid of his trunk open and began yelling for Peter.

“Peter, what is happening?”
“We have hit the reef on Grand Cayman, Jonathan. All of the other ships have slammed into each other. We are all going down. You’ve got to get out of that trunk - now!”

“No, no...I’m afraid!” cried Jonathan. “I can’t swim!”

“It doesn’t matter now, my son. Just hang onto me and we’ll grab a hold of whatever we can find until we are rescued.”

As Jonathan tried to sit up, the chain of his locket got caught in the latch of the lid. He desperately tried to untangle it, but it had formed a small knot that refused to come undone.

Peter was still holding onto the trunk when a huge gush of water came and swept him away. He had been pulled down through the hold. Jonathan couldn’t see exactly where he was, but there was a small crack that he could see out of.

“Peter! Peter, where are you?”

Jonathan prayed that Peter had been able to swim to safety. His trunk had begun to slam into all of the other trunks; he could feel water dripping onto his face. Jonathan pulled and pulled at the knot in the chain, but nothing worked. The more he pulled at the chain, the tighter it pulled around his throat.

Jonathan’s body trembled, as he closed his eyes one last time.

I know I will be with you, mother. Please look after me.


As water overtook Jonathan’s small body, his trunk was pulled through a gaping hole in the ship. His trunk landed at the bottom of the sea, nestled underneath a large crevasse deep under the reef.

A large sea turtle who happened to be in the area circled the chest. It seemed to take on an iridescent green glow that lit up the waters with its shimmering light.

Chapter 6

Grand Cayman 2012

“Mrs. Wallace, this is Mrs. Banks, deputy principal at Island High School. Your son, Brandon, did not show up at school today.”

Mrs. Wallace paused a moment before answering. She knew exactly where her son was. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Banks, I believe I know where he is. I will call his father right now.”

“Brandon has already missed nine unexcused days this year,” scolded Mrs. Banks. “With his grades, he cannot afford to be missing so much school. Please bring him in tomorrow, along with your husband so that we can discuss the matter.”

“Yes, ma’am,” answered Mrs. Wallace, in a solemn voice.

Mrs. Wallace was already at work at Island Gems Jewelry and was not prepared to start her day in such a way.

As soon as Mrs. Wallace hung up the phone, she dialed her husband’s work number. She dreaded telling him the news.

“Franklin, Brandon skipped school again.”

“Damn that boy!” Mr. Wallace shouted in reply. “I can’t leave the port right now.” Mr. Wallace had gotten a promotion to supervisor at the port a few years ago and spent most of his time at work or on call when he was at home. This is about the time Brandon began to have some behavior issues.

“You know where he is, Franklin.”

I will talk to him tonight,” confirmed Mr. Wallace.

“We need to do more than just talk,” she said.

“He’s a seventeen-year-old boy. He needs to get his act together. Trust me, Jenna, when I am done with him, he will know that I mean business!” said Mr. Wallace, angrily.


“Hey, Jason, did you see that spotted eel?” Brandon asked, excitedly, as they emerged from the sea.

“He must have been at least six feet long!” Jason answered.

They sat at the edge of the shore and removed their snorkeling gear. The early morning sun shone down and illuminated the crystal blue water. Brandon shook his head of dark wet curls, like a dog shaking out his wet fur. Jason on the other hand, was busy pulling back his sandy blonde hair into a printed scarf.

“I can’t wait to get these pictures up on the computer and check them out,” Brandon said. “Want to come up to the house?”

“I’d better not. I should get home and clean up before my folks find out I skipped school with you.”

“Suit yourself,” Brandon said as he walked away. He shook his head, knowing that Jason wouldn’t get into trouble if he got caught. He wished his parents were as lenient as Jason’s.


Brandon walked along the shore toward home. He gazed out at the turquoise waters, feeling the breeze on his face. As he kicked his toes through the white powdery sand and watched the palms swaying back and forth, he thought of his childhood. Brandon and his dad would go fishing and diving almost every weekend. That changed a few years ago when his dad had gotten the promotion. Brandon yearned for those days and hoped his dad would come around again. When he thought of those days, he knew that the sea was his heaven.

As he reached home he sat on the back deck of the large cottage and tried to take it all in. He was grateful to live right on the beach where he could have the sea right there under his nose.

All of a sudden, Pirate, the family’s five-year-old Labrador Retriever came bounding out and began licking the salt water off his face.

Brandon knew he had to get out of his gear fast and clean up before his parents got home or he’d have hell to pay.

Lorraine Carey

Lorraine Carey is a reading specialist and an Award-Winning Author. She was living in California until fate whisked her off to Grand Cayman. She currently lives in Florida. Her love for paranormal stories began at a young age, and is no stranger to the paranormal, having encountered unexplainable events that are woven into her stories.


Friday, January 17, 2025

Maci the Lazy Dog #OurAuthorGang

 A short story by Erika M Szabo

Maci, the gentle giant

Margaret sat in her kitchen, staring out the window feeling the weight of the empty house. It had been a month since her daughter Wendy had moved out after getting married. The silence was overwhelming, and Margaret felt lonely. She had been so used to having Wendy in the house with her, and now she was all alone.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Margaret's heart leaped, hoping it might be her daughter coming for a surprise visit. But when she opened the door, there was a man in uniform with a package in his hands.

"Ma'am, I have a person-to-person delivery for you," he said, smiling. “You need to open the package as soon as possible.”

Margaret signed for the package and carried it inside. She carefully opened it, her hands trembling with excitement. She held her breath I awe when a soft-haired, cuddly St. Bernard puppy looked into her eyes. Margaret's heart melted as she picked up the little creature, feeling the small body’s warmth radiating through her hands.

On the puppy’s collar, there was a note in Wendy's handwriting: "To keep you company. Love, Wendy."

Margaret named the puppy Maci, which meant "little bear" in her native language. From that moment on, Margaret and Maci were inseparable. The affectionate little bear brought so much joy and love into her life that loneliness disappeared from her heart. They spent every minute together, playing, napping, and exploring the outside world. Margaret couldn't imagine her life without her little bear, and she was grateful for the unexpected gift of love from her daughter.

As Maci grew, so did the bond between her and Margaret. The St. Bernard grew into a gentle giant, always by her owner's side, ready to offer comfort and love whenever needed.

Maci loved taking naps on Margaret's lap or snuggling up close to her on the couch. And as she grew bigger and bigger, it seemed like she would never stop growing. By the time she was a year old, Maci had reached the size of a small lioness. But despite her size, she remained gentle and calm, never once showing any aggression toward anyone.

Margaret was proud of her fur baby and often boasted to her friends about what a great companion Maci was. She would tell them how the dog always knew when she needed some extra love and attention, how she could sense when Margaret wasn't feeling well and would stay by her side until she felt better.

One day, as they were out for their daily walk in the park, Margaret tripped and fell to the ground with a thud. She let out a cry of pain as she landed on her hip. But before Margaret could even think about getting up or calling for help, Maci was already by her side, offering her strong body for support.

"Thank you, sweet girl," Margaret said with tears in her eyes as she wrapped her arm around Maci's neck and carefully moved her legs. When she didn't feel pain, she held onto Maci and stood up. "I think I'm okay, I'll just a little sore for a few days," she murmured touching her hip. "I don't know what I would do without you," Margaret whispered to Maci as they walked home.

Maci may have been large, but in Margaret's heart, she was still that tiny puppy that had filled the emptiness in her home after Wendy had left. And with each passing day, their bond only grew stronger and stronger.

As Maci reached adult size, she became quite an attraction in their small town. Everyone loved her, and many would stop to pet her as she walked by with Margaret. But despite her size, Maci remained a gentle and calm dog. She never barked or showed aggression toward anyone, even when children pulled on her tail or tried to climb on her back.

Wendy would often ask about Maci whenever she called her mother. "How's Maci doing?"

"She's on the lazy side, you know, she naps a lot," Margaret would reply with a chuckle. "But I’m happy that she's such a quiet and good-natured dog. I would go insane if I had a constantly fidgeting, yapping Chihuahua like Mary.”

“Yes,” Wendy laughed. “I always wondered how that little menace could bark so loudly. His lungs must be the size of walnuts. Maci must be huge by now. She was four month old when I saw her and she was already big.”

“Oh, yes. She's grown so huge and I feel like instead of me walking her, she's taking me for walks," Margaret continued jokingly. "Sometimes when my legs hurt, I feel like I could just ride on her back as if she was a horse."

Wendy laughed at the thought of her petite mother riding on top of her giant dog. "As skinny as you are, she probably could give you a ride with ease," Wendy joked. "I miss you, Mom! I can hardly wait until next month to visit you."

"I miss you too! See you soon."


A week later, while watching a movie, Margaret heard footsteps and saw someone trying to peek through the curtains of the bay window. She straightened up on the sofa. Who could that be? She thought nervously when the footsteps were getting closer and closer to her front door. Her heart racing, she glanced at Maci, who slept soundly beside her on the sofa. As the doorknob began to turn and the door rattled, Margaret held her breath in fear.

She grabbed her phone and pressed 911. “Someone is breaking into my house, 19 Mulberry Street, and I’m alone,” she whispered into the phone in panic.

“I’m sending a patrol car right away. Stay on the phone,” the operator instructed.

Margaret put the phone next to her when suddenly, the door swung open, revealing a large man wearing a black mask. He had a knife in his hand and took a step toward the terrified old woman.

"What are you doing in my house? What do you want?" she whispered, trembling with fear.

"Where's your money?" growled the intruder. "Give it to me and I won't hurt you."

Countless thoughts raced through Margaret's mind as she cowered on the sofa. This man is going to kill me before the police get here. She grasped at the dog’s fur, who remained motionless, but Margaret noticed that Maci was watching the man under half-closed eyelids. She could feel the dog's muscles tensing as if she was getting ready to jump.

“It’s over there,” Margaret stammered pointing at the mantel. “I… I don’t have much, but it’s in there, in that red box.”

The man turned and walked to the mantel.

Maci slowly, without making a sound, got down from the sofa and reached the man with a few, soundless steps on the thick carpet. She stood behind the man, watching him.

The man reached for the red box, opened it, and jammed the handful of cash into his pocket with a grunt. “Where’s your jewelry?” he demanded, turning back, but took a frightened step backward hitting his shoulders on the mantel when he faced the huge dog. Maci opened her mouth showing two rows of teeth and let out a thunderous bark that vibrated through the house. The man shrunk back in fear. “Call this monster off!” he shouted.

Margaret stared at the trembling man and heard Maci’s throaty, threatening growl. “I wouldn’t move if I were you,” Margaret said, suddenly feeling safe and calm. She picked up her phone while keeping an eye on the man and her dog.

“Keep talking to him, ma’am. The patrol car will be there in a minute.” Margaret heard the voice of the operator. “Are you safe?”

“Oh, yes, I’m safe,” Margaret answered the operator’s question, chuckling softly. “My dog is holding the man hostage.”

Margaret watched as Maci stood motionless in front of the masked intruder until the man made a slight move. Then, the huge dog let out a deafening bark and with lightning speed, she jumped up and placed her enormous front paws on the man’s chest, her massive mouth open and lined with sharp teeth just inches from his face.

The man froze and whimpered in fright.

Margaret watched with satisfaction as the terrified intruder stood frozen. He seemed to be afraid to move a muscle, only his eyes darted between Maci and Margaret, begging for help.

As she heard the siren from the driveway and running footsteps, Margaret stood up, feeling a bit shaken but no longer scared as she watched her furry guardian keeping the man trapped. She snickered when she noticed the expanding wet spot on the front of the man’s pants, which was clear evidence of how terrified he was.

Erika M Szabo

Erika loves to dance to her own tunes and follow her dreams, introducing her story-writing skills and her books that are based on creative imagination with themes such as magical realism, alternate history, urban fantasy, cozy mystery, sweet romance, and supernatural stories. Her children’s stories are informative and educational and deliver moral values in a non-preachy way.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Lost in the Woods #OurAuthorGang

 A short story by Erika M Szabo

A young police officer enters the woods to find a missing woman, but it takes all her mental strength to deal with what she finds.

Excerpt from the story published in the What If? Anthology

The headlights of the police vehicle cut through the gloom, creating ripples of shadow and light through the trees. Officer Angela Devon, a tall, athletic woman in her late twenties pulled up behind the silver car. With the headlights off, it was parked on the side of the winding road that ran through the middle of the dense forest.

“This is Officer Devon, pulling up at the location now,” she spoke into her radio, peering through the windshield. “There is a car here, and according to the GPS locator, the call came from two hundred yards away in the woods.” She said, hoping it was just a prank call made by bored teenagers, but until she knew for sure, she wouldn’t leave. Not if there was even the slightest possibility that someone was in trouble.

“Copy that,” the dispatcher’s voice crackled through the receiver, followed by a short burst of static. “I’ll be on standby if you need backup. Over.”

Angela cut the engine and turned off the headlights. She leaned back against the headrest with a sigh. Without the headlights on, the forest seemed to be closing in on her in the eerie light of the full moon, darkness spilling out through the branches.

She grabbed the flashlight from the glove compartment, switched it on, and then pushed open the driver’s side door and climbed out slamming the car door closed behind her. The large bluish-white beam flooded the trees in front of her, creating ghostly shadows in her peripheral vision.

She really did not want to be there, but she was the only officer on duty who had been able to answer the call. Her partner’s wife went into labor, and nobody was available to take his place for the night shift. In their small town, way up in the mountains, and a small department with only a handful of officers, it wasn’t unusual for the officers to answer calls alone. 

“Let’s just get this over with,” Angela muttered under her breath.

The 911 call that had come in had been an odd one, to say the least. A woman crying for help, saying she was being followed by someone she couldn’t see. In the background, the operator could hear footsteps thudding in the distance, and heavy breathing, but that was all. The phone went silent before she could give a location, but they had managed to trace the area where the call had been made. In the forest by a country road a few miles from town, the caller identified herself as Bella Mason, a twenty-four-year-old clerk at the local hotel. Why would a young woman be out here alone, in the middle of the night? Perhaps meeting someone in secret, Angela thought, and only hoped she’d lost her phone, and whoever found it made the prank call, rather than being anything serious. 

Hefting her flashlight into the other hand, she made sure she had her radio, taser, and Glock within reach and stepped into the forest.

Given that the location had been out of town, and it had taken twenty minutes to get there, Angela had no idea where the woman might be. She was only one person, and she wouldn’t be able to search the entire forest on her own, but she would do her best to follow any tracks that she could find. She wouldn’t leave until she was confident nothing bad had taken place.

Twigs and underbrush crunched under her feet as she moved between the trees, shining her flashlight in a wide arc. Bugs flitted around her, attracted by the glow, but she paid them no mind, other than occasionally brushing a mosquito off her cheek. Despite the cool night, it was humid beneath the canopy of trees, and a bead of sweat trickled down the back of her neck, making the collar of her uniform stick to her skin.

The woman on the phone had raggedly gasped out ‘Bella Mason’ when the operator had asked for her name, so that’s what Angela began to call out, her voice echoing through the forest.

“Bella Mason! I’m a police officer responding to your 911 call.” 

She winced when the sound bounced between the trees, the echo growing strange and distorted. She didn’t like the thought of attracting the attention of anyone—or anything—that might be hiding in the shadows, but there was no other way she could go about it. She had to hope that Bella heard her somehow and could give Angela a clue as to where she was.

Seriously though, what was she doing out here in the middle of the night?

“Bella! Bella, are you out here?” She continued to call out as she traversed through the trees, brushing branches and silky moth wings out of her face. “Bella! It’s the police. I’m here to help.”

Nearing the approximate spot where the call came from, the deeper into the forest she went, the quieter it got. She could no longer hear the sound of small rodents and insects scurrying in the undergrowth, or nightbirds ruffling their feathers high up in the trees. Even the wind had fallen still, no longer rustling the leaves. There was only her own labored breathing, and the soft crunch of her boots against the fallen twigs on the ground.

It was almost like walking in the graveyard at night. Everything was so still, so quiet. Angela felt nervous about disturbing the silence, but she quickly shook that thought away. She was there to answer a distress call, which meant she had a job to do. 

She cleared her throat and wiped away the perspiration that beaded her forehead. “Bella! If you can hear me, please answer.”

As the echo faded into silence, Angela thought she heard the faint sound of footsteps behind her. Soft, spongy, like someone walking barefoot in the sand.

She turned, swinging her flashlight in the direction of the noise. “Bella? Is that you?”

She saw a fleeting shadow by a wide tree from the corner of her eye, and Angela felt a shiver of fear twisting her stomach. If it was Bella, she would have answered. Had I merely imagined it? “Who’s there?” She croaked out the words, and suddenly, her mouth and throat felt dry. She swallowed hard and felt the flashlight slipping from the sweat that was accumulating in her palms. 

Get a grip, there’s nobody out here but me and perhaps Bella, if it’s not a prank. And don’t be a scaredy cat. Your eyes just played a trick on you with that shadow.

When it was clear there was nobody there, Angela turned around and continued walking, though now the darkness and fluctuation of light from her flashlight was making her disoriented, and she couldn’t remember which way the road was.

Continue reading in the Anthology