Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Searching for King Arthur — Gildas #Arthurian #Legend #OurAuthorGang

Searching for King Arthur  — Gildas

Gildas was a 6th Century monk who was born in the year of the Battle of Mons Badonicus, or, The Battle of Mount Badon, as we now know it. Mount Badon is, of course, the famous battle where King Arthur halted the Saxon invasion for a time.

Gidas's great work — On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain, is no easy read. In fact, it  reads like a damning sermon. He certainly did not mince his words! He target five particular kings - goodness knows what they had done to upset him - and he isn't particularly forgiving of his fellow priests.

"Britain has priests, but they are fools; numerous ministers, but they are shameless; clerics, but they are wily plunderers."

He seems to be more than a little obsessed with the Book of Daniel, and the Book of Revelations. 

However, Gildas's work is considered one of most important sources on the history of Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries, simply because, for once, it was written by someone who was actually there and although it is not considered a primary sources it is about as close as we are going to get.

However, Gildas gives the word 'vague' a whole new meaning. He gives us very few names and no firm dates. He misses out chunks of history if they do not serve his purpose or his message.

What does Gildas say about Arthur?


The only 5th century person he does talk about is a man called  Ambrosius Aurelianus.

"... a gentleman who, perhaps alone of the Romans, had survived the shock of this notable storm. Certainly his parents, who had worn the purple, were slain by it. His descendants in our day have become greatly inferior to their grandfather's excellence..."

Now this is where it gets a little confusing. Ambrosius appears to be of Roman descent. He organises Briton and leads them in battle against the Saxons. Some historians believe that Ambrosius was Arthur, but I am not convinced with that argument. The Venerable Bede clearly states in his work — An Ecclesiastical History of the English People — that they are two separate people.

So what is going on?

Gildes is very vocal about many things, but not Arthur. He doesn't mention him. At all.

Arthur has always come across as a sort of people's hero. But in monastic writings of the time he is not described as a hero, in fact he is described as the complete opposite. Which leads me to suspect two things. Firstly, he wasn't as good as we all think he was. Or, he had fallen out with the Church. I kind of lean towards the latter. According to the Life of Gidas, Arthur killed Gildas brother. No wonder he omitted him! He wasn't going to make him immortal in his works. Who could blame him?

War is coming...

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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Put a Little Rainbow in Your Diet #OurAuthorGang

Make your diet as colorful as rainbow

There is a constant chemical process going on in your body, and this process frees up toxins. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants which neutralize these toxins and shield your cells and DNA from the damage they would cause.

Red and pink fruits and vegetables such as tomato, red pepper, apples, onion, grapefruit, watermelon as well as beets.
They contain lycopene which aids short and long-term memory, prevents circulatory problems and heart disease as well as plays a role in cancer prevention, especially skin, prostate, uterine, breast and prostate cancers. Lycopene also blocks cholesterol deposit in your circulatory system.

Blue and purple fruits and vegetables such as dark grape, plum, red cabbage, beet, fig and black currant.
They contain anthocyanin, which prevents cholesterol deposits and keeps the veins and arteries flexible. Blu and purple foods shield the skin from UV rays and protect your retina from damage.

Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as carrot, pumpkin, pear, orange, tangerine, pineapple, mango, and banana.
They contain beta-carotene a vitamin A provitamin which aids vision, circulation, strengthens the immune system and plays a big role in cancer prevention. Yellow and orange foods also slow the process of aging and protect the skin from harmful rays as well as helps to prevent wrinkle formation.

Green fruits and vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, spinach and leafy greens, kiwi, green apples, peas, green beans.
They contain lutein which aids vision, strengthen the bones, prevents cancers, destroys bacteria and cleans the blood.

White foods such as garlic, onion, cauliflower, and mushroom.
They have anti-inflammatory, allergy reducing and cancer-preventing properties.

Make your diet colorful and make your body healthy 

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Erika M Szabo via Google+

1 year ago  -  Shared publicly
Put a Little Rainbow in Your Diet #OurAuthorGang
Make your diet as colorful as rainbow by Erika M Szabo There is a constant chemical process going on in your body, and this process frees up toxins. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants which neutralize these toxins and shield your cells and DNA from ...

Mary Anne Yarde

1 year ago  -  Shared publicly
Great post, as always!!

Nikki McDonagh

1 year ago  -  Shared publicly
I'm a vegetarian, so eat this kind of food every day. It always takes me by surprise that not everyone does too! Great post.

Ruth de Jauregui via Google+

1 year ago  -  Shared publicly
Erika Szabo shared information on improving your health by adding color to your eating plan. This is great information friends!

Ruth de Jauregui

1 year ago  -  Shared publicly
Great nutritional info!! You are so right, we should all add color to our diets to improve our health.

Rebecca Tran

1 year ago  -  Shared publicly
Erika Szabo shares great advice on eating to get a better healthier you.

Joe Bonadonna via Google+

1 year ago  -  Shared publicly
Tuesday on A Small Gang of Authors . . . Erika M. Szabo​ gives us some tips on adding "color" to our diet with a variety of fruits and vegetable

Joe Bonadonna

1 year ago  -  Shared publicly
Most enlightening, Erika. Thank you for the tips. Adding color to one's diet: a healthy way to live. I like that.

Grace Au

1 year ago  -  Shared publicly
The older I get the more I adapt this into my diet. Thanks for the info.

Rich Feitelberg

1 year ago  -  Shared publicly
I've heard this which is why I eat eggplant and blueberries when I can.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Passion #OurAuthorGang

by Grace Augustine

photo courtesy of OveractDev

Passion, as defined in "noun...intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction; an outbreak of anger; ardent affection; a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept; an object of desire or great interest; sexual desire."

I'm sure you've been asked once, if not more times, what is your passion? What is that one thing that convicts your soul, that moves you to tears, that makes you crazy?
photo courtesy of Anthill Magazine

As a romance writer, I deal with passion in all of the ways described above. My characters have deep conviction regarding their jobs, families, and loved ones. They have passion for their spouses or significant others and act upon those feelings with tenderness and love.

So it is in the love story of Blake and Renee in MOONLIGHT AND MUSIC, a perfect read for February--the month of love.

Blake McIntyre held his position at Bankston Promotions for fifteen years. He is the top music artist promoter in the business. Potential clients by-passed the CEO's daughter and sought out his expertise. He assumed that was why he was fired. With an interview scheduled in less than six hours, he needed sleep and to be on his A-game, but the wailing coming from the apartment across the hall prevented it.

Renee Manelli, a frustrated musician, had worked twenty years as a paralegal. Her goal was to stockpile money, retire early, write songs, and hit the road performing. Her crystal-clear voice and mixed with the poignant messages in her songs make her the fastest rising independent artist in the country. She couldn't help that most of her creativity happened at 2 a.m.

A working relationship between Blake and Renee turned quickly into the personal journey of a lifetime under the stars...and moonlight and music.

I'd love hearing from you. Whether it be about my books, or life in general, let's get to know one another.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Our Guest Today is Scarlet Braden #OurAuthorGang

Please join me in welcoming author Scarlett Braden.

Scarlett Braden ran away from her secret monochomatic life in the United States and escaped to the colorful town of Cuenca, Ecuador. Her life is now prismacolor; kinda like her hair, and no longer secret. She began writing and realized that's where all the voices in her head came was characters waiting for her to tell their stories. It drives her a little crazy that they won't tell her the whole story before she begins typing, but she's learning to keep tranquilo and let them have their say. She spent most of her life not being able to tell a lie (to save her soul), to being a professional liar: the kind of liar that makes up stories. You never know if what she's telling you is the truth or fiction...or if what you say next may find its way into the pages of her next novel or in the stanza of a poem.

Scarlett's new release, LYRICS OF A TRANSCENDENTAL LOVE, will be available sometime in January.

Scarlett loves hearing from her readers and may be reached:

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Our Guest Today is Author D. Fischer #ourauthorgang

Hey everyone. D. Fischer here with my guest post. 

I'd like to take just a moment and thank Our Author Gang for hosting this.

I'm just going to jump right into it. I'm an author of multi-genre's but have been focusing on Epic Fantasy recently. I grew up in eastern Iowa, and moved to western Iowa when I met my husband. We have two kids, a toddler and a first grader (if you ask him, the grade counts more than the age).
We're a pet-loving family, with two dogs who are obsessed with socks, and a fat cat who adores me (I'm a dog person, so you can imagine my dismay).

Growing up, I always wanted to write something. Anything really, I didn't care what. I loved using my imagination. I'd start a book, begin an outline, and a few chapters in, I would stop.

Eventually, writing a book entered my "bucket-list." Last year, my husband was away on business and only home on the weekends. I grew bored with all that time to myself after my kids would be tucked in, fast asleep. Characters started forming in my head, plots started mixing, and worlds would be built upon those platforms.

Last January, we didn't have a computer. We had a tablet. It was difficult, but I wasn't going to let that hold me back from bringing my imagination to screen. I started clicking away.

In April of last year, I published my first book, A Gifted Curse (The Cloven Pack Series). Since then, I have 8 published books, and 9 published co-written books.

As I mentioned before, my most recent works is Epic Fantasy. I fell in love with that genre, without actually meaning to. I've never read Game of Thrones (besides the first chapter), or Lord of the Rings. In fact, I had no idea that's what this book's genre was until after it was written. A dear friend was kind enough to tell me.

This new series is called Rise of the Realms. There is 5 lead characters, some of them supernatural, and some of them human (for now ;) ). None of these characters know each other, but their fates and circumstances keep crossing. There's tie in after tie in, until everything comes together at the end of the first book. Well... not everything. Many subplots will be delivered in the second book - which I'm currently working on. Did I mention there is a dragon? Ghosts? Vampires? Shifters? Angels? This series basically has it all. What you don't see in the first book, you'll see in the second. Several new supernatural species are entering into the fold.

Reborn, the first book in the series, was difficult for me to write. I've never written a book this complicated, and I don't like to outline (I never follow it anyway). Besides finding the crossing fates of difficulty, there was a few times I grew too involved with this book. For example, to write a certain section for Eliza, I forced myself to listen to a song for several hours. The same song. Over and over again. I went a little nuts afterwards - I call it the 'writers doom and gloom'. I totally understand why writers from the past enjoyed that alcohol so much. Thankfully, I had wonderful author friends who pulled me out of that dark place my brain submerged me, and a supportive husband who understood.

I'm proud of this book. It's my baby. I hope you find the time to sit down and read it, and I'm excited to hear what you think.

Reborn (Rise of the Realms: Book One) can be purchased here:

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