Thursday, December 12, 2024

Meet Author Erika M Szabo

 Erika M Szabo

Erika loves to dance to her own tunes and follow her dreams, introducing her story-writing skills and her books that are based on creative imagination with themes such as magical realism, alternate history, urban fantasy, cozy mystery, sweet romance, and supernatural stories. Her children’s stories are informative, and educational, and deliver moral values in a non-preachy way.

Listen to my song in the video

"As an artist, I paint pretty pictures with my brushes. As a writer, I paint vivid pictures in your mind with words." ​~Erika M Szabo
Why do I write? 
Because I dance to my own tunes and follow my dreams.
When everyone said, "You're so smart and compassionate, you should be a doctor."
I said, "I'd rather be an excellent nurse than an average doctor."
When everyone said, "Don't waste your time writing. Stick to what you know best."
I didn't quit because my grandma always said, "You're a great storyteller! The stories you come up with explaining why you shouldn't do the things you don't want to do are amazing!
​I always wanted to create magical worlds, great characters, and many stories for every age group to enjoy. So, on a dreary day, I became a writer.

After learning every step of the publishing process, I started helping authors to publish their books. Today, we provide a full service from editing, book cover art, formatting, and uploading the books to marketing, video, blog, and website design at