Saturday, April 13, 2019

6 Days Blog-Hop May 12-17 at Our Author Gang

Play and win prizes

Visit every blog that participates in this fun blog-hop and collect 12 words (hidden in the text of the posts between 6 asterisks (such as ***different words on each blog***)

If you visit every blog on the list at the end of this post and collect the 12 words, you'll have a quote about writing.


Grand prize $30 gift card
or one of the 3 smaller prizes: $5 gift card each.

How to enter the contest

Visit every blog from May 12-17 on the list below and find the hidden word in each post. On May 17 at the last stop of the 6 days long blog-hop you'll be directed back to this post.
We will add a Google form where you can enter the 12 words long sentence which you'll collect word by word from each blog.

The blog-hop dates and links:

#1 stop May 12
Erika M Szabo's blog:

#2 stop May 12
Christina Weigand's blog:

#3 stop May 13
Eva Pasco's blog:

#4 stop May 13:
Rebecca Tran's blog:

#5 stop May 14
Sonnet O'Dell's blog:

#6 stop May 14
Heather Hobbs' blog:

#7 stop May 15
Dorothy Garino's blog:

#8 stop May 15
Cindy J. Smith's blog:

#9 stop May 16
Patty MacFarlene's blog:

#10 stop May 16
PJ Mann's blog:

#11 stop May 17
Karina Kantas' blog:

#12 stop May 17
Erika M Szabo's blog:

Have fun!