A New Face in the Hood
P.J. Mann
There are always mixed feelings when I am asked to introduce myself. On the one hand, it makes me eager to tell something about me and all the aspects of my life, on the other hands, there are so many things to say that it is difficult to choose what it is important to tell and what it is better to discard. Summaries have always been my weakness.
Nevertheless, I will start with the basics and starting with my name, Paula, proudly given by my father whose name was Gianpaolo, as a legacy.
In my life, there are mainly three things that I treasure; loyalty, honesty, and silence.
I work full time as a geologist and sometimes my working schedule can be quite crazy, I might get the next flight to a working site with a few hours' notice, just the time to reach home, grab some clothes, and reach the airport, from where I call my husband informing that I won’t be home for dinner.
During the free time, I write psychological thrillers, which considering my lifestyle, sounds quite natural. The way I love to relax and find peace of mind is spending my time in the forest. Living in Finland means that the forest is just behind the corner, even if you are living in the middle of the capital, Helsinki.
I have a passion for traveling. I have just reached my first milestone of 50 countries visited, and my list is still quite long. So far, my favorite continent is Africa for the sceneries, the people and their heritage. Not to talk about the feeling of freedom I get every time I jump out of the plane. I keep a blog about those experiences together with other personal considerations, so if you want and check it out, here is the link: www.paperpenandinkwell.blogspot.com
My novels are very much inspired by my travels, and the people I get to know. They all have interesting stories to tell, and I always find the way to insert them into my books.
Another passion is photography, I believe that this is another way to tell a story and one image can be worth more than thousands of words and can tell a thousand stories. Somehow, I consider it a way to complement my writing by telling my story through the lens of a camera.
About my books and my audience, I have tried to envision many times the ideal reader who would enjoy my books. Therefore, if you are an adult person who likes movies like “The shutter island,” and “Inception,” if you are interested in being challenged by different points of view, also the ones of the villain, then you are much likely going to enjoy my novels.
For me writing is also a way to get deeper into human nature and feelings, it is a way to know better myself and the rest of the world. Being an introvert, this is also a way to communicate my feelings to the rest of the world.
You can find my books for sale on Amazon following the link of my author page: www.amazon/author/pjmann
For more information about ongoing giveaways, deals, and offers, you can follow me on my website: https://pjmann2016.wixsite.com/pjmann
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I really hope you enjoyed reading this small introduction about me, and see you soon either on social media or on my next Newsletter.
Have a great day!
Paula J. Mann
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