New Group Member S.M.Freed
My name is Sheryl and my pen name is S.M.Freed which is actually my name but people have problems saying my last name. This makes it easier if it is spelled like it sounds.
I love reading books from Romance, Paranormal, Fiction, Cozy Mystery. I grew up reading Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys and those books got me hooked on reading.
I have 2 senior rescue animals and they are my life jacket when things get tough for me and I spoil them rotten.
I have published 2 Mail Order Bride books and 2 Paranormal books with my PNR doing better then I thought it would. I am enjoying writing since I am retired now and I still read a lot of books on my eReader.
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This is a snippet from my PNR book 2 Leaping Into Love, Callahan's Pack
The first lady came up to the group. It was Shawn. and Remy was stepping forward to give her courage. “You're a mother …you jack….” She could not say what she wanted to say, so in a flash of light and the crack of bones breaking, Shawn’s animal came out to help her.
Her gazelle was mad. She raised up onto her hind legs, and her hooves came down on Rex, again and again. She walked over to Remy who took off his shirt. He shielded her as she changed to her human. Walking over to Rex, she shouted, “That is for Shelly you prick!” Then she went to the back of the group. She was shaking. Remy put his arms around her as she came down from the high her animal felt.
This is a snippet from my PNR book 2 Leaping Into Love, Callahan's Pack
“Shawn, I know of someone who might help. I had an acquaintance I found when I traveled to a world shifter meeting in Europe. I know his sister deals with people and shifters suffering PTSD at an institution in Spain. There is also something an Alpha Royal can do to help and that is to erase the traumatic memories of the person.
“Only the Royals can do this, or I would have helped you with this before. Let me make a few calls to determine if I get have them here. We can go from there.” Clay thought this might happen, so he was prepared for this.
“Oh, Alpha, thank you. I will let the ladies know you will try to help us. Then, maybe we can start our new lives.” Shawn struggled to hold back the tears in her eyes as she looked at her mate.