We have some awwwwwwesome authors here at our gang who have some incredible fur babies. I loved the story of Loki (who FINALLY has a name, thank you very much!) and the one of Mango T. How fun is that? ***paw to mouth kitteh snickers*** The red pandas at the zoo are pretty cool, too!
Hi, everyone! Man, if mom knew I took control of her computer she'd be upset! I wouldn't get snuggles for a whole day...I'm willing to risk that, though, because I want to tell you MY story.
Four years ago, I found my forever home with some cool humans. You see, I was abandoned. I had no place to go. I was scared and I was trapped under a mobile home. The moment my boy cuddled me, I knew I was safe, that I'd be okay.
Mom, that's what I call her anyway, and my boy, took me to the kitteh doctor for a check up. I was a mess. I weighed 1.3 lbs, had earmites that drove me crazy, and needed my wounds fixed.
Two weeks later, I weighed 4 lbs. My favorite place was either under Mom's chin or on her computer. Little did I know I would become an author kitteh someday!
I grew stronger and gained more weight. There was a sparkle in my eye, but I was still very wary of strangers or loud noises. And, I wouldn't go close to the doors or windows. I loved snuggling on the soft ISU blanket, though. GO CYCLONES! ***kitteh snickers***
Living close to an open field and in a mobile home provided me with much entertainment--field mice. They truly weren't much bigger than me, and I enjoyed annoying the snot out of the little buggers. We'd play, I'd get bored, they'd run...it was a nice game.
I continued helping Mom write, and bugged her until she put a cat in one of her books. It wasn't me, but some British feline she named Simon. Can you imagine? Here I am wanting my few minutes of fame and she gives it to an imaginary cat...a boy cat at that!
Now I'm a year old! I've researched every nook and cranny of this mobile home. I've surveyed the African violets that were once mom's passion. I've investigated under and above the closets...and I continued to patrol and toy with the little rodents who invaded my privacy...usually when I was sound asleep in the sun on the back of the couch!
A year passed and we moved to a safer place. It was weird. It wasn't sprawled out like the mobile home...there were no mice. It took me a long time to come out from hiding under my boy's bed. It was traumatic to leave all that I knew to come to this new place. I felt like I was being abandoned, again.
I'm four years old now. You can tell my favorite place is on the coffee table...right next to the tray of beautiful crystals. I love the energy of the clear quartz point and often rub up against it. It makes me purr.
I continue to snuggle and play tag with my boy. I've stopped biting mom (for the time being...unless she needs to spend time with me, then I get her attention...without hurting her, of course.) I love laying on my favorite blanket on her lap and stretching out full length of her legs and sleeping. **kitteh sigh**

Oh yeah, and if you want to check out this Simon character, look at my mom's Amazon page. He appears in ETHEREAL AUTHORITY and in IF ONLY---both books are part of her DIVA TO THE GUIDES series. She's got some other really cool books, too!