I’ve Got Your Back, Buddy
Today I'm going to tell you a little story about my brave cat, Miau, and her best buddy, Lucky.
It was a beautiful summer day and my hubby and I were enjoying our afternoon coffee on the patio. Miau, our Calico cat, took a catnap on my lap and our Sheppard, Lucky, was snapping at the pesky flies in the shade of the forsythia bush.
Photo credit to Pixabay
We watched the hummingbirds drinking nectar from the flowers on the windowsill. The tiny birds flew lightning fast to their nest on the pine trees in the backyard carrying the sweet nectar to their young ones.
Photo credit to Pixabay
The peaceful time was interrupted when my hubby’s friend, Carl, pulled into the driveway. He got out of the car, quickly opened the back door and let out his Rottweiler, Crow. The dog ran over to the azalea bushes to relieve himself.
Photo credit to Pixabay
“I’ll put the leash on him in a minute. He just had to go badly, it was a long ride,” he said, and with the leash in his hand, he started walking toward his dog.
Feeling worried, I stood up. Past experiences taught us to be cautious when Crow was around. He was a bully and attacked our gentle natured dog to show her who’s boss when he wasn’t securely tied up on the leash.
I was watching Carl approaching his dog, but before he could get close, Crow bolted and ran toward us. My hubby yelled, and his friend tried to catch the dog but slipped on the grass and fell to his knees. I watched in horror as Lucky cowered behind my hubby.
Suddenly we heard a loud meow. I saw Miau darting, charging like a bullet toward the approaching Rottweiler. She pounced, let out a furious growl and sank her needle-sharp claws into the huge dog’s face. Crow let out a painful cry and tried to shake the cat off his face. Miau wouldn’t let go and she kept growling furiously.
Carl finally caught up with the Rottweiler and clipped the leash on his collar.
My hubby tried to peel Miau off the dog’s face. After a brief struggle, the tiny, growling and hissing furball pulled her sharp claws out of Crow’s face and let him go.
Hubby put Miau down. The cat puffed her hair, indignantly hissed a few times, and then walked to our shaking dog, Lucky. The cat licked Lucky’s face as if she was saying, “Don’t worry about that thug buddy, I’ve got your back.”
The tree of them crossed the rainbow bridge long ago and I'd like to believe that Miau and Lucky have found each other there, too.
And I also like to believe that if Crow tries to bully Lucky, Miau is right by her side to protect her best buddy.
I write alternate history, romantic fantasy, magical realism novels as well as fun, educational, and bilingual books for children ages 4-12 about acceptance, friendship, family, and moral values such as accepting people with disabilities, dealing with bullies, and not judging others before getting to know them. I also like to encourage children to use their imagination and daydream about fantasy worlds.
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Thank you for reading Miau's story!
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Wow Erika what a brave cat. Its amazing to think that Miau knew to protect Lucky. What a great story.

Cats are fearless and she never liked Crow. The funny thing we noticed that every time when Crow was around, he peed the small area where he was tied up outside. As soon as they left, Miau squatted and peed on the spots Crow that marked :)
Tonight on
#OurAuthorGang, read Erika M. Szabo 's lovely, true story about one brave cat, Miau.
A sad and lovely story, Erika. I'm sure Miau and Lucky have been reunited, and I hope old Crow has changed his ways.

I hope Crow had changed otherwise Miau will pounce on his face even on the other side of the rainbow :)

+Erika M Szabo -- lol! Good old Miau. He was one brave, heroic cat.
What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing, Erika.

Thanks Joanne, a true story of Miau the warrior, and Lucky, my gentle fury friends :)
Erika M. Szabo shares a lovely story of furry friends and the fearless Miau. Stop by and say "Hi!"
What a wonderful and fearless friend! Thank you so much for sharing. And yes, I do believe that their little spirits are waiting on the other side for us.

Yes, she was. Lucky's spirit was broken by a cruel human (may he go to the special hell for animal abusers) before she found us. Miau gave her the will to be happy but she couldn't erase the memories of abuse and the urge to hide when she had to face a bully alpha male like Crow. But Lucky's story is for another day :)
What a beautiful tribute to sweet Miau!!!

She was a special kitty :) Strong willed and great companion
That is such a beautiful story. What a fabulous cat, Miau was.

She was, indeed :) She had this rule: "pet me when I feel like it and when you touch my belly, you'll be sorry"

Thanks for sharing Cindy :)
Read the true story of Miau, my brave and fierce warrior cat

What a beautiful story about friendship and protectiveness among our pets! I hope Miau and Lucky have found each other too.

+Eva Pasco I hope so too Eva. I'm sure if there was a way to find her best friend, Miau found the way :)
Lovely story, Erica. As a cat owner I know how formidable these creatures can be when faced with a threat to themselves or loved ones. Sounds like Miau was a wonderful kitty.

She really was a wonderful cat Nikki. A friend found 3 tiny kittens in a box by the road and Miau was the smallest so we took her home. I think in her cat mind she looked at Lucky as her foster mom and sensed the dog's timid nature, so she grew up to be her protector. Lucky was an abused and neglected 2 year old when she showed up in our backyard. We never found out who her owner was and if she was abandoned or ran away. But her story is for another day
I love it! What a sweet story. I can totally see Miau coming to Lucky's rescue and bet they are together again.

I'm sure if it was up to Miau, she'd found a way to be with Lucky after she crossed the bridge :)
Today, Erika M. Szabo tugs at our heartstrings with a sweet and furry buddy story.
What a heart-warming account here. We do love our pets. Your Miau was surely tuned into what was about to happen that day. I'm sure they are all romping and happy over at the Rainbow Bridge.

I hope so too Lorraine :) They were best friends for 14 years and Miau was never the same after Lucky had to cross the bridge. She followed her best buddy 4 years later

+Erika M Szabo They are together now for sure. I know you are an animal lover as I am.