Ruth de Jauregui
Often associated with Remembrance Day and Memorial Day, Flanders poppies are a bright addition to the home garden. Flanders poppies are the red-flowering variant of the corm poppy (Papaver rhoeas). Flanders poppies grow up to 2 feet tall. There are a number of cultivars developed from the wild corn poppy, including the well-known Shirley poppies, which produce flowers ranging from white, pink and lilac pastels to pink and red.
Canadian doctor Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae immortalized the red poppies of Flanders in his poem "In Flanders Fields". The poppies grew rapidly in the disturbed soil amid the trenches and around the graves of the fallen. McCrae gave his life as well, falling ill with pneumonia and dying on January 28, 1918.
Frank Lucien Nicolet (1887 - ?)
Department of National Defence
Ottawa - Wartime Information Board
Ottawa McMaster University Libraries
"In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
"We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
"Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields."
How to grow:
Hardy in USDA zones 8 through 10, the Flanders poppy may be planted in late fall or spring when soil temperatures rise to 60 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Plant the seeds or transplant seedlings in full sun in a well-drained location. Like most poppies, the Flanders poppy prefers a loose, rich soil. Add several inches of compost and well-decomposed manure to the garden bed. Water thoroughly, then plant the seeds and barely cover with soil. Keep the flowerbed moist until the seeds germinate, then slowly reduce watering.
Credit: imagefactory / |
Once the plants are established, water weekly when the soil is dry to the touch. Water at least twice weekly when the weather turns hot. Container-grown plants may need more frequent watering; containers dry out quickly in warm weather. Add a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch around the plants, pulled 3 to 4 inches away from the stems, to help conserve water and maintain an even level of moisture in the soil.
Flanders poppies begin blooming in spring after the weather warms and may bloom again in fall under ideal conditions. Deadhead the dying flowers, or allow the seedheads to develop and scatter seeds for the next year's flowers. Wear gloves and safety goggles when working with the poppies. The cut stems produce a latex-like sap, which can cause an allergic reaction in sensitive individuals.
Consider adding a variety of corn poppies to the garden, including Flanders and Shirley poppies, for an eye-catching, waving field of flowers.
#OurAuthorGang #Gardening #RuthDJ
Good advice on how to grow poppies combined with the history of how a Canadian doctor Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae immortalized the red poppies. Great post Ruth, thank you!
Today on
#OurAuthorGang, Ruth de Jauregui talks about the poppy, and how the flower came to be associated with Remembrance Day and Memorial Day. She even tells us how to grow them, too.

And I just may try to grow these. I've always loved them.
I knew the poppies were associated with Remembrance Day but had not idea just who had officially gave them the Flanders label. Thank you, Ruth for bringing us this information. I just may try to grow some of those Flanders Poppies.
What a great article Ruth. Apparently I did everything wrong when I had poppies in my garden. It’s a miracle they grew at all. Plenty of water sunshine and love usually does the trick though. If I get a garden again I promise to follow your advise. And I always forgot gloves so I walked out itchy every time. Now I know why.
Great gardening tips from a pro Ruth De Jauregui on Our Author Gang. How to grow red Flanders Poppies.
Today we learn the history behind and how to grow Flanders Poppies.
Today I chose to write about Flanders poppies. A bit of history and how to grow the beautiful red poppies.
Thanks for the info about Poppies and the doctor. I always liked poppies but have never grown them. I may have to get some for my flower gardens someday.
#Blogs #poppies #OurAuthorGang

Poppies are pretty easy to grow too! Scatter the seeds, scratch a bit of soil over them and water.
Thanks, Ruth! I only knew a small part of the story/history of poppies. McCrae's poem is beautiful and sad.

It's heartbreaking. I'm thankful Grandpa survived WWI and the Spanish flu.
Poppies make me think of Wizard of Oz, hehe. :D
But seriously, I didn't know about their history. Thanks for sharing it and the lovely poem.
Today, Ruth de Jauregui, takes us in the garden to explain the special history of Flanders poppies and how to grow them.
Wonderful, poignant poem and a very informative post on how to grow these beautiful flowers by Ruth de Jauregui.
McCrae poem always brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for the tips on growing Flanders poppies!

Such a sad poem, and he didn't make it home either. Thank you!