Audiobook cover reveal by
Erika M Szabo & Joe Bonadonna
The cover is ready for our upcoming heroic fantasy for children 8-17 audiobook.
The book is being narrated by a fantastic voice-over artist, Pru Markim
Golden Book Award Winner heroic fantasy for children 8-17
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Nikki and her impish cousin, Jack, find a mysterious black pumpkin in the forest on Halloween. A wise talking skeleton, Wishbone, tells them that the ghosts of the Trinity of Wishmothers are trapped inside. The children offer their help, so the skeleton takes them on a journey to the realm of Creepy Hollow to retrieve the three wands he hid long ago in Red Crow Forest, the Tower of Shadows, and the Cave of Spooks. On her 13th birthday, Nikki discovers she has magical powers. Nikki and Jack return to Creepy Hollow. Plenty of righteous motivations drive Jack and Nikki: they protect the weak and confront evil. They conquer their fears and gain courage, and in the final battle against Evila and her minions they grow into the warriors they were destined to become.
"I’m unable to do justice to the wealth of detail and action Szabo and Bonadonna managed to pack into this book."
~Fletcher Vredenburgh
"Szabo and Bonadonna make a great pair. Their Creepy Hollow Adventures is a perfect starting point for young children making the leap from "kids' books" to "novels."
~S E Lindberg
Erika M Szabo
Erika became an avid reader at a very early age, thanks to her dad who introduced her to many great books. Erika writes alternate history, romantic fantasy, and magical realism novels, as well as fun, educational, and bilingual books for children ages 4-12 about acceptance, friendship, family, and moral values such as accepting people with disabilities, dealing with bullies, and not judging others before getting to know them. Erika also likes to encourage children to use their imagination and daydream about fantasy worlds.
Joe Bonadonna
Much like Erika, Joe’s dad introduced him to books, as well as movies and music, at a very young age. He was encouraged to write as soon as he could hold a pencil. While Joe writes mostly Heroic Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, Horror and Science Fiction for an older audience, he decided to reach out to a younger audience and write something entertaining, as well as educational. In collaboration with Erika, this is his first children’s book series.
#childrensbooks #MGLit #YoungAdult
Cover Reveal: Creepy Hollow Adventures
Audiobook cover reveal by Erika M Szabo & Joe Bonadonna The cover is ready for our upcoming heroic fantasy for children 8-17 audiobook. The book is being narrated by a fantastic voice-over artist, Pru Markim Golden Book Award Winner heroic fantasy for ch...

Awesome cover! Let me also mention two very talented authors wrote this book! Quality children's literature!
Audiobook cover reveal by Erika M Szabo & Joe Bonadonna
Ooooh, an audiobook! This fantastic series is a wonderful tale by Erika M Szabo and Joe Bonadonna! If you have kids who like a fantasy adventure with a swirl of (safe) horror, you need this series!

It is safe for teens, no scary horror :) Every excitement of danger and adventure (there are plenty in the story) gets softened by a satisfying outcome or humor :)
Congratulations Erika and Joe!
Great covers and blurb, who wouldn't want to buy these books?

I agree, Mary Anne. Erika really outdid herself -- again!
This is lovely, Erika! I had no idea you were going to post a cover reveal for our upcoming audio book. What a nice surprise!

I'm just full of surprises Joe :) Kidding! I'm excited about the audiobook, Pru will do a fantastic job recording our book :)
Erika M Szabo originally shared
Cover Reveal: Creepy Hollow Adventures
Audiobook cover reveal by Erika M Szabo & Joe Bonadonna The cover is ready for our upcoming heroic fantasy for children 8-17 audiobook. The book is being narrated by a fantastic voice-over artist, Pru Markim Golden Book Award Winner heroic fantasy for ch...
Erika M Szabo originally shared
Cover Reveal: Creepy Hollow Adventures
Audiobook cover reveal by Erika M Szabo & Joe Bonadonna The cover is ready for our upcoming heroic fantasy for children 8-17 audiobook. The book is being narrated by a fantastic voice-over artist, Pru Markim Golden Book Award Winner heroic fantasy for ch...
Erika M Szabo originally shared
Cover Reveal: Creepy Hollow Adventures
Audiobook cover reveal by Erika M Szabo & Joe Bonadonna The cover is ready for our upcoming heroic fantasy for children 8-17 audiobook. The book is being narrated by a fantastic voice-over artist, Pru Markim Golden Book Award Winner heroic fantasy for ch...

Thanks for the share, Chris!
Coming Soon to Audiobooks it Perfect for teens!
Congratulations on this audio book cover reveal and release. Sounds like a fun story.
Nice cover. Great job you two
Oooo, now in audio!! Fantastic!
Looks like a lot of fun and scares.

Thanks, Chris. Erika and I think so. I am very, very proud of the two books we wrote together.
Cover Release for a spooky book
It's bonus day today at A Small Gang of Authors. Erika M. Szabo reveals the wonderful cover she designed for her and my upcoming audio book version of our two middle-grade heroic fantasies -- Three Ghosts in a Black Pumpkin, and The Power of the Sapphire Wand. Check this out, please and thank you!
Erika M Szabo originally shared
Cover Reveal: Creepy Hollow Adventures
Audiobook cover reveal by Erika M Szabo & Joe Bonadonna The cover is ready for our upcoming heroic fantasy for children 8-17 audiobook. The book is being narrated by a fantastic voice-over artist, Pru Markim Golden Book Award Winner heroic fantasy for ch...
Erika M Szabo originally shared
Cover Reveal: Creepy Hollow Adventures
Audiobook cover reveal by Erika M Szabo & Joe Bonadonna The cover is ready for our upcoming heroic fantasy for children 8-17 audiobook. The book is being narrated by a fantastic voice-over artist, Pru Markim Golden Book Award Winner heroic fantasy for ch...