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At the end of the post, a short excerpt is posted. Guess which book it is from, add your guess in comment and win the eBook.
Romantic, historical fiction, magical realism series from:
Erika M Szabo
The Ancestors' Secrets Series:
A young doctor, Ilona, is thrust from her easy and steady life and forced to face the unknown. She must uncover ancient tribal secrets but doesn't know about her heritage besides legends and rituals concealed as nursery rhymes by her mother. In her quest to protect her family and the future of her people, she obtains unimaginable abilities. She can use her powers for absolute good or absolute evil; the choice is up to her. Ilona’s birthright as a Healer runs alongside her desires as a woman. She must sort through her feelings about the men in her life. Travel with Ilona from the time her people were nomads, to the castles of the 14th century, to present day, as she struggles to overcome the obstacles placed in her path.
“This is so different from the usual fare churned out by ordinary writers.” -Valerie Byron
“The characters felt real, and the secrets are alluring. You will get hooked in right away.” -Brenda Barry
“Szabo introduces readers to a fascinating world of ancient rights conducted by a secret order.” -J.E. Rogers
Educational Children's Book series from:

Rich Feitelberg

Educational Children's Book series from:
Toi Thomas
The ToiBox of Words @ https://etoithomas.com
Needs and Wants Duet #1
Daddy, I need a new game.
Mommy, I don’t want to eat my veggies.
Sometimes kids have trouble understanding what they need. It can be difficult for children to grasp the concept of how true needs and wants relate to them. That’s why I’ve written my Needs and Wants duet, to help little minds grab onto their true needs and wants.
Meant for educational purposes, but still an enjoyable light and colorful read, Chip and Skip Need Each Other, explains the importance of having what you need. It follows Chip and Skip around their neighborhood, with all its diversity. You may also want to check out, What Does Joe Need?, to learn how needs and wants can be similar, but not the same.
Epic Fantasy from:
Rich Feitelberg

Twenty-five years ago, invaders captured Andropolis, the capital of Thalacia, and ended the rule of King Leonard. According to prophecy, the invaders can be ousted and the royal line restored only by wielding the Aglaril, seven elven gems of unprecedented power.
However, the circlet in which the gems were set was destroyed millennia ago and the gems lost. At least, that was the common belief. Evan Pierce, a priest of St. Michael, discovers one of the gems belongs to the town jeweler. He also uncovers a plot to steal the gem and does what he can to keep it safe. But it is not enough.
Now, Evan must recover the gem by relying on a motley group of adventurers for help. Together, they must overcome a series of obstacles or humanity's one hope for restoring the royal line will be lost forever.
One reviewer said: Possibly one of the best books I have read so far this year and the best fantasy I have read in a while. This book read surprisingly quick, it is easily appropriated for younger readers even early teens but it still very much so appeals to adults. There was not a lot of detailed world building that you normally expect, it just naturally flows and you learn as you read but do not feel lost at any point. There are a wide variety of characters, each with their own clear back story. There are several storylines going on at once but they mesh so well you do not feel you need to keep track of them. This was a very well written fantasy novel and now I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book in the series!
Historical Fantasy from

Mary Anne Yarde

Self-help book from
Historical Fantasy from

Mary Anne Yarde

A generation after Arthur Pendragon ruled, Briton lies fragmented into warring kingdoms and principalities.
Eighteen-year-old Alden du Lac ruled the tiny kingdom of Cerniw. Now he half-hangs from a wooden pole, his back lashed into a mass of bloody welts exposed to the cold of a cruel winter night. He's to be executed come daybreak–should he survive that long.
When Alden notices the shadowy figure approaching, he assumes death has come to end his pain. Instead, the daughter of his enemy, Cerdic of Wessex, frees and hides him, her motives unclear.
Annis has loved Alden since his ill-fated marriage to her Saxon cousin–a marriage that ended in blood and guilt–and she would give anything to protect him. Annis' rescue of Alden traps them between a brutal Saxon king and Alden's remaining allies. Meanwhile, unkown forces are carefully manipulating the ruin of Arthur's legacy.
AmazonSelf-help book from
Grace Augustine
Ever wonder what having an autoimmune disease is like? In this little book, the author explores the world of Multiple Sclerosis. It is a concise clinical explanation of the disease as well as the author's own personal journey.
"When someone tells me that they have an illness, I am always empathetic, even though occasionally I don't understand it. I now understand what Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is as it is explained in terms that is easy to understand within this book. I love that Ms. Augustine has shared her own personal journey with her daily struggle but has continued to persevere and not give up like a lot of individuals would probably do, including myself. This book should be in every doctor's office as a go-to guide if a patient is ever diagnosed with having MS and should also be in every neurosurgeon's waiting room. Very awesome informative book!" ~Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough.
Dystopian adventure from
Nicola McDonagh
Whisper Gatherers Book 1 in The Song of Forgetfulness sci-fi/dystopian series
Fear stalks Cityplace – they’re coming!
“If you like action, and science fiction then you’ll appreciate one of the first books EVER that gives you high powered adrenalin with chilling revelations of utter suspense!”
The future is a dangerous place. Rising oceans and disease have wiped out most animal and human life. Those who are left are scattered, scared and hungry.
Now, starving Renegades are gathering, ready to storm the last haven in NotSoGreatBritAlbion. Whispers of a saviour have brought them to the perimeter fences. They want Adara Catcher of Birds.
17-year-old orphan, Adara, isn’t like the other girlygigs in Cityplace. She has six fingers on each hand and a power she is forbidden to use. When her brother, Deogol, is lured away from his home by a dark stranger, Agros send in troops to lay waste to the capital. Adara must choose between saving her brother or joining her Santy Breanna to defend the once peaceful metropolis from a vicious and deadly force.
“The dystopian world is fully imagined and a treat for any fantasy reader seeking proper escapism. The characters are lovely, with a gutsy heroine to get behind, but for me what really stands out is the dialogue and language, which sets this series apart. Think 'Lord of the Flies' meets the wild children in 'Beyond Thunderdome' and you're somewhere close. It's fascinating to come across the phrases and words that are disjointed from our own yet not entirely different; chinese whispers from our language passed on through the years and slowly changing as they are passed from ear to ear.
The story is fast paced and hits the ground running from the moment the sinister Praisebees enter the fray, and the tempo doesn't let up. A pleasure to read, I look forward to more in this series and from this visionary author.”
Heroic fantasy from
Joe Bonadonna
MAD SHADOWS II: DORGO THE DOWSER AND THE ORDER OF THE SERPENT is my fourth published novel. It's another Heroic Fantasy with a film noir twist, featuring more magic, murder, mystery, monsters and mayhem, all brought to you courtesy of Dorgo the Dowser. It's available in paperback, Kindle, and Nook editions. (This volume includes the revised and expanded version of "The Book of Echoes," which first appeared in the Kindle anthology, Azieran Adventures Presents Artifacts and Relics: Extreme Sword and Sorcery, published by Heathen Oracle.)
50 Fabulous Tomatoes for Your Garden was inspired by my mother, who jumped out of her truck and went over to look at the black tomatoes I was growing in my little container garden. She was fascinated by the 'Indigo Rose' tomatoes. From there, I gathered information on favorite heirloom and hybrid varieties, seed and plant sources, pictures and more. As a garden writer, I know that tomatoes are American gardener's favorite fruit for home gardens. The ebook was designed to show off 50 favorites in full color.
Gardening from
Ruth de Jauregui
50 Fabulous Tomatoes for Your Garden was inspired by my mother, who jumped out of her truck and went over to look at the black tomatoes I was growing in my little container garden. She was fascinated by the 'Indigo Rose' tomatoes. From there, I gathered information on favorite heirloom and hybrid varieties, seed and plant sources, pictures and more. As a garden writer, I know that tomatoes are American gardener's favorite fruit for home gardens. The ebook was designed to show off 50 favorites in full color.
Guess which book the following snippet is from, add your guess in comment and if you're correct, you win the eBook:
I had a strange, but beautiful dream. I was standing by a bush that spread a delicious fragrance from its white, waxy flowers. There was a hint of sweetness, and it was a little spicy but clean and refreshing. It made my senses shiver as it washed over me like gentle ripples on the surface of a tranquil lake. Before me, lay an ocean of tall, green grass swaying gently in the cool breeze as far as I could see. The sea of grass was colored with flowers in bright yellows and brilliant reds, dark violets and light blue, and in all shapes and sizes. I fought the urge to run into the field and gather a rainbow of colors and scents into my arms, but I felt something nudging me to glance up. My eyes swept over the rolling sea of grass, and on the horizon, I noticed the misty outline of a row of mountains. A figure caught my eye, barely visible; it was backlit by the first glimmer of dawn hinted from behind it. As it moved, I saw a black mare walking in the tall grass with liquid, graceful movements. She was so beautiful; the sight of her left me breathless, and although she was far away I could see her very clearly. She had a shiny coat, and her face was chiseled, yet soft and symmetrical. The horse whinnied and started galloping towards me, looking at me with deep, liquid eyes. I felt as if she was looking into my soul, making an ancient connection. I saw a white crescent-shaped patch in the middle of her forehead, and her strong muscles vibrated in harmony under her skin as she galloped closer and closer. Her long mane swayed to her left knee, and her long tail just barely touched the grass.
The beautiful images from my dream shimmered and evaporated away as rapidly as it had appeared. I woke. Still feverish, I licked my dry lips and released a low moan as I turned over in my bed. My body ached all over. I threw the covers off. Elza’s muffled voice came near but sounded as if it were under water.
“Here, love, drink this,” she said, and I felt a cup touch my lips. I drank the cool liquid and slumped back onto the pillow. Elza placed a wet towel on me, and the coolness on my forehead was comforting. Gypsy’s raspy tongue on my hand was the last thing I had remembered before I drifted back to sleep and back to my beautiful dream.