What I learned from trying different book promo methods
When authors are promoting books and trying to find readers, shouting about the book and pushing it seems as futile as trying to convince a stubborn teenager to do something. The more you push, the more people will ignore you.
The first step of promo for authors is to find the best ways to get readers' attention and then show them why they should read the book.
There is a fine line between being pushy and a successful book promotion.
Let me tell you about a few tricks I learned that makes promotion easier and more successful.
Posting links on social sites, websites, and blogs
Amazon links
Most authors post their Amazon links when promoting their books, but they're not always doing it the right way. When sharing your Amazon sales page link, always use the short version of your book link.
But, never use this long link that you get by typing your book title in search:
I'm not sure why, but book reviews, when readers linked in from the long version to post their review, are more likely to have their reviews deleted.
You can link directly to your book’s "Look Inside" free preview pages. Readers more likely will read the free pages if you post the direct link than sending the potential readers to your sales page, hoping they will click “Look inside.”
This is how you can get the link:
Click on your short book link:
On the right next to the social site share buttons click "Embed"
Copy the URL link:
But don't post this long link.
Shorten the link and post like this:
Readers like to read a few pages before they buy the books
I found my flip-book style Author Magazine and book preview magazines very useful. I post the short link, usually with pictures I made for promo posts. Readers can read the preview pages and chapters, click on buying links, listen to audio book samples or watch videos.
If you'd like your own author magazine and need help making it, click on this link:
Have a great week and Happy Reading!
Next time I'll tell you other tricks that I learned about book promotion.
My Book Promo Tricks #1 with #OurAuthorGangWhat I learned from trying different book promo methods by Erika M Szabo Promoting books is like trying to convince a stubborn teenager to do something. The first step for authors is to find the best ways to get readers' attention and then show them why th...
Some great book promotion tips.

I'm glad you found it useful Cindy :)
Some great tips here, Erika!

Actually, as far as I know, the long link contains codes that leads to your IP address that you use in search and sign into your social site accounts with. Then when you post the long link on your profile and people write reviews by using the link who are on your friend list or follow you, their review will be considered suspicious and maybe biased and might be removed.
Nice, Erika! I've learned a lot from you -- which is why I'm here -- and I know I'll learn more.

We all learn if we all share our experiences :)

That's exactly what it's all about. No one is an island, and if they think they are, we'll . . . we all know what happened to Atlantis. ;)
Fantastic post. Thank you so much, Erika. I learned things I never knew!
Awesome advice! Thanks for sharing. "-)

I'm glad you found it useful and thank you for sharing it Catherine :)
A great insight into the world of a professional author. Thanks Erika, I've learnt a great deal from today's lesson.
Wow, that's great! I didn't know how to shorten the links like that. And great idea, to take them straight to the preview! I'm much more likely to read something if it pops right up. Thank you!!

That's what I figured Ruth because I don't like to click on 2-3 links to see what I want, so the direct link works very well.

Thanks Grace, just sharing what I learn :)
Great info here. Will put most of it to use I'm sure.

Glad you find it useful Rich :)
Thank you, this is a great insight into the business side all successful authors can engage in.

Writing a book is a whole lot easier than promoting it Greg ;)
Erika M Szabo originally shared
My Book Promo Tricks #1 with #OurAuthorGangWhat I learned from trying different book promo methods by Erika M Szabo Promoting books is like trying to convince a stubborn teenager to do something. The first step for authors is to find the best ways to get readers' attention and then show them why th...

Thanks for sharing my post Bette :)
The reason the reviews might be deleted is because your personal referral is on that extended link. It tells Amazon you are the author or a friend. They do not appreciate author reviews or friend reviews on your books. It is a great tip. I too passed that along last week after a lot of research on the deleted reviews. Love this post. It is a keeper!
Today on A Small Gang of Authors, Erika M Szabo shares with us some of her cool tips on marketing and promoting our books.
Today on A Small Gang of Authors, Erika M Szabo shares with us some of her cool tips on marketing and promoting our books.